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Gas?? Sensitive topic

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I searched the forum and couldn't find anything about this sensitive subject. I see a lot of recipes for kale, brussel sprouts, brocoli and other vegetables that tend to cause a lot of gas in many people. Does anyone else have issues with food that would make it dangerous for other people to be in the room?  :rolleyes:


I know my intestinal track is not the best. I have been dealing with celiac and other issues. But I would like to hear from people that I am not going to have to be a hermit on this eating plan!

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I am not an expert, have you checked out the FODMAPS shopping list? These are foods that can cause digestive issues for some people. I know someone with celiac that also must watch FODMAPS. Maybe that will point you in the right direction. Also you might want to get some digestive enzymes, that might help also.

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Hi Lynn

I found many of the fodmaps foods were causing problems for me. I avoided cabbage, cauli, apples, onions for a couple of months as they seemed to be the offenders. Other foods such as leek, brussel sprouts and avo were Ok for me. In the last week I have started trialing the troublesome foods and they are fine so far. I drank broth, ate sauerkraut and took probiotics over this time too. It seems all this has helped my gut heal a lot and it's happy again.

You are definitely not alone!

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Yeah, cruciferous veggies (cauli, broccoli, cabbage, Brussels sprouts) do have that tendency to cause gas problems; it's just part of their nature. (Hadn't heard that about kale, though.) I think the best thing to do is to have lots of other veggies as well, to dampen their gassy effects. Not sure you can totally avoid them, though, without avoiding these veggies entirely (and missing out on their nutrients).



Duh. Just did a quick google and kale is cruciferous. I learned something new.

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