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Day 16 but not feeling the love...

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Hello - I'm on day 16... which in and out of itself is something to celebrate as I didn't think I would make it that far. I'm feeling pretty good overall - no sugar crashing, steady levels of energy, skin is clear, I'm sleeping well BUT I can't say that I'm bouncing off the walls with energy and my digestion is still a bit off... I've read a few posts about this topic but I still can't figure out why what comes in does not equal in volume to what comes out - or so it seems. I don't feel bloated but I have a sense of heaviness in my belly that doesn't really go away (my boyfriend does too). I usually have a pretty regular digestive system (and so does he) but not so in the last couple weeks. I started taking a probiotic a couple days ago so I'm waiting to see if that helps.


We've been 100% compliant to the best of my knowledge, we're eating a huge amount of vegetables (which is ok because we love them) but I'm wondering if it can be too much - kale, broccoli, cauliflower, carrots, cabbage, brussels sprouts, salads, celery, mushrooms, onions, zucchini, etc... Also, it feels like I eat a lot (protein, veggies & fat) at each meal, and I walk away feeling full but I'm hungry 3 hours later :( so I've been having a few macademia nuts and sometimes some broth for a snack in the afternoon... Also, I can't say that I have slayed my sugar dragon quite yet - is that normal half way into the program? I haven't given in and not planning on doing so but although interesting fact to become aware of, it is driving me crazy! An apple or orange is ok, yes?


Thank you for your feedback!


Happy day!



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An apple or orange is okay, but best eaten as part of or immediately after a meal, not as a snack. If you need to snack (truly hungry), it's best to have some protein and fat. If the fruit is a snack, it's likely feeding that sugar craving.

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It would help to see 2-3 days worth of your food log, with portion sizes, so folks can give you specific feedback.


Sure thing....


PREWO - I work out first thing in the morning so I eat a piece of protein (chicken or turkey) with some avocado before heading out.


TODAY - Thursday

Meal 1 - 2 eggs, a small ground turkey patty with leftover roasted cabbage & sauteed kale w/ ghee

Black coffee w/ coconut oil when I get to work

Meal 2 - Chicken breast with roasted cabbage & salad (lettuce, carrots, celery) with dressing (vinegar, olive oil, garlic) - 1/2 orange

Snack - Macademia nuts

Meal 3 - Chicken stir fry w/ mixed veggies (broccoli, cauliflower, mushroom and onion) with coconut milk & red curry - 1 apple


YESTERDAY - Wednesday

Meal 1 - 2 eggs, a piece of chicken with kale and mushrooms sauteed in ghee

Black coffee w/ coconut oil when I get to work

Meal 2 - Chicken w/ sauteed veggies in coconut oil - 1/2 orange

Snack - Macademia nuts & a small piece of chicken

Meal 3 - Rotisserie chicken with brussels sprouts & mixed salad - 1 apple



Meal 1 - 2 eggs, a piece of chicken with kale and mushrooms sauteed in ghee

Black coffee w/ coconut oil when I get to work

Meal 2 - Ground lamb w/ roasted veggies (cauliflower, carrots & broccoli) with coconut milk & spices - 1 apple

Snack - Nuts & chicken broth

Meal 3 - Fish w/ brussels sprouts & mixed salad

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You are definitely compliant.


Some folks are bothered by cabbage, broccoli and cauliflower, so that may be contributing to your digestion challenges.


Maybe swap out some of those veggies for daily carb-dense ones: sweet potatoes, winter squash, beets, carrots, jicama, plantains, rutabaga and parsnips, and see if that helps with both your digestion and energy.

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