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Split shift?


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My husband got out of a business trip this week, but now he has to call in to a meeting abroad from 3 am to 7 am fora few nights.  He may call from home, if the network lets him, but he may have to go to work.  He'll be doing normal day shifts, for the most part.  He's also not one to go to be before 11/12/1:00.  Actually, before midnight didn't happen before our Whole30, but he is finally one of the breakfast success stories.


I'm guessing this week would be better as a nutrition challenge only, as it seems that his lack of sleep and stress will do a number on his hormones anyway.  Is there a meal schedule that anyone would advise other than "eat when hungry and not busy"?


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Geez, that sounds really hard. I'd probably just go with eat when hungry and not busy -- and stick to the meal template as best possible. If it were me, I'd probably pre-pack some meals (meat, vegetables, fats in same container in the fridge) before the real chaos starts so that i could eat easily on auto-pilot. But, I definitely don't envy him.

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