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Lab results - Normal glucose, high insulin, coupled with hypothyroidism

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I was diagnosed with Hashitmoto's hypothyroiditis when I was 8 years old. All of my labs have just been TSH tests, not full thyroid panels (except for the ones at the very beginning). I know I also had high cholesterol at the time, but it was not treated.


Flash forward to 24 year old me. I just went to the doctor.


I had glucose tests (fasting/glucose drink and the 6 week panel): both were normal.

Cholesterol: LDL is high (187). HDL is normal.

Insulin: incredibly high . 44uIU/ml (normal is <10)


I'm freaked out. I've been eating paleo for the past month or so, and I started with a Whole14 in January 2014. I also did a Whole30 last January 2013. I realize that things will not change overnight. I'm just wondering what this all means. My doctor did not explain any of the results, but sent a prescription my way, so I changed doctors. I need explanations. In the mean time, can anyone help me out?


What's the tie between thyroid, insulin, and cholesterol?


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Hey Jenn. No worries, hang in there!


This may seem rough, but Hashimoto's is a 100% compliance situation.


Here is Mat Lalonde explaining it better than I could:


I think you should follow a low-ish carbohydrate diet. Keep in mind that might increase TSH levels, but that doesn't – that doesn't mean it's pathological. I want the carbohydrate that you consume to be mostly glucose and a little bit less fructose. So, you know, go for vegetables, roots, tubers, and bulbs, but limit fruits. Peel your vegetables whenever possible just because a lot of the protective chemicals are found in the peel.


And then the following foods or substances have to be eliminated from your diet for life: cereal grains. This means all varieties of wheat whether it's spelt, einkorn, emmer, or durum, barley, rye, oats, triticale, corn, maize, rice including wild rice, sorghum, millet, fonio, and teff, they have to be gone. All grain-like substances or pseudocereals whether it's amaranth, red nut, buckwheat, cattail, chia, cockscomb, kaniwa, pitseed goosefoot, quinoa, and wattleseed, which is also known as acacia seed, has to be gone. Eggs of any kind, dairy of any kind, nuts and seeds of any kind, nightshades which includes tomatoes, potatoes, eggplants and peppers. especially hot peppers that contain capsaicin are gone; alcohol gone, NSAIDs of any kinds including aspirin, none. Antacids that contain aluminum hydroxide none, those that contain calcium carbonate are fine. Oral contraceptives you might want to consider eliminating.


And then if you have Hashimoto's, you should avoid supplementing with iodine because it's going to up regulate the heart function and make things worse.


So what you want to do is eat mostly meat and vegetables. There are other options, but sticking to that should help you immensely. Let me know if you have more questions. You can easily do this, just take one day at a time and those numbers will slowly get better :)


What prescription did you get? Hasimoto's is a serious situation and not a Whole30-type deal, if you want it to get significantly better. I know this sounds harsh, but you can improve it greatly :)


Hope this helps,


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Hi Casey,


Thanks for replying. My doctor sent a prescription for Metformin (sp?) to "suppress my appetite." He told me to "cut all food, especially carbs." He essential told me to stop eating. My hunger is not the issue!


I'm debating in my head how much medical intervention I want, and how much I want to handle this though diet. I know that probably doesn't make sense in this forum but I'm still wrapping my mind around it. 



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Jenn -


That's a totally normal process. My sister has Crohn's disease and she still struggles with 'risk vs. reward' re: food choices and symptoms.


You can get a steak with a salad almost anywhere. Options like that help greatly.


And honestly, anyone who doesn't understand you have a serious medical condition isn't worth your time anyway ;)

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