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Increasing cholesterol and allergic to eggs - protein ideas and how do I increase the cholesterol.

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I've been working through some health stuff for about 4 years now. I've already heavily adjusted my eating habits, but after reading this book I do see a few more things to adjust.

To summarias- adrenal fatique, cholesterol so low it was barely on the chart, I was having random phases of intense constent thirst (testing without concern of diabeties), I had a very serious infection in my gut we discovered, leaky gut and am apparently highly allergic to eggs (who knew- that was a staple in my diet). I have phases of depression and anxiety.

For the longest time I was working towards a vegan lifestyle, but my new doctor has insisted that I need to eat the meat. I can eat it ok, but I get the yuck factor when handeling it.

I use to eat a lot of eggs, that was my main protein besides beans. I'm having a hard time sourcing duck eggs. I apparently need to get my cholesterol up, is eating meat enough?

The root cause of my issues started in childhood, a lot of bad carbs- cheesy caserols and white bread, ceral, ect. I was also sickly as a kid and I estimated that I was on antibiotics roughly 60 times in my life before I learned the affects of that.

This whole process has been a bit over wheelming, any practical sugestions are greatly appreciated. The tips on lunch ideas in another thread were awesome. I'm making further dietry adjustments now, but the increasing cholestrol issue has me a bit confused.


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You will probably benefit from a daily pro-biotic supplement, preferably one that contains HSO (homeostatic soil organisms). Sounds nasty, but your gut will thank you. The SAD is both dirty and clean in all the wrong ways.

You can order a decent one from the Mark's Daily Apple site (good price).

Question: You cannot tolerate chicken eggs (from any source?), but duck eggs don't bother you?

If so, that is great, because duck eggs are luscious! Try your local or regional farmer's markets, or scout out the farmers themselves.

I just returned from a six month visit to Mainland China, where I developed a taste for goose eggs--AMAZING!

They take their eggs pretty seriously in China. I tried at least eight distinct varieties.

Anyway, I am curious about your tolerance of duck eggs vs chicken eggs.

Feel better!


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Duck eggs are apparently a different protein strain than chicken. I've learned so much. The local co-op's and farmers markets don't have them. I've found a few people on craiglist, but they are really touch to get a hold of and a bit flacky- so we'll see how that goes. We talked about raising them ourselves just to elevate this hassel, but I'm not sure our hoa will allow that.

To your comment on probiotics- yes, my doctor had me start an intense dosage working up to 20 pills a day to deal with the infection, various strains etc.

I'm working on my first batch of fermented vegetables. It's a work in progress as am I.


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Not sure if this is really relevant to your cholesterol problem or not, but have you had a full thyroid panel done? I know thyroid hormone (somehow - don't know the specifics) helps process cholesterol and can affect levels. Might be at least something to cross off the list!

I have adrenal insufficiency, am hypothyroid, and am also allergic to eggs. :( I get a serious case of brain fog and more recently, was a complete wreck after consuming them! I can relate - it all sucks. But thanks for tip on duck eggs - I'll have to check that out and see if I can find some locally!

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We did a whole serious of test and my thyroid was fine, which honestly suprized me given my symptoms. You may know this but cholesterol apparently affects all the other hormone functions, so in essense it can affect the thyroid as well, but I have to deal with the cholesterol to help everything else... I had some other hormone stuff going on as well, but the adrenal and the cholesterol were the big ones my doctor wants me to focus on and the others should balance as I do what I can diet wise. I thought I would be healthier living a vegan lifestyle, but she informed me that most of her sickly patients are vegan / vegetarian. It was an eye opener.

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Hmm, that's good that they checked it out. I have to ask - did they do just TSH, or free T3 and free T4, too? I ask as I've had my TSH tested for years and it was perfect despite multiple symptoms and family history, but when a doctor tested more, that's when things started to reveal themselves. You are correct - cholesterol is critical for hormone function - it's the first step in the cascade of hormones. In my case, mine was high and when I finally got on proper treatment, it dropped 50 points just like that, while not modifying my protein intake at all. I'll take a peak at some of my typical sources, see what I can find on low cholesterol...

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Back on the duck egg issue -- since you're having trouble finding them through sort of standard outlets, might it be worth contacting the local 4H? It might be a dead end, but they might know someone else raising ducks who hasn't shown up on Craigslist or elsewhere.

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Here's a case study on low cholesterol and resulting low hormone levels. The first page outlines what was done for a specific patient; the second page describes low cholesterol a bit more. http://www.lef.org/magazine/mag2004/dec2004_ch_01.htm?source=search&key=low%20cholesterol (I'll admit LEF is a bit controversial to traditional doctors as they focus on optimal health and anti-aging through the use of bio-identical hormones, nutrients, etc., but they are science-based and are a collection of medical professions that have been way ahead of their time and are my go-to for info like this.)

I obviously would encourage you to work with a doctor and not take matters into your own hands, but it may be helpful to read about some ideas. My doctor works with bio-identical hormones and that was critical in starting to get my hormones a bit more balanced. I am a true believer that diet plays a crucial role in health and well-being, but sometimes we need a bit more than that!

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Great conversation ladies.

I did speak to a few 4-H'ers at the fair this week and I have a new lead. ;-) I'm very excited about that and I think my husband and I will re-visit the idea of raising our own, but again a bit concered about our hoa and the mess issue as we have small children.

Both T3 and T4 was done alone with a lot of other stuff. My biggest issue by far was the infection. As said I estimated being on antibiotics roughly 60 times if not more- my digestion was / is a mess. Apparently I had the highest level of infection my doc had ever seen. All of it is interconected which makes perfect sense. I'm eating meat now, and doing a whole lot for myself in terms of my health. I'm planning on starting my first month of the whole 30 next week with the additions of removing some other potentially inflamitory foods for the test.

I think my biggest challenge will be staying on course while tired. I recognize I don't always have the same level of will power or drive when I am tired and my littelest still wakes up a few times at night. I'm very run down.

I do appreciate your suport and suggestions. Thanks for the article link I will check it out a bit later.

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