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Should I or should I not?????


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Hi everyone,

A friend posted something about this on Facebook and I was curious, and scared at the same time

T2 diabetic and very much tired of costly meds that I am required to take. I know, one would then say, of course you should start this!

I am scared because I live alone and not sure if I can stick to it. I have all wonderful intentions but they always dwindle after a couple of days.

I want to feel better, I want to look better, I want to eat better, and I want to live longer.

Any thoughts or suggestions of how to do it? I bought the book and have started to read it and so far, it all sounds great. My friend on FB is starting 3/1 and I would love to join him on the journey.

Thank you

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Just do it, what have you got to lose?

You live alone which means you can 100% clean your environment AND you only have to worry about feeding yourself not any fussy non compliant people.

I have trouble sticking with my good intentions too but the fixed time frame/rigidity of the rules has made it easier for me. I am now day 20.

Good luck, you CAN do it!

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