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New start - June 16th


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I also started June 16th - and happy to say it's now Day #11.  It's good to know at this stage I am now moving into the fat adapted metabolism, have more stabilized energy levels, and diminished food cravings.  


I've been a yo-yoer for many years - always moving into increased knowledge about nutrition and fitness, but still finding it hard to stay true and grounded to a clean whole foods plan.  Paleo makes so much sense to me, and I know for so many reasons, this will be my ideal.  For health and weightloss and finally maintenance. 


Feeling great on Day #11, and over the past week have been able to eliminate even healthy snacks in-between my meals, which I've been doing forever.  I find my meals are able to stabilize me until the next meal - but, after these many days, I'm really not experiencing a change in how my clothes are ftting. I know weight loss is not the key aspect, but surprised I'm not seeing more changes yet. I'm 5'2" and weighted in @ 144 - which is a heavier weight for me - 12-15 lbs. will make a difference.   Will try posting my menu on the log - and see if there's any recommendations.  

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It's only been 12 days! We're not even halfway through yet. Keep doing what you're doing and be patient. :) (Though posting a food log is never a bad idea. ;) )


Also: 12 DAYS Y'ALL. Is anyone planning anything special for themselves for Day 15? New cookbook? Jar of ghee? New lunchbox? Special meal?


I plan on buying a new lunchbox this weekend. I had 2, then one got tuna-smelly and when I put it on the balcony to air out, birds moved in.  :o My other one is good, but it's pretty grungy. And an odd shape. So, new lunchbox for me!

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Yeah for day 12! Doing great here - except one strange thing, not hungry! So satiated from meal to meal it's sort of crazy. I think I only miss the socialness of a drink at the end of a work week. Trying to make sure I'm getting enough food from meal to meal is getting tough.


Glad for the weekend that isn't too scheduled. Will do a big grocery shopping trip and food prep for next week. 


Switched to a standup desk at work. Feels great to be out of my chair. My shoulders don't ache at the end of the day - but my feet do. ;)


Happy 12th!!!!

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Doing really well staying compliant even with some stressers... I am a bit deterred by the fact that at this point in my first whole 30 I could feel/see changes and I am not experiencing anything yet... but keeping with it. 


I just discovered zucchini noodles (making them out of a zucchini with a julienne peeler)... I mean, I knew about them before from the WF cookbook which I bought back in November of last year but for some reason never tried them before... OMG! They are so YUMMY! Better than I think pasta ever was!!! I can't believe I have lived my whole life without them... I love zucchini anyway but not a lot of recipes call for it... but as a noodle... oh, my... I don't think I will ever go back to pasta again!!!!  If you have not tried these yet, I highly suggest you do it!!!


Stay strong everyone... we are almost at the 15 day mark! (anyone feeling tiger blood yet?)


all of my cravings for snacks and bread have gone away... but now I can't stop thinking about green olives! I love them so much!  (I do eat them... but I think about them way more than I eat them.)

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Day 12 almost done!!

I'm doing OK, not perfect but I'm still 100% compliant with what I'm eating. My challenge is my appetite - it's just not there most of the time. I was kinda hungry this morning (and would have been very happy with some plain buttered toasted bread) but had eggs, kale, tomatoes instead. At lunch, I made myself eat some leftovers from yesterday and I could have easily skipped dinner but had chicken, sweet potatoes, Brussels, tomatoes. My main thoughts so far:

- I wish I could look forward to/be hungry for my meals.... I'm staying positive though, that this will happen soon.

- I love Kombucha! Drinking 1-2 per day.

- And plantains!! Tostones are delicious (should I be limiting them?..)

- The past 4 or 5 days I've had an annoying headache... Nothing major but not great, either. No headache today though :)

- My energy levels are staying pretty consistent through the day, I'm not having that afternoon slump that I usually get.

- I *think* I've lost a little weight - clothes seem to be hanging better and my tummy seems to have gone down a little.

- Sleeping good.

- I've never been a candy/dessert eater or had a sugar craving, so I'm not missing sugar at all. Bread and cheese, though, is a different story.

- Its been great not to have that bloated, stuffed feeling after meals that was all too common a couple weeks ago.

- I'd continue to describe my mood as mellow/peaceful. And it stays the same pretty much all through the day.

- I went to the movies a few day ago and DID NOT HAVE POPCORN. That is major.

- I haven't tried to eat out yet and I miss my local Indian restaurant.

- I'd love a glass of wine.

On to Day 13!

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Had family company today at my parents.  I had chicken wings and a nice salad while our family had Papa Murphys pizza and then brownies/ice cream.  I know I'm feeling a lot better then everyone else tonite, and honestly the challenge just wasn't that challenging. I breezed by.   Overall I was able to share the Whole30 plan with my sister & brother-in-law who may be getting on board as well soon.  Victory.  


My only concern is I still don't feel any losses - in fact I hope...I'm not gaining.  Feeling great, but still waiting for a weight loss breakthrough. 

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HALFWAY!!! Day 15!!


I'm doing well and staying compliant. A little bummed that my midwestern allergies turned into a nice sinus infection that require antibiotics. BOO! I'm trying to heal my gut - not strip it of necessary bacteria. Any advice on how to help with this would be appreciated.


I still feel great! Good energy. Cravings are pretty much gone. My meals are keeping me satiated for long periods of time.


Did a lot of food prep yesterday for the week. Thank goodness for the Well Fed cookbook. Made more mayo, grilled chicken thighs, Melissa's best chicken you will ever eat chicken breasts, boiled eggs, chopped veggies, etc.


Almost done!

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Happy Day 15!!


I had a GIGANTIC victory this weekend. I hosted the annual family cookout and there was a ginormous dessert table which I didn't touch and the fact that I personally made chocolate covered strawberries Friday night and didn't eat any. Then on Saturday we went to visit some more family and made our annual trip to a local creamery for ice cream. I stayed 100% compliant all weekend. No alcohol, nothing. I really do'nt know where this internal willpower is coming from :-) My husband is astonished since I have done many many diets and always "cheated" a little. I think the fact that they ask for 100% compliance and the fact that I don't want to reset the clock! It's also somehwat easier to not have even a taste of the ice cream rather than trying to eat a small amount (like when i was on weight watchers for many years...). I can also tell I'm losing weight - it's very motivational!


Bought the Well Fed cookbook and made my own mayo - turned out suprisingly well! I used that mayo and compliant mustard to make deviled eggs - yum!! Anyway, am really enjoying this cookbook.


Am looking to buy a fun lunchbox too - have always just used random bags. Might be fun to have an official lunch box :-)

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Good job, bec3b, that's awesome! :D


I ended up getting my lunchbox, plus a nice fabric tablecloth and placemats (I had a gross red plastic tablecloth that would transfer dye to my arms if it was too humid  :blink: ). Of course, as soon as I had the new stuff on the table, my cat claimed them as her own. She was lolling quite magnificently, I must say.


I'm starting to feel the effects of good food. I recognize it from my previous Whole 30s: that feeling of satisfaction, of steady energy, sleeping better, just plain happiness. And I'm back to wondering why the heck I ever go back to eating off-plan food. 


Surprisingly, I haven't had any temptation this time (it's my 3rd) to stop for fast food instead of going home to cook. I'm not sure what the difference is, but it hasn't been a chore for me to cook every night. So that's a surprise, and a relief.


Also, the other night I went out for dinner and I ordered a club soda with lime. I expected to have to ask for plain water because it was going to be horrible...but I actually enjoyed it. It was the bubbly feeling of soda without the crap. I'm enjoying watching the way my thinking changes, and the way my tastes change this month. Pretty nifty.

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Oh if you could see the buffet I can see from my office! It's a test - but not one that will be too hard. Couple of office birthdays - there is fruit pizza, rice krispie treats, chip and dip, chocolate cake, and a big platter of fruit. My sugar monster is hibernating and there is no need to awaken the beast.


And everyone that stops needs to discuss it with me. 


My belly feels too good right now to venture into that mess. We are on the downhill slide!

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Day 17 - not such a great day. Woke up from a restless sleep... barely got through my workout this morning. Just feeling a little down and sluggish today.  Not that I feel like going off plan... but I just don't feel, well, good... or motivated.


How is everyone else doing?

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Hope, I'm there with you on the restless sleep. I think I got too hot during the night, then got up to use the bathroom, then the cats were terrible. Everything was exactly the same as usual, so I'm not sure why I got overheated.


Just keep swimming...

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Figured out that the culprit was.... HORMONES!!! those darn things really mess with me!  Today is much better... everything feels better... my head, my body, my mood... all better today... didn't happen until after I took a 2 hr. walk down on the boardwalk... but at least it happened.


Almost to Day 20!!! What is everyone planning on doing to ward off the July 4th treats you are bound to encounter?


We were invited to a friend's pool... I'm bringing a tray of sausage and peppers (organic chicken sausage - don't worry... I read the label... totally compliant) and a bowl of baba ganoush with veggies for dipping.  At least I know there will be yummy food that I can eat.  Any other yummy treats  you have planned?

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We're 3 weeks down!!

I'm proud of myself - funny to remember the number of times I said "OMG there's no way I can go without pasta or bread or cheese".

My favorite recent recipe: skinless, boneless chicken breast, sliced fresh jalepenos on top, wrapped in bacon... grilled on a Big Green Egg. Delicious!

How's everyone doing?

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Hey all. Haven't had much time to post. I have continued to be 100% compliant. Sitting and watching the fireworks was hard, I wanted all those snacks I used to have. Went to a family bbq and made it through that also. Yeah!

Workouts are going great!

Finally the last couple nights have been getting better sleep. I hope that continues.

My clothes are loose, I am excited to pull out my smaller size clothes tonight. :)

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Day #22 - wow, this has been relatively easy, and I'm loving my meals and menu selections.  I find it incredible that after years, of having healthy snacks and eating every 2-3 hours I am able to have 3 meals a day that carry me through to the next very comfortably.  I've compared my menu a time or too on the Fat Secret data base and am right on track with calories that are high enough and within the proper macro nutrient range.


I'm still waiting on inches and losses, however.  I know things are very...slowly changing, so I will continue on. This is more than a Whole30 for me, and as much as I wanted a nice drop in my inches - I know this is setting me up towards more consistently into paleo life. I've been contemplating going to Whole45 for the next step and following through until July 31st.  Still another full week to go - so maybe I'll see some bigger changes this next week - hopeful!

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I too was hoping for more noticeable changes by now... tomorrow is my birthday and I am tempted to weigh myself to see how much I have lost and to compare myself to what I weighed last year on my birthday.  Actually, last year on my birthday was the day that I found ISWF and this book had a profound impact on me.  I was too chicken to jump wholly into a W30 so I started eliminating things slowly.  I had some results and by November I was ready to commit to it fully.  Now here I am nearing the end of my second W30 and wishing I had more noticeable changes... last time I definitely felt the tiger blood.. this time still waiting... last time I noticed my clothes were looser in the 2nd week... this time still waiting... but I have no intention to stop eating this way, overall I feel better - I am more clearheaded and less bloated... and I feel (mentally) that I am doing what is right for my body.  I am planning to jump into the official W30 they are doing in August just for the support to keep going...

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5 days to go! How is everyone doing?


Like I said before, I am planning on continuing... anxious to see if the scale moved at all in these last 30 days... I panicked a little last night... a friend of mine took me out to dinner for my birthday and I ordered tuna steak grilled which was delicious... but it came with a seaweed salad... I asked the waiter to ask the chef what was in it and he told me just seaweed and toasted sesame oil... but I swore when I tasted it that I could taste sugar!!! I asked him again and he said the chef told him it was just seaweed and oil... I didn't eat the rest of it... but if there was sugar in it... I ruined my W30!!! Yikes... I am not going to let it get me down, especially since I plan to continue to stay compliant... but it still kind of stressed me out a little.  Amazing how sensitive your taste buds become to the things that we eliminated...

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2 and a half days to go!

The past month has gone quickly..... And slowly at the same time.

I'm doing good and am proud of myself! I'm definitely feeling the benefits: more energy, none of that uncomfortable bloated feeling I used to get too often, clothes are looser, I feel lighter, my mood is even, and I'm finding I'm not having to pee as much (especially at night) - not sure what that's about?

My plan is to continue to keep sugar, dairy and grains out of my diet. I'll have white potatoes occasionally if I don't experience a problem when I reintroduce them (I've tried really hard to enjoy sweet potatoes but haven't got there yet).

Tuesday is our last Whole30 day and we leave for a 2 week road/camping trip the next day. Planning to take olives, pickles, nuts, raisins, apple sauce, freeze dried fruit, hard boiled eggs, guacamole, Larabars, olive oil, seasonings, Kombucha, mustard as our pantry 'staples' (suggestions welcome!) and we'll pick up fresh meat, veggies and fruit on the road.

I'm looking forward to my first glass of red in front of the campfire Wednesday night :)

How's everyone else doing?

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A glass of red wine, yes, that is what I think I miss the most. Ha.   For me however, I'm moving on with a Whole45 - so another 2 more weeks on plan for me.  I had subscribed to the Daily Newsletters and have really enjoyed them through this process.  One recent newsletter was about adopting another goal in the weeks ahead. I've decided to adopt an Egg30, when I hit Day #31.  I'll be eliminating my daily eggs with breakfast, but also making additional choices for dressings and dips beyond my favored homemade Mayo.  


I think this will be a good approach for me, and even tho I have mild symptoms of psoraisis and hypothyroid,  I will most likely look into AIP down the road.   I have thankfully noticed a few inches finally...coming off within the past couple days, but not the changes I was really anticipating.   I'm almost scared to weigh in on Wednesday, as I don't expect my scale weight will change too much from where I was 30 days ago, (but maybe I'll be surprised!).  I've done a lot of yo-yoing in my life, and know this way of eating will finally help me to stabilize my metabolism, and it just might take me awhile longer to reach "the magic".  I feel good in so many ways, and it's been a very positive discovery journey! It has become more than about weight loss for me.  The most challenging has been not to do a daily weigh-in, but that has also been the most informative part of the program for me.  My focus has shifted, and even tho fat losses are still top of my list, I am experiencing every other level of healing with my relationship with food, and much more content with myself at this time, knowing I'm a continued work in progress!  


Since Week #2 I was able to share the Whole30 with my sister and her husband.  They ran with the program, and are now on Day #10 themselves.  My life has changed, and I know this is the right fit and lifestyle for me as I continue on!  Best wishes to all that started on June 16th - it's been a great journey, and kudos to you for your efforts and resolve, it's a great accomplishment and rewarding in so many ways!  

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Happy Day 30 everyone! We did it! I too will be continuing on... but what an accomplishment for all of us!  I weighed myself this morning and I am down 11 lbs.  Better than I thought although I still don't see too much of a difference in the way my clothes fit... but I didn't take measurements so I don't know about inches lost. 


To those of you continuing... I wish you continued success. To those of you that are starting the reintroduction phase... I wish you luck with that.  So proud of everyone!!! I hope more of you post here today to share results and feelings.

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hope4 - awesome results!  I was afraid to get on the scale this morning - and have to admit I was rather disappointed after all...drum roll...2.6 lb. loss, and very nominal loss in inches as well.  Wow - I started Whole30 at a high weight of 144.2 - needless to say I expected to at least...break 140.  I'm used to dropping quicker, but that goes to show I've done a lot of various programs for weight loss.  I'm pressing on with Whole45 and going Egg30 as well.  One day at a time - I'm not going to stop short until I reach the "magic"!  

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