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Day 14 and now I'm feeling the hangover??

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Ok, so here I am, Day 14 of my 1st Whole30. Up until about 2 days ago, my energy levels were sky rocketing and I was feeling on top of the world, waking up feeling rested and ready for the day. Until yesterday. I woke up feeling hungover!!! I mean, I know the Whole30 timeline is a general idea of what to expect and maybe I am a few days behind the norm but really??? I woke up feeling the same way today. I feel lethargic and lazy and not as "light" as I was during the days leading up to this point.

I haven't changed anything in my program, I am eating the same things and am living life the same way since day 1 so I don't get it. The urge to give up is there, I'm not going to lie. But it's not as strong as the urge to keep going because I realize how far I have come and I'm not willing to move backwards. Even though I have felt generally crappy the last 2 days, I know I am treating my body WAAAAAY better than before.

I'm just confused about what's going on with my body.

Any suggestions??

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Well generally, my day starts with eggs & kale sauteed in coconut oil. I made a batch of paleo, whole30 compliant pulled pork which I have been eating for the last few days for lunch or dinner. I also roasted a chicken with spices, etc. and have been switching between the chicken and pork the last few days. my protein sources vary daily but I eat a lot of veggies and good fats like avocado, coconut oil, cashews, almonds, etc.. in moderation of course. Yesterday I was on the road for business and did find that I ate more fruit than normal, maybe I overloaded on the fruit sugars? I work as a firefighter and have been doing more training than normal, so getting more exercise. When I returned home from my road trip yesterday, I went out for a trail run in the sunshine.. I felt good but when I woke up this morning again, I felt horrible. I do drink a fair amount of water daily. I don't drink anything but water actually so I'm not concerned too much there. I will admit, I tell myself I'm going to go to bed early and I never do, I get stuck on the computer, etc (which I said I would do less of btw) and next thing I know its 1130 or midnight and I'm left with 6 hours or less to sleep. I just feel so slow and lugglish, like a big lazy slug and I am NOT loving it!

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The amount of sleep could be part of it: can you get closer to 7-8 hours?


On the veggies, are you getting carb-dense veggies daily? That could help with your energy. Sweet potatoes, winter squash, beets, carrots, jicams, plantains, rutabaga and parsnips. 

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You know, another friend gave me the same suggestion so last night I dragged myself home from work, had a sweet potato and a plate full of great veggies (Carrots, cauliflower, broccoli and green beans) and a little protein with it. I woke up this morning feeling amazing. Totally restored and back on the motivation train!! 

I have to say, one of the most amazing things about the Whole30 is how you can pinpoint exactly what it is that is making your body feel run down, etc. And you can fix it by tweaking your diet just a bit... That's pretty much impossible to do when you're constantly eating like crap..  you just feel horrible all the time.

Thanks so much for taking the time to offer your advice! Much appreciated!



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