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Day 8....so far, so good


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Hi all! 


How is everyone doing?  Hopefully your Whole30 journey is going well.


I'm on day 8 over here in NC.  So far, so good.  Days 5 & 7 were really rough for me but I am still going strong.  Day 7 my fiance and I registered for our wedding and all I wanted after was a milkshake, which is strange, because I wasn't a big milkshake fan prior.  Anyway, all is good and relatively stress free with regard to meal planning.  


When we first went paleo in Oct. I was really into meal planning.  With this experience, I haven't planned a single meal and don't feel stressed at all (which I'm sure is the opposite of what you're supposed to do).  I stocked the fridge with fruits, veggies, meat and eggs and whatever I get a hankering for, I whip up.  So far, it's working for us.  :) I've really enjoyed all of the fresh food and discovered that I'm pretty dang good in the kitchen, which is a win for sure! 


So far, I find that I am sleeping better (going to bed a little earlier, waking up a little earlier than before without feeling groggy), my energy is really good throughout the day, my clothes are starting to fit better, and overall my mood has improved.  


Anyway, hope everyone else is hanging tough and having an awesome experience! 

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Congrats on getting thru your cravings......they will come back again in a few more days but you will be ready for them. I am on Day 16 and feel great. My cravings come and go every few days but I sleep great, have tons of energy, acid reflux is gone, allergies have been great, and my clothes continue to get looser. Your milkshake craving was funny because I had a craving last week for a "Blondie"....you know, the brownie with Butterscotch chips in it .....anyway, I haven't had a brownie in probably 15 years. Where that craving came from I have no idea. Keep up the good work.




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Day 9 here, cravings are killing me!

About 2 hours before meal 2 I am already thinking about what I am going to eat and how good it will be! crazy

I am sleeping better but I have a little 10 month old that wakes up every night so I am tired. 

The gym is still terrible it is just like my muscles have NO energy at all and everything is still a lot harder then before I started!

I dont plan meals 1 or 2, just meal 3. 

But my clothes fit better and I feel better, although I am still tired and suck at the gym.

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Sif Hauksdottir - I am feeling the same way! It was all I could do to crank out 2.5 miles on my run the other day, and I felt like I was going to die the whole time. Today I feel way more energetic though, and I'm headed to the gym shortly so, fingers crossed...


I haven't felt any type of loose-clothes, "lighter" type feeling yet, although honestly as much great food as I've been eating I'm thrilled if I don't gain weight.


Strangely enough though, I have been a major "grazer" my whole life - snacking all day, never eating much at one time. But yesterday was the first day that I ate my big meals by the template and honestly did not feel hungry at all between. That in and of itself is incredible.


Have a great day all!! :)  (slcampbell2 I started on 07 APR too so Happy Day 9 to us! :)

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@ninadude, thanks for the encouragement!


@dcducks1 I hear ya on the blondie craving...so strange! It's probably all of the things we've eaten over the years trying to throw us off of our game. Not happening!  :) Interesting comment about the allergies, I have noticed that my allergies aren't as bad this year either despite my front porch having a blanket of yellow on it.  Hmm..didn't even put that together! 


@Sif Hauksdottir keep it up!! Cravings are such a pain but you're stronger than they are.  I'm in awe of you - it looks like you've got three kiddos and make it to the gym.  I have a dog and don't make it there...although we do go on walks, but you're awesome for making it there and giving it your best.  It'll get better...we're still early on the W30 journey.

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@ninadude, thanks for the encouragement!


@dcducks1 I hear ya on the blondie craving...so strange! It's probably all of the things we've eaten over the years trying to throw us off of our game. Not happening!  :) Interesting comment about the allergies, I have noticed that my allergies aren't as bad this year either despite my front porch having a blanket of yellow on it.  Hmm..didn't even put that together! 


@Sif Hauksdottir keep it up!! Cravings are such a pain but you're stronger than they are.  I'm in awe of you - it looks like you've got three kiddos and make it to the gym.  I have a dog and don't make it there...although we do go on walks, but you're awesome for making it there and giving it your best.  It'll get better...we're still early on the W30 journey.

thank you, both boys are in kindergarten and I take the little one with me to the gym there are babysitters there in one room with lots of toys so she just plays there while mommy sweats! :P

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Time seems to be flying now! More than half way done and still going strong. We had a cold front come in last night and take away our 80 degree weather and I woke up to 32 and ice on the ground. As bad as that sounds, there is a silver lining. I had bought a beautiful wool coat about a year ago which was snug when I got it and it got to the point that I was not going to button it closed without being uncomfortable. I am happy to say that it fit perfect this morning! Have a great day everyone!





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Dave, that's awesome about your coat, congrats!! I'm in MD too but sadly I did not see a silver lining in this morning's weather. LOL


Day Ten here.....loving my sweet potato hash and fried egg breakfasts. Such an awesome way to start my day. :)

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Awesome Dave!!

We had to go out of town for a funeral - left on Wednesday and heading back home Sunday. No W30 food here but doing our best to get veggies and protein. It's been really difficult and I find myself hungry most of the day. We are on day 12 - almost halfway and it's flying.

Can't wait to get back to my kitchen.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Sorry about the funeral. Rode trips can be horrible for a diet. I hope you stayed on track and doing fine. We are getting very close to finishing....I have two days left until I get on the scale. Already two pants size smaller and one shirt size. I guess my butt fell off...hahahaha



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