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Everything in moderation- including moderation


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Hello. Day 14 is here. :) I'm having a beautiful Sunday and I can't stop smiling. I slept in this morning till 8 which was a special treat. My wife and I went out to breakfast at this local place called The Root Café. I looked ahead of time and found a benedict that I could have- so I made my own hollandaise to put on top. Yesterday, I mastered the art of sauce. hehe Well, not exactly. My mayo tasted too olive oilish. Can anyone help with that? I made poached eggs for the first time yesterday as well. I have this dish called a stone wave that cooks them in less than 1 minute. It's pretty cool. I also made a really good sweet potato, butternut squash, apple bake that was so great. I found (as I do most) the recipe on pinterest. A few photos of food I've had this weekend..




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Grumble grumble. Hey day 16. Are we there yet? I really just want a cupcake and a few slices of cheese. Thanks.


I'm also really sleepy today. I'm going to crawl under my desk and take a catnap and I swear I'll be more productive after that.

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Good Morning day 17. Wishing you would just be over already! I cracked a molar and had to get a crown yesterday. :(( I made a coconut curry soup and drank the broth for dinner. I'm not really eating solids yet because my mouth is SO sore! I brought some leftovers for lunch today and hope I will be able to eat a normal dinner tonight. I'm on day 24 of my 30 day ab challenge. My coworkers were saying that they can really see it working and one of them started the program. We're also doing the butt challenge together. Ouch! I'm pretty sure that's where all of the doughnuts that I've consumed in the last year are hanging out.



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Good Morning day 17. Wishing you would just be over already! I cracked a molar and had to get a crown yesterday. :(( I made a coconut curry soup and drank the broth for dinner. I'm not really eating solids yet because my mouth is SO sore! I brought some leftovers for lunch today and hope I will be able to eat a normal dinner tonight. I'm on day 24 of my 30 day ab challenge. My coworkers were saying that they can really see it working and one of them started the program. We're also doing the butt challenge together. Ouch! I'm pretty sure that's where all of the doughnuts that I've consumed in the last year are hanging out.


You inspired me! I jumped out of bed to do day 1 of the ab challenge :)


Hope you feel better soon  :D

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Hey Day 22! 8 more to go. :) I've been feeling really good most of the time. I fight the urge to eat a lot of fruit often. It has made me aware of how strong a hold sugar has on my body. Day 21 at the grocery store was hard because the only things that sounded good were cheese and cupcakes. I'm not as burnt out on eggs as I have been in the past. I try to sneak them in scrambles as much as I can. I wish I had something exciting to report. I've been a little down because I haven't seen a noticeable weight loss. I drink a lot of sparkling water so I think I'm really bloated. I'm working on cutting back on that. Regular water isn't exciting enough so I don't drink enough water throughout the day.

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Happy Day 24 to me! I had a great day yesterday with lots of good food and fitness. I'm craving less sugar finally! Coffee is tasting good again. I had a rough time last week with coffee jitters. I did lots of lawn work and played in the yard with my dogs last night. It was just great! My family went out last night so I made zoodles and ground pork with marinara sauce! It was so filling. My wife searched until she found a sauce with no sugar. I really appreciate her finding special treats for me that I can have. She also got a fancy cocoa powder and salad dressing that has no sugary stuff. <3 I'm getting excited about finishing and seeing my final results. I can definitely see more muscle definition and my abs aren't covered in as much "fluff" as before. hehe I'm anxious about reintroducing foods as well as how to maintain healthy eating.

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Day 25: I feel fantabulous!!! My class just had a 30 minute dance party. :X We found this website called gonoodle.com that has zumba routines for kids. They have a great time and I get some cardio. :) I had a leftover veggie scramble that I made yesterday with a chicken sausage link for breakfast. I was running late to leave the house so I just grabbed some random ingredients for lunch today. I hope it is enough to keep me full. Tonight, my family will be going to a function to benefit a local garden so I need to make a quick dinner for myself before we get there and I have to look at the waffle wagon on an empty stomach! Damn the man. I got so excited yesterday about foods that I can eat after the program and I have started researching healthy grain options...lots of oatmeal and whole wheat ingredients. I better go. Have a great day w30land!

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Day 30!!! I did it. Well, almost did it. My friends were peer pressuring me last night to eat dessert and champagne and I resisted! I'm really excited to post my progress. It might not look like much but I feel so great about myself. My weight fluctuates a lot with water weight but this morning I was officially down 11lbs. I also have some before and after photos to share. I regret not putting on more clothes in the beginning but I'll just embrace the anonymity. LOL


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