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Starting April 28th...let the countdown begin!


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Hey all!


I am ready and comitted. I did a similar "cleanse" last June and it was amazing, and since then have started the Whole30 twice and given up about one week in. I didn't utlize the chat boards though, so I am seeking extra support this time around. Anybody else starting Monday? Let me know so we can be buddies!



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Hi Hi,


Long time reader, first time poster! I'm starting my Whole30 on Monday 4/28 also! I've got a few coworkers joining in, also, so hoping it will be easier to be around work and the dreaded kitchen snacks with that extra support.


This will be my second Whole 30. Did my first one last May, and kept up with the Paleo lifestyle for a few months after - basically until the Holiday season hit. I'm looking forward to getting my eating habits back in check, and can't wait for the feel good energy to kick back in. Oh god I need that energy...


Good luck to everyone!

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Hi everyone,

This is my third Whole 30. I'm not sure if I will be starting today or tomorrow. I was doing well after the last one I finished and then real life gets in the way and you lose track. So her I am again! Good luck to everyone on a very successful journey.

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May I join your group?  I am restarting tomorrow as well...have done a lot of prep.  I got through the first two weeks (the hard part) and then fell back to my old ways...primarily not being prepared!  But, I am reading boards and getting lots of great ideas in how to better do this.  I can't wait to start feeling better.  Good luck to everyone!

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I'm starting tomorrow (4/28) too!

I've never done a cleanse like this before, but I'm looking forward to it. I've done 3 day juice cleanses, but nothing this long.

Any other vegetarians/vegans starting tomorrow as well? :)

Good luck to everyone!

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Hey all! Today is day 1 for me...how is everyone doing? I went nuts at the grovery store yesterday and really stocked up. I'm feeling good so far, looking forward to feeling great. It's wonderful to have support, and I will definitely be Nicole-la's facebook group. Let me know how things are going!

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May I join your group?  I am restarting tomorrow as well...have done a lot of prep.  I got through the first two weeks (the hard part) and then fell back to my old ways...primarily not being prepared!  But, I am reading boards and getting lots of great ideas in how to better do this.  I can't wait to start feeling better.  Good luck to everyone!

Were you asking me? Yes of course!

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