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Angela's second whole 30


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I'm starting again.

I did the whole 30 last year, and have been pretty-well Primal for a year, but my whole 30 didn't work out because I was always cheating with a 'tiny" bit of something...

I've just read It Starts With Food and being a firm believer that food is the key to health and longevity,I've decided to take the plunge into the whole 30 again.

My biggest problem with it is staying away from dairy. I like it alot, I find it helps brighten up vegetables (marinated danish feta, labnah, parmesan,bocconcini,heavy cream....mmm!) and I do like milk in a cup of tea,which I can't seem to live without.

I've always had trouble with gluten,and have been gluten free for about 5 years.If I eat even a tiny bit,I have awful bloating,stomach cramps and diarreah, so it's easy to stay away from it. I think I may have fructose malabsortion too - dried fruit really hurts my insides (lots of gas,bloating and cramps). But I've never felt that dairy was a problem,however,knowing my other issues,perhaps I have a leaky bowel,so the proteins in dairy wouldn't be helping that.And I think I probably need to heal the leaky gut once and for all, though I don't have too many health issues any more.

I know we are supposed to use Ghee instead of butter, what about cultured butter? Oh my goodness, it tastes so wonderful, but I'll stay away if it isn't Whole30 approved.

I'm starting the day with some hash-browns,which I'll make with left-over mash I made last night (celeriac,sweet potato,garlic and carrot), some cooked cabbage and some egg to bind it.

I struggle with breakfast: I'm used to having home-made yoghurt,berries and toasted coconut, or bacon and vegies. I don't like eggs, and since I was a kid and was sick on them,I just can't eat them on their own. But I seem to be able to if they are "in" a dish - like a quiche(oh-there's dairy in that too). I just wish I could eat them fried,scrambled,boiled or poached. It would make breakfast so much easier.

I'm looking forward to keeping track of my meals on this log, mainly in the hope that it will keep me on track.

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Welcome back to another W30! Clarified butter or ghee is the only source of dairy allowed during your Whole30, but you already knew that. :)

I am not a huge traditional breakfast fan either. I cook once a day, dinner, and have leftover dinner for breakfast and lunch. Makes life so much easier.

Glad you are here...I know we will all learn a lot from you.

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Thanks, Carie, it feels good to be in a supportive community. I'm hoping that will help me stick out the 30 days.

Well, so far, day one is a success! Hurray.

My breakfast was delicious. I used the left-over mash(about a cup and a half), two eggs, some chopped parsley and shopped spinach (about a cup),salt and pepper, mixed it up quickly and fried patties ( a large tablespoon dollop) in about two tablespoons of coconut oil.

I also sauted some tomatoes to have with the patties. My husband had them with bacon and eggs and enjoyed them too.

At work I stuck to herbal teas, and ate some macadamias and an orange for a snack. For lunch I had some soup I had made a couple of nights ago - a really lovely soup made with bone broth, a little chicken, loads of julienned sweet potato,cabbage and purple carrots. Yum! I followed that with a kiwi fruit.

When I got home, I felt a little hungry,so I cut up celery, capsicum (I think they are called peppers in the U.S?),apple and carrots. It's been enough to get me by until dinner.

I've just put dinner in the oven: roast chicken,with roasted pumpkin (squash),roasted carrots and broccoli. I used duck fat in the roasting pan,which should make everything deliciously crispy.I'm looking forward to dinner.

I think I've done well. It is Friday,and I usually meet with a friend to have a couple of glasses of wine to wind down after the working week. Today I said she was welcome to have a wine, but I'd rather a cup of tea...Pretty restrained.

It's funny how I'm so proud of myself when I haven't even finished the first day yet. :)

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DAY 2:

I finished yesterday with 2 teaspoons of almond butter to curb the craving for something sweet.

I've woken up ravenous, so using last night's chicken and vegetables, plus some cherry tomatoes and spinach,I quickly sauteed it all and gobbled it down. Delicious! I will follow it with a cup of tea (sans milk).

Today I hope to go swim some laps,as the weather is really wet and windy, so I'll do something inside (swimming) while Freya plays netball.

Will check in with the rest of today's food later...

Before going for a swim,I ate a big spoonful of almond butter.

After I swam (a whole kilometer-very pleased!), I ate a few macadamias,some raspberries and an apple.

Lunch was some vegie soup and some chicken. Followed by a spoonful of coconut oil (sugar cravings). I had a cup of tea with lemon a bit later on.

Dinner: slow cooked lamb shanks, cauliflower and garlic mash (NomNomPaleo recipe) and brussel sprouts.

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Day 3:


stir fried in coconut oil:

  • grape tomatoes
  • spinach
  • brussel sprouts
  • parsley
  • field mushrooms
  • a slug of olive oil
  • chicken
  • some whole 30 compliant BBQ seasoning


Snack: A big spoonful of almond butter

Lunch: leftover lamb shanks

Pre-yoga snack : spoonful of coconut oil

90 minutes of Yoga (bliss!)

Post-yoga snack : cold chicken wing and a cup of lovely homemade herbal tea - lemon rind,mint,lemon verbena and ginger.


Ground beef with cabbage,sugar snap peas, onions and mexican seasoning (home-made, no nasties)

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Day 4:


Sauteed mushrooms,spring onions,fennel and brussel sprouts with chicken.

Tea with ginger.


Leftovers from last night's dinner, plus a small banana and kiwi fruit, chopped up and drizzled with fresh passionfruit pulp.

Late afternoon snack: A chicken wing and teaspoon of almond butter.


I made some "Morrocan" style chicken, using chicken tenderloins and Nom Nom Paleo's La Kama spice. I fried up sliced onions and garlic in coconut oil, browned the chicken (which I'd rubbed with the spice previously), added some tomato paste, chicken stock and let that simmer for about 10 mins (the tenderloin cook super quickly).I also added a few prunes to that mic. We had it with stir fried cabbage,snow peas and red capsicum. Yummy.

Something I'm noticing,since starting the whole30 again,is that I'm eating a tonne of vegetables. Which is great. There was a time,where the thought of vegies for breakfast would turn my stomach. I used to be a two pieces of toast and a cup of white tea girl. It was certainly easier - a mindless effort to put two bits of bread into the toaster. I can even remember a time when I'd bake muffins for breakfast, under the mistaken assumption that it was healthy!

I've been Reading The Blue Zones by Dan Buettner which is about the lifestyles of people who have great longevity in particular areas of the world. It is very interesting. I haven't read much, but one thing is for sure - they eat loads of organic healthy vegetables. It's not so much that I want to live forever, I just want to live well when I am older. I don't want to suffer from joint paint and diabetes(like my father) and respiratory distress every time I get a cold (my mother) or an auto-immune condition(like my mother). I also have a family history on both sides of diabetes (my paternal grandmother had it, and my father and all 4 of his siblings have it, as well as my maternal grandmother).

If eating well gives me a ticket to wellness in my old age, then it is worth every missed mouthful of chocolate cake, icecream,pavlova,pancakes,sourdough bread and gnocchi.

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If eating well gives me a ticket to wellness in my old age, then it is worth every missed mouthful of chocolate cake, icecream,pavlova,pancakes,sourdough bread and gnocchi.

Exactly!, after all it's only a good taste in your mouth for a few minutes, why should it trump long term health?

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Day5 (Tuesday)

Breakfast: Sauteed cabbage,capsicum and snow peas with chicken,in coconut oil.

Black tea with ginger.

Snack: macadamia nuts and herbal tea

Lunch: mash and ground beef (leftovers from day 3) and a kiwi fruit

Late afternoon snack:

an orange and some almonds ( I threw away the yoghurt covered raisins in the box.Yay me!) and green tea


I made(in the slow cooker) the cinnamon beef stew with orange gremolata from Well Fed by Melissa Joulwan. Delicious. The family had it with mashed potato, but I had it with cauliflower and broccoli florettes.

HAd a spoonful; of almond butter afterwards.

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Day 6. (almost an entire week,wow!)


Finished off the last of the mexican ground beef, stir-fried it with brussel sprouts,mushrooms,spinach. Very nice breakfast.

Lunch: Cinnamon beef stew and broccoli and cauliflower.

Kiwi fruit.

Swam a km and it felt really good, it is getting easier.

But I noticed feeling a bit hay-feverish afterwards, and I noticed that on Saturday after swimming too. I suppose the chlorine disagrees with me, but I really love the swimming.

Got home and felt quite hungry after the swim, so had a mini meal of the cinnamon beef stew and broccoli and cauliflower.

Dinner : lamb cutlets with parsnip, sweet potato and beetroot baked in the oven in coconut oil, andsteamed cabbage.

A small banana

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Day 7 (Whoop, whoop :D I've done a WHOLE week with no cheating.Hurray!)


I'm a bit concerned that I'm eating too much meat, and because I'm not a fan of eggs, it's hard to find things to eat for breakfast. However, I disguised the egg by making vegie pattie/pancake things:

I used some roasted parsnip and sweet potato,and cabbage from last nights dinner, chopped them up and added them to the pancake mix, which I made with two eggs, ground almonds and some coconut cream to moistened the mixture.

I was pleasantly surprised - they were a little sweet, but tasty,and my hubby enjoyed them too. I had three small patties,and so did he, and I wasn't very hungry til about 11,when I had a small handful of macadamias and a small banana.

For lunch I had a lamb cutlet,and leftover vegies from last night's dinner.I followed that with a kiwi fruit.

When I got home after work,I ate the last breakfast pattie.

Dinner:I'm planning to make roast chicken with roasted purple carrots,onion,pumpkin and steamed broccoli/brussel sprouts.

How I feel after a week:

I'm actually amazed that this has been so easy,and I feel strong and positive about doing the 30 days. I thought I'd struggle without dairy,but I'm not missing it too much. I sometimes think it would be nice to have some creamy greek yogurt, but I don't crave it, which surprises me.

I think doing primal for a while (It's been nearly a year, but not a perfect year, I've eaten gluten free grain and sugar now and again, but before the whole 30 it was far too often) has made the transition to dairy free quite easy.

I really enjoy the challenge of making vegetables interesting,and being forced to eat a truckload of vegetables every day is great. I feel really proud of the fact that I am eating so well,and knowing I'm doing the best I can for my body.

I like that I never, ever feel bloated, my stomach definitely feels flatter, and I think I may have lost weight, but I won't be getting on the scales til the end. I feel a bit more energetic, but still feel tired at the end of the day ( not too surprising after teaching all day, then coming home to three kids, one of whom is an almost four year old hurricane on legs.). I hope the whole 30 will help me feel more energetic.

Despite all the positives,I am concerned about socializing whilst doing the whole 30. We have a work function on Saturday night, my husband's department is putting on the beer and pizza for the staff. I don't want either, and although I like his colleagues a lot, I might just give it a miss, rather than be the weirdo health freak who brings her own dinner and mineral water along. I don't think my hubby would mind too much. I just think if I stick to it for the 30 days without putting too much temptation in the way, I'll be ready to tackle those social situations once I've finished.

I also have a girl's weekend away during the Whole 30, towards the end, which will be a challenge, but I think I'll be able to turn down the wine, chocolate and dessert...

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Day 8:

I'm stressing out a bit about whether what I want to make for breakfast is Whole30 compliant. I'm feeling tired of meat and vegies, but I do want something that has protein,carbs and fats to keep me full til lunchtime. I thought I could make apple/carrot patties like I made with the vegetables yesterday, but I'm not sure if it's a good idea - I partly want to use up the leftover coconut cream (don't want to waste stuff), but I'll have to use ground almonds again because I can't handle "straight" eggs on their own. So I think the eggs and nuts would provide protein and healthy fats,and the coconut cream would also provide fat, grated apple and carrot would provide some carbs.

I think I will do it, because I'm not doing it to satisfy a craving,and I'm not "mad" for pancakes, so they aren't a substitute, so they should be safe? I'm just not sure about the ground almonds because that borders on a flour substitute.

On the other hand one of my biggest problems with food is overthinking it, so I should just get on with it and make some breakfast. :wacko:

If anyone is reading - some feedback would be appreciated.


So I did make them, but didn't put any ground almonds into them. I found the coconut cream and eggs worked fine, they held together quite well and didn't taste too "eggy".

I had them with half an avocado and some lemon juice squeezed over. I added a touch of cinnamon to them and they really tasted and smelt wonderful.

Lunch: leftover roast chicken, cabbage,roast carrots and beets. A kiwi fruit.

After work:

I didn't have a very big lunch and found myself feeling hungry at 4.30, knowing dinner wouldn't be til 7, so I ate a mini version of last night's dinner.


I made a coq au vin, of sorts, without wine. I sauteed celery,carrots,onions in coconut oil, removed from the pot, then browned some smoked bacon, browned the chicken pieces, took the chicken and bacon out and added tomato paste and chicken stock, stirring the sticky bits off the bottom of the pan. I put everything back in the pot with some fresh thyme and parsley. It was delicious.

We ate it with mashed sweet potato and pumpkin,and steamed cabbage.

After dinner I ate three prunes.

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Day 9(nearly into double figures!)

I'm really happy with my progress, and yesterday a colleague said I was looking slim - how nice to hear that compliment. I'm not doing the whole 30 for weight loss, but it is a bonus. I'm still hoping I'll feel super energetic as a result of eating like this, but I do wonder how much of a miracle food can produce with the busy lifestyle I have. I sometimes think I just have to accept that working as a teacher four days a weeks, having 3 kids at home and two older ones as well (one who lives here, but is hardly ever here,and one who lives away), and having a very demanding 4 year old who is going through a bad patch,will make me tired and I'll feel better in a few years when the four year old is less demanding.

I know he would benefit from eating a more paleo diet, but food has become a huge issue with him. Every mealtime has become an unpleasant battle with him whining about not liking what I've served and us cajoling, disciplining etc to get him to eat it. He keeps telling me he wants fajitas (he likes the tortillas), or plain rice or pasta. He's been gluten-free for a while, but this in itself is a bit of a problem. His childcarer has done her best to cater to his gluten intolerance, but her way of doing this is buying packaged gluten free products like chicken nuggets,chips, GF cookies and sausage rolls. I'm guessing for her this means my son will eat lunch. For a while I would pack his lunch but she told me I didn't need to and she would cater for him. Now I feel confused about what I should do.

I worry that his less than perfect diet is affecting his behaviour.He's been so willful and stubborn lately. At least I can control his breakfasts and dinner.Like me he doesn't like eggs and the only way to get them into him is is pancakes.

Perhaps I will get stronger with this whole 30 and will find ways to get everyone in the family to eat this way. My husband, who went Paleo for a while with me, and lost weight and felt good, has slipped into his old ways, eating a little bit of toast,rice, sugar and other grains. He isn't strict on it and tells me that it is okay to have a little bit, but it seems to me his "little bit" is creeping up into bigger bits and he's gaining the weight back. So, in that regard it is hard to feed a family when they all have differing wants and needs, and mostly they think I'm "silly" for staying strictly off sugar,grain and other things.

Today's Food:


I made a scramble with last nights mash,cabbage,chicken and an egg. I ate it with half an avocado and some lemon juice. Also had a black tea.

Had a really long walk on the beach and when I got back I ate celery and nut butter - very nice.

Lunch: a lamb chop and leftover vegetables: sweet potato and pumpkin mash, broccoli and cabbage.

A couple of hours later I had cramps and diarreah. Wasn't much fun, but I didn't feel sick, just crampy.It's reminiscent of the bowel issues I had before eliminating gluten from my diet. I wonder if it is fructose malabsorbtion - whether the prunes the night before,plus the mash sweet potato could have contributed to too much fructose. I know with the fructose malabsortion, that a certain amount is okay, but if you have too much, then you'll have the gastro-intestinal distress. It's a bummer to have this happen when I felt things were going so well, and that I was eating well.

Dinner: I made a vegetable broth with chicken stock,onion,carrot and celery. I then poached a piece of salmon in it. I had that with some gomasio sprinkle (toasted sesame seeds,seaweed and sea salt. It was very nice,and although I felt okay, my insides feel a bit uncomfortable - probably inflamed after the trouble this afternoon.

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Day 10

Breakfast: a handful of macadamias and some beef stew.

Lunch: tuna and broccoli and cabbage, followes by a teaspoon of almond butter.

Dinner: crispy skinned salmon cooked in coconut oil, Brussels sprouts drizzled with olive oil, and pumpkin/ sweet potato mash.

I still didn't feel very good today. I think my tummy is still bit off and I didn't get a good night's sleep thanks to my son being sick with a head cold.

But despite feeling poorly and tired I did manage to stick to the whole 30, so I am pleased with that. I hope I will feel better tomorrow after a good nights sleep.

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Day 11:

Feeling a bit better today, though still a bit off. I'm determined to stick with it though, because ultimately I want to feel well and be the best that I can be. I think I have a head cold, I feel a bit foggy.

Breakfast: Used the leftover chicken leg fromt he casserole from the other night, cut that up and cooked it with mushrooms,spinach and broccoli in coconut oil.

Lunch: salmon and brussel sprouts, spoonful of almond butter. Small bowl of vegetable soup.

Dinner: Roast beef,onions,carrots and sweet potato and steamed broccoli.

By the end of the day I'm feel much better. Feeling strong,and really want to keep up with the whole thirty.

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Day 12:

Things are going well, and I really like that I am able to manage not eating very much between meals. I feel a sense of freedom around food, whereas it has always been an issue for me. Granted, I'm still thinking about food a lot, but I think about it in a much more positive way. I like that I don't have to think about how much food is okay, rather,I seem to be able to give myself enough food without over eating and stuffing myself. And I don't have to feel any guilt over what I eat. It's all good stuff and I love that.

Today I had more compliments about losing weight, which is nice, but I'm not doing this for that reason, but it is a good bonus. What I want, ultimately,is for my body to feel good, to feel vibrant and energetic,and to carry me through my life without feeling uncomfortable.

I haven't really felt comfortable in my own skin for a long time, and I know I feel happy when I'm well,strong and comfortable. And I think this way of eating feels right too.

So, today I ate:

Breakfast: patties made with grated apple,carrot,almond meal, eggs and cinnamon.

Lunch: roast beef,roast carrots and broccoli,and some macadamias and a kiwi fruit.

Dinner: vegie curry and beef massamam curry(homemade). Yum, yum.

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Thanks Derval, I think you are right. :)

Day 13 (yesterday)

Breakfast: Yesterday's breakfast

Lunch: Curry club: I ate the massamam, a chicken curry and vegie curry - all were compliant because I and hubby made them.

Had a long swim in the afternoon.

Dinner: I made shepherd's pie with the leftover roast beef, plus onions,carrots,green beans,snow peas and tomato puree. I covered it with cauliflower mash, served with cabbage. It was very yummy and filling. Later I had a kiwi fruit.

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Day 14 (Wow, I'm nearly half way through!)

Breakfast : pancakes made with ground almonds,blueberries,eggs,grated carrot and coconut milk. I just didn't feel like anything savoury today.

As it was,they certainly weren't sweet. I am still finding things too "eggy",, but didn't feel like meat this morning. I know everyone says just eat leftovers,or real food for breakfast, but I think I overdid it in the first week because I don't really feel like meat and vegies in the morning. Perhaps I'll feel differently again.

Lunch: Leftover Shepherd's pie from last night.

Dinner: Mexican chicken (made with onions,red peppers,chicken and mexican seasoning,lime juice and coconut milk (very nice). We had it with brussel sprouts and roasted parsnip,pumpkin and sweet potato.

I had acupuncture today and my acupuncturist said I looked really well. I'm feeling good too, though having a bit of sinus stuffiness. I don't think it is a cold, it might be pollen, though it isn't spring yet. I'm hoping that cleaning up my diet before spring might alleviate the hayfever symptoms this year.

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Day 15 - Half way through! :D

Well, this past two weeks has actually been quite easy. I think being mostly "primal" beforehand helped, but I thought giving up dairy would be impossible, and it really isn't! I'm not sure if I'll stay dairy free after the Whole 30, and that is mainly because sometimes, having a bit of dairy is just easier. For example, I'm going away with friends for a weekend, and I was thinking, what would I eat for breakfast? It would really be easy to take my greek yogurt and some toasted macadamias and coconut, and raspberries to sprinkle on top. It's fairly portable, doesn't require cooking and I won't look too weird in front of my friends. However, the weekend away is during the whole 30, so I won't be doing that, and I guess I can just make something ahead of time and reheat it there.

Today's food:

Breakfast: black tea and lemon.I'm really enjoying having tea without milk, and loving all the different herbals I can drink.

I still had breakfast "pancakes" from yesterday, so ate four of those (they are small) with lemon juice.

Lunch: roast veggies, Brussels sprouts and Mexican chicken leftover from last night.

Dinner: I picked up some fresh prawns and snapper from the fish shop. Both wild caught in north western Australia. I cooked them in coconut oil and garlic. Yummy. We ate them with roast vege from last night,breen beans and Brussels sprouts. Later I had a banana cut in half length ways and spread with nut butter. Mmmm, so good.

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Day 16:

I'm now more than half way through. How wonderful!

For breakfast I ate the last three blueberry Pancakes spread with nut butter. I also had some leftover shepherds pie.

Late morning I went swimming, and swam a kilometer. I love the way it makes me feel. I always come away feeling relaxed and happy - it must be endorphins.

I had a late lunch of leftovers from dinner last night.

Late afternoon, I felt a bit hungry so I had a couple of spoonfuls of nut butter.

For dinner I made a lovely type of soup using the bone broth I made today and onions,carrots,spinach and fresh broccoli from the garden. I poached some snapper in it. Very nice.

I think I might have a banana later.

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Day 17

Breakfast: I made fritters with sweet potato, apple,cinnamon,eggs,almonds and coconut cream.

Lunch: we went out to the farm to visit hubby's parents, so I called to find out what we were having for lunch, and although my MIL knows I am gluten free, the gluten free soup she'd made had potatoes, cream,milk, and bacon in it. So that was out. Luckily I had some of the bone broth and veggies left over from last night, and I had made some yummy salmon cakes with salmon,turnips,zucchini and eggs. They were very good.

All that fresh air made me pretty hungry for dinner. My husband cooked a yummy dinner of porterhouse steak, sweet potatoes and broccoli and snow peas from my garden.

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Day 18:

Breakfast: salmon patties and leftover sweet potato patties.

Lunch: salmon patties, broccoli and snow peas.

Dinner: chicken saag curry with cabbage and cauliflower

A spoonful of almond butter after dinner with some herbal tea.

Although I didn't exercise, the amount of housecleaning, vacuuming and running up and down the stairs must have counted for something.

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Day 19:

Breakfast: salmon patties and cabbage and cauliflower

Snack:raspberries and macadamia nuts, herbal tea

Lunch: leftover curry and veggies from last night.

Dinner: steak with sweet potato, cabbage and Brussels sprouts

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Day 20: only ten more days, I can't believe I've not cheated the whole time!

I have to say I am converted. I just love what the whole 30 is doing for me. I feel well, and I am not as tired as before. I love that my clothes fit better. Clothes I couldn't wear before because they were too tight are now loose. I also wonder why I would go back to eating things that don't make me feel good.

Having said that, I am going away for a girl's weekend, and I hope my resolve will stick, but who knows?

Today's food:

Breakfast: I was baking birthday cakes for my son, so I thought with the oven on I would try making breakfast muffins, Paleo style, and they were great. They took a bit longer than I expected to cook. But we're worth the wait.

I placed leftover chopped cabbage and Brussels sprouts into the muffin pans, then mixed up mashed sweet potatoes,coconut milk and eggs, salt and pepper and poured that over the veggies . The muffin I ate was very nice, and I have three spare for breakfast tomorrow and Friday. I will have to make something similar to take away on the weekend.

Lunch: leftover chicken saag and cabbage andgreen beans.

Pre-swim: macadamias

Post swim: nut butter

Dinner: roast chicken, roast sweet potato,onions and steamed cabbage.

I don't know what I would do without sweet potato

Two strawberries and a cup of tea.

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Day 21:

I iced those birthday cakes last night and didn't feel the slightest temptation to eat the icing. I love that I don't actually want to eat sugar. I know I won't eat the birthday cake, as I can't see any point in breaking the whole 30 this far in, and I don't even want it.

Breakfast: yesterday's breakfast muffins, I ate two, they were so yummy.

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