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Primal Fatso's Whole 30 Journey

Primal Fatso

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I'll be chronicling my journey on my blog (link below in green) and my facebook page (link below in blue)

I've been going primal since June and have lost 35lbs already. I'm doing the Whole30 with my wife (her blog is here)

I'm looking forward to it. Right now my biggest concern is meals at work. We normally have healthy meals, but without knowing EXACTLY what's in everything I'm not sure I want to eat it. Even things like the meat could be marinated in something that is off the reservation (read: probably soy). Salads we have are normally tossed with feta. The issue is going to be getting enough food to my work to have available. There's a grocery store (trader joes) a bit down the road, but the only cooking equipment we have here is a microwave.

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I started the day off today with two eggs up and a handful of broccoli. Changes I wished I made: maybe one more egg. Some fruit (a plum would have been lovely)

Lunch was a salad from work. The Salad had feta in it, but I picked my salad from the 'cheese free side' and made sure no crumbs were intermingled. The salad had slices of grape and apples and I topped it with virgin olive oil and balsamic vinegar and some grilled chicken.

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Hey :) Nice start today, so far! It is Day 1 for me as well, and I was also worried about how I was going to do this at work. I went crazy last night cooking paleo foods and ended up with several tupperwares worth of meals. I only have a cube sized fridge and small microwave available there. Turned out great. Was what you ate so far today enough for you? I feel like I would have starved eating that amount! I'm going to make a big salad for dinner. I started a log here too.... I like having somewhere to write out what you're thinking and have other people who know what you're doing help out and comment. Very cool.

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congrats on day one! I had a rough time starting a couple weeks ago because I was at girl scout camp with my daughter for 5 days and most of the food was prepared for us... I did make a number of meals ahead of time and just zapped them in the microwave and brought avacados. it was tough though. good luck and congrats in day 1!


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Hey :) Nice start today, so far! It is Day 1 for me as well, and I was also worried about how I was going to do this at work. I went crazy last night cooking paleo foods and ended up with several tupperwares worth of meals. I only have a cube sized fridge and small microwave available there. Turned out great. Was what you ate so far today enough for you? I feel like I would have starved eating that amount! I'm going to make a big salad for dinner. I started a log here too.... I like having somewhere to write out what you're thinking and have other people who know what you're doing help out and comment. Very cool.

Yeah, I've been learning the difference between "Hunger" and "cravings" since starting this paleo/primal journey back in June. I got through the day without being truly hungry.

Luckily the next day I brought some chicken curry my wife made and two eggs to work because our work lunch was pasta, salads covered in cheese and fish covered in rice... it was brutal.

I'm tempted to put in a request with HR to say I can't have milk/cheese so they can order some salads without that.

Do you think it's out of line to say I'm gluten and dairy free to HR? they already accommodate people who are kosher.

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Hi Primal,

I think it is absolutely okay to say you are dairy and grain free. It certainly cannot hurt to ask. Many HR departments are working hard to help there employees live a healthier life. So, I say go for it. For your lunches you might chicken legs and fresh veggies with maybe a half or even a whole avocado. Sounds like you are a big man so a whole one would probably be okay. I have a great recipe I use for chicken that is great to take for lunch. Take a large package of chicken legs put them on a cookie sheet that has been brushed with olive oil, sprinkle them liberally with Garam Masala, sea salt, garlic, and pepper. Put them in the oven and bake them at 425 degrees for 35 to 40 minutes - Yummy. What I do is chop up a bunch of veggies and put them in big zip locks on Sunday, and get some meat cooked up like the chicken legs. Then during the week all you have to do is grab and go for lunch. Egg salad or boiled eggs is another great lunch item.

Hope these ideas help. Congratulations on your weight loss and Whole 30! Whole 30 and paleo have also changed my life. I have lost quite a bit off weight and reduced my blood pressure and blood sugar.

Best of luck to you and your wife on your journey! :)


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