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Nauseous All The Time

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This is my second Whole 30 and I am on Day 8.  I guess I wasn't eating too badly before because I have not had a lot of the typical symptoms and have generally felt fine in the last week.  The only issue I have had is that on a couple of days I have become extremely nauseous late morning.  This is on the days I have had eggs and veggies in some sort of way.  Today I actually went home at lunch and threw up.


The only thing that makes me feel better is a banana smoothie with 3/4 banana, coconut milk, almond butter, chia seeds, and ice.  I tried sipping some chicken stock and I still felt sick.  Do you think it's sugar withdrawal in some sort of way?  I hate having to resort to sugar when I feel sick but nothing else seems to help but bananas.  It is hard to eat anything else when I feel like I'm going to ralph!  I eat eggs often, but for some reason during Whole 30 I find they taste disgusting.  The only reason I have eaten them lately is to get veggies and protein easily in the morning, but even then I don't know why I react so badly.


Has anyone else experienced this?  What do you all think? 

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  • 3 weeks later...

Hi I am on day 8 and starting day 7 in the late afternoon I started to get nauseous, a stomach ache, & chills.  I couldn't even look at food it made it worse. This morning was the same thing, I has some black coffee only a couple of ounces, a cup of blueberries, I had chicken, green beans and sweet potatoe for lunch.   I couldn't finish lunch but I managed to get some down.  I did my 3.5 mile walk this morning and was very weak.  I am hoping this will pass soon.

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