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Whole 30 Completed! On for more


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Today is day 31 for me and I feel great.  Last night my 3 month old was up several time as well as my toddler.  I am up this morning still feeling energized. 


Between the birth of my daughter and getting pregnant with my son I had lost 65lbs with a calorie in/calorie out, very strict diet.  I would lose at most 6-8lbs a month and always felt exhausted.  I ran several half marathons and a full marathon.  Despite working my tail off, I still felt like I couldn't catch up and frustrated that my weight wasn't moving.  During my pregnancy with my son I gained 62lbs.  With in the first 2 weeks I had lost 20lbs (baby weight, etc).  Over the next couple of weeks I gained 3lbs and felt awful.  We had taken a vacation to Michigan and my body hurt.  I have always had issues with chronic  pain.  We had planned to start the whole 30 a week after coming home. While sitting on the floor of the hotel room and hurting I decided we would start it the first day we were home.  I was done being uncomfortable. 


The 30 days felt free.  I know some people feel like its restrictive, but it felt good to me.  Having the freedom of eating as much as I wanted.  I learned that I liked cabbage and Brussels sprouts.  I increased my vegetable intake by a ton. 


My results.


*  More Energy

*  less Pain

*  Better Sleep

*  Major improvement in digestion

*  Softer skin

*  Improved eczema on my feet

* even though I had the freedom to eat, my portions became smaller and I felt fuller. 


I also lost 17.5lbs and over 15 inches in 30 days.


Because I am still feeling some pain and I want to clear the eczema on my feet I am going to continue on the plan for another 30 days.  Last month I had little exercise.  Starting on the 6th of July I am going to start training for a 5k so that I can begin training for a half in August.  I can't wait to PR in December!


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Me, too: I like the notion of how Whole30 can be freeing. One thing that is under appreciated is how some restrictions can actually set you free. You don't have to expend so much energy making choices, you just follow the rules and then use your energy elsewhere. Freeing.


The trick, of course, is to follow the right rules -- making sure they are good, healthy, beneficial, etc.


Congratulations! I'm glad you're keeping on!

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