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Evening post-WO "bonus" meal and timing

kw 30

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I do an intense hour-long workout 2x/week at 6:30pm (similar to HIIT).  When I get back from these workouts I generally eat dinner around 8pm, and it is a pretty hearty dinner consisting of protein, veggies, and fat. 


I understand two things:  1) I should avoid fat post-WO and 2) dinner should not count as a Post-WO meal.


Any suggestions on how I should time my dinner and my Post-WO meal on these days?  Should I have some sort of bonus dinner-type meal earlier in the day in anticipation of the later workout?  Then stick to a true Post-WO meal around 8pm?


Any thoughts our ideas would be great - thanks!



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I used to eat a can of tuna packed in water as my post-workout meal, then drive home to prepare and eat my regular meal. I was amazed at how I could eat a can of tuna and be ready to eat a full meal 45-minutes later. You might see how such goes for you.


The idea with a post-workout meal is to consume lean protein without fat just after exercising. The lean protein digests quickly and feeds hungry muscles quickly. You can include fat in a regular meal 30-45 minutes later without undoing the good of your PWO-meal.

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