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The whole30 isn't designed to put you into ketosis, but if you suspect that is an issue, adding some starchy carbs into your diet would alleviate the problem.


"peeing like crazy" is common. While it may be a result of unintentionally going lower carb, it is often frequently a sign that you are shedding inflammation/bloat/water weight. This is a good thing, and usually subsides after a week or so.

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  • 2 weeks later...

On the topic of ketosis I have a question! I hope someone can help me bc I'm feeling very discouraged right now. 


I recently finished up 60 days on the Whole 30 but from about day 40 until now I have had a very painful itchy rash on the back of my hands and around my wrists and for a little while it was around my ankles too. 


I had read that it could be a coconut allergy (which was such a sad thing to read!)...so for the last two weeks of the 60 days I had absolutely zero coconut. I noticed it was alleviated slightly, but now it seems what used to be just bumps on my arms (they looked like tiny bug bites!)...is now turning into dark brown rough skin patches. 


The skin pigmentation is something I had read that is associated with ketosis. I wanted to start another round of the Whole 30 as I don't feel I've officially killed my sugar dragon, but this itchy skin is making me miserable! 


Does anyone know if this sounds like it could actually be a ketosis rash? Or if I do the next round of the Whole 30 how to avoid going into ketosis again?? 


Any help would be appreciated! Thank you! 




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I did follow the template to the T and I always had a sweet potato just about every day...that's why I was so confused! I really have felt amazing and seen some amazing changes in my body, but I can't take the itchy rash :( Just not sure what to do...if it's not a ketosis rash then I am even more lost....thanks for the tips anyway! 

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Just because "It Starts With Food" doesn't mean every ailment is because of food. :)


If you have had an unexplained rash for this long, I think you should consult a dermatologist. You may have developed an allergy to something in your environment -

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This may be difficult to do on Whole30 - but have you considered cutting out eggs to see if it alleviates the rash?  It certainly sounds like a reaction to something and eggs are a pretty common allergen that is likely a huge part of your diet (and bigger part than it was pre-Whole30).  After having an allergic reaction to an antibiotic a few years ago I developed "chronic hives" even though I stopped taking that Rx after a day.  It finally went away after cutting out wheat from my diet for about a month and I no longer have any of those symptoms, even if I eat wheat (thankfully, bc I was taking daily allergy meds to deal with it!). 


Or like CRCBN mentioned, it would be an allergen to an environmental change, like body soap, shampoo, laundry detergent, perfume etc. I hope you find some relief!! :)

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