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Whole 30 (or 40) for Lent


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So I got starving again today.  I must not be eating enough.  I had to supplement with a Lara bar (thankfully all my nuts are gone!).  I know my frittata portions are smaller this week -- I have been using six eggs and they were only lasting two days so this week I made smaller portions to last three days -- and maybe I'm just not having enough protein at lunch.  I'm also exhausted today . . . needed my black tea in the afternoon.  Ugh!

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Yesterday was so weird.  I was super hungry after both breakfast and lunch (I think my protein portions are too small) and I ate more fruit to make up for the hunger, which probably backfired.  Then I ate a big dinner and afterward it was like the whole day caught up with me and I felt bloated and overly full.  I also had weird nighttime cravings for crackers and pasta and popcorn.  Bizarre.  


Moving on . . . 


I cannot believe what a huge breakfast I am eating today.  It better help!


Day 26


Breakfast:  egg/red pepper frittata, chicken apple sausage, sweet potato w/ghee and coconut flakes, coffee w/almond milk

Lunch:  crockpot pork loin w/sweet potatoes and onions, decaf coffee w/coconut milk

Dinner:  baby carrots and baba ganoush, paleo pad thai w/spaghetti squash

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Hi, enjoying reading your log.  I'm on day 18 and am also a 30-something mom w/ young kids (2y/o, 7mo, 7mo).  And I'm also struggling with nuts and Larabars!  I think I've replaced my really bad snacking habits (cookies, brownies, etc) with kind of bad snacking habits (macadamia nuts, larabars, almonds).  Baby-step in the right direction, maybe?  Last night put it all in a bag for my husband to get out of the house.  yikes, where's that awesome self-control/lack of cravings?  lol, anyways, great job so far!

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Delnora, the way I see it is even the nuts and Larabars are better than what we used to eat!  Better cashews than a cookie.  But yes, it's hard to give up the snacking.  For me it's both a habit (I ALWAYS snacked at 3 pm) and a necessity (I used to purposefully have small meals because I wanted to lose weight which left me starving all the time).  So now I'm trying to increase my protein and meal sizes so that I don't need to snack.  It's still day-to-day though . . . some days I make it through without snacking and some days I don't!

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So I made it through yesterday without snacking.  I think the bigger breakfast definitely helped.  I also had a decaf coffee w/coconut milk around lunch time that I think filled me up as well.  


Today is a challenge because I ran out of eggs!  I made the fantastic paleo pad thai last night (actually think I overate for the first time in awhile -- it was so tasty!) and it called for two eggs so I only had one left for breakfast this morning.  Hope I'm not starving today!


Day 27


Breakfast:  egg w/grilled portobello mushroom, sweet potato w/coconut flakes and ghee, coffee w/coconut milk

Lunch:  homemade tuna salad over greens, avocado

Dinner:  baked fish (I forgot to thaw it, but hopefully it will work ok . . .), salad, apple, cashews

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I had the WORST day yesterday.  Fridays are always hard because during Lent I can't have meat, which significantly limits my protein options.  Then I realized that we only had one egg left so that made breakfast hard and that I had forgotten to thaw my fish for dinner.  So I got home from work at 6 pm absolutely starving and I had plenty of Whole 30-compliant leftovers but it all had meat.  My kids were snacking on crackers and popcorn and I can't tell you how close I came to giving in.  I mean . . . I was famished and out of options.  I ended up having an apple and some cashews (thought I had rid our house of nuts, but apparently not).  I'm sure I ate more than a small portion but I didn't eat the whole container or anything.  It was a rough night.  I really felt ready to throw in the towel.  I went to bed early and woke up feeling better today.  And I got eggs.


Day 28


Breakfast:  three eggs scrambled w/sun-dried tomatoes, sweet potato w/ghee, coffee w/almond milk

Lunch:  leftover paleo thai w/spaghetti squash, kombucha (my first time trying it . . . still not sure)

Dinner:  have a flank steak thawing but doubt it will be ready in time so I think we'll probably stick with more leftovers -- pork, and a salad

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Beautiful day here so I got in a nice long hike.  I don't belong to the gym (quit after my second was born and I couldn't figure out when to go) so it's nice to get some real exercise.  I average about 10,000 steps a day (I have a Fitbit) but that usually isn't very intense.


Day 28


Breakfast:  three scrambled eggs, sweet potato w/ghee, coffee w/almond and coconut milk

Lunch:  leftover paleo pad thai and leftover pork (finally finished both those up!)

Late lunch extra:  after walk I had an apple and chicken sausage

Dinner:  grilled flank steak, riced cauliflower if I have time otherwise it may be roasted cauliflower!, salad

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Wow, Day 30.  Of course I feel like a fraud even talking like I've accomplished anything since I figured out halfway through that I had occasionally had soy lecithin (through my spray olive oil used for roasting).  Because of the soy incident I'm holding off on reintro until Day 34 and holding off on soy/legumes for another two weeks.


Breakfast;  three scrambled eggs w/sundried tomatoes, sweet potato w/ghee, coffee w/almond/coconut milk

Lunch:  leftover flank steak, riced cauliflower, salad

Dinner:  baby carrots w/baba ganoush, chicken breasts, spinach salad, few prunes

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So I decided to weigh in and measure today on Day 31 even though I'm not starting reintro until Day 34.  I realized that I'll be out of town that day and likely without access to a scale.  So I'm down exactly two pounds.  That was kind of what I figured but still disappointing.  I really want to lose 10 total so this is a start, but I still feel like I'm a long way from my goal.  I did lose an inch in my waist and an inch in my bust (that's kind of a bummer!).  I don't seem to have lost inches in my hips or arms.  There are other benefits like an end to my stomach troubles, more energy (although I'm nowhere near Tiger Blood), and a much flatter stomach.  I'll post in the successes after reintro so I can list what I've learned.


Day 31


Breakfast:  three eggs scrambled w/tomatoes and spinach, sweet potato w/ghee, coffee w/almond milk

Lunch:  leftover chicken breasts over spinach, chicken sausage

Snack:  Lara bar (got starving at 2:30 pm)

Dinner:  baby carrots w/baba ganoush, making a homemade meat sauce over spaghetti squash, probably broccoli or asparagus 

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Yesterday I apparently didn't have a big enough lunch and got starving even though I had added extra protein.  I guess I still haven't mastered the necessary portion sizes to keep me full until dinnertime.  Also, my new dinner "plan" is to have a pre-dinner snack at 6 pm which holds me over until I eat at 8 pm.  Maybe this isn't the smartest thing?  Ideally I could eat at 6 pm but I have to feed my kids and put them to bed so I have no time to cook or eat and I like to wait for my husband to get home.  But I fear maybe I'm overreating this way.  Not sure.


Day 32


Breakfast:  three eggs scrambled, sweet potato w/ghee, coffee w/almond milk

Lunch:  spaghetti squash and spinach w/meat sauce

Dinner:  probably a large spinach salad w/leftover chicken


Got starving around 2:30 pm again.  Not sure why this is happening this week!  Had another Lara bar -- I know they are for occasional use but I got rid of the nuts and they are my only snack option at work now.

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I don't think there's anything wrong with a "snack" at 6 to hold you over until 8.  I suppose you should make it a mini meal :) , but usually, in that situation, I just munch on veggies while making the kids' dinner.  Kombucha helps hold me over, too.

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Last day before wheat reintro and I'm traveling for work. Wish me luck in finding compliant options!

Day 33

Breakfast: three eggs w/asparagus, sweet potato w/ghee and coconut flakes, coffee w/almond milk

Lunch: will plan to find a salad

Dinner: attending a reception not sure about food. Will update.

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I always lose in my face and bust first.  And having not much bust in the first place, and being well past the pregnant/nursing stage of life, I basically have no bust when I am at my ideal weight.  34A- with uplift :D   Don't be too let down about the modest weight loss - an inch off the waist is awesome!  Exercising (finding time) is so hard for a young mother like you.  Have been there before and understand the struggle!  {{hug}}

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