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White rice reintro

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So, I finished my whole30 on January 30, and felt GREAT. Decided I'd reintro non-gluten grains first, started with some polenta with dinner, and a bit of airpopped popcorn after dinner, on Friday, Felt fine. Tried some white rice with dinner last night, and the awfulness started almost immediately. It sat heavy in my stomach all night, I had weird muscle twitches in my back for HOURS, and I woke up this morning with my joints achey and puffy. I'd had a three mile run scheduled for this morning, but I only made it a mile before I had to limp home and admit defeat.


Is it normal to be affected so differently by different grain types? I was feeling so good after the whole30, I can't believe how quickly I could feel like crap again. And someone reassure me that it's not going to take another 30 days to recover from this! I'm feeling very woe-is-me at the moment. Ha.

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Yes, it is.  I have no issue with popcorn but over the weekend I had some bread and chips (damn Superbowl).  my knee pain started acting up immediately, and I just felt like poop.  Today, I woke up and have been 100% compliant so far and feel so much better.  Take a couple days staying close to the Whole30 guidelines and you will be fine.

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