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Did you find yourself sweeter and kinder after Whole30 reintro?


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The Grapes of Wrath was one of Paw's favorite movies. Bear's and my grandparents came through the Great Depression. It is a cautionary tale. 

The Dust Bowl and poor farming practices. It is a great movie. The older folkaronies that are still alive can relate and they don't want to go through that again.

So go ahead and throw all the things away. Or not. You can always share with others. Bear does and he does most of it in secret.


There's no place like home and family is everything.

Houston. Drive West and don't stop. We care.


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It's not bragging if it's true. We all have the gift of faith.

When I walk away from here something else always falls into my spirit. If you have a thought you can let that gooo. You choose. You decide.

Yesterday, something strong dropped in and I told Maw. It's good to get a confirmation before you blather and foam at the mouth. Feelings are fickle. They'll lead you astray.

The sky is not the limit and it never was. Your spirit knows the way. Listen.

We all see things but we only know in part. No one has all of the answers. Discernment is a gift. 

We see, we dream and we feel. Smoke signals are coming at us from every direction to get our attention but we prefer distractions. 

Distractions are not a cure for a food addiction. You have to replace the destructive habits with positive new ones. 

SWYPO's are substitutions and recreations of the real thing.  SWIPE'O's.  A swapped out version of the real thing.

Substitutions. Keep your eye on the horizon.


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Addiction begets addiction. Extremes beget extremes.

Broken dopamine receptors trigger abnormal hunger and overeating, binge eating. 

Pervasive hunger for food or other substances is at the root of addiction.

Scientists have zeroed in on a set of neurons in the brain that is not only linked with hunger and overeating but drives drug addiction.  Food and drug hunger.

Broken dopamine receptors drive diabetes and obesity, metabolic disorders.

Wild animals don't suffer with broken dopamine receptors. You don't see diabetes and obesity in the wild. Nature does nothing in vain.

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One of the biggest issues facing food addicts is denial.

The earlier and sooner you go into recovery the greater your chances for recovery.

Mild to profound. When is enough enough?

You have to choose to become Food Sober.

How do you know you're in the danger zone.

You have a lack of control with food. Binge eating. Driven by Food Drug Hunger.

There may be a desire to quit but you're unable.

You spend a lot of time thinking about food or how you're going to get your hands on your food triggers.

Constant cravings

Unwilling to take full responsibility for food addiction

Problems with relationships or you don't have any

Loss of interest in anything but food

The situation is worsening. Your health is knocking up against the rocks. Diabetes, obesity, heart problems, you can't walk...your joints are fall apart, others.

Getting Food Sober takes help. If you're exactly where you were a year ago or 5 years ago, there's your sign.

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One of the biggest issues facing food addicts is denial.

You can't hide food addiction from others.

There may be so much denial that you are willing to help others get themselves free but you cannot admit that you have a serious problem.  Making excuses, massive rationalization and denial.

You can't admit that you have a serious food addiction. You're unwilling to submit yourself, surrender and go in for help.  Face-to-Face.

You avoid anything and everything that would result in food addiction recovery.

This is fear.

Fear stops the food addict from going in for help.

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Birds of a feather fly together. They enable each other.

Got eating buddies? I used to have those.

Ooooo, you're fine. You don't have a problem.

In this situation, you have to ask yourself...do they have a problem, too? They don't want to realize or admit it either.

Would you feel comfortable telling them they have a problem, too?  We usually don't out of more fear.

Fear and addiction.  We don't want to offend or lose our friends. It's best to have a medical professional diagnose the situation. Objectively.

Houston, if you're telling others how to get free but you can't get free, you have a serious problem...this is denial.

Addiction is measured on a spectrum. Mild to profound. It progresses with age. Mild in youth can become severe in adulthood.

You don't have to hit rock bottom to get recovery treatment. Your addiction is likely worse than you know or are willing to admit. You can't hide it from others.

Surrender. Addiction catches up with even the highest functioning of addicts. 

Fear keeps people from asking for help or fear of watching the facade fall apart.

The alcoholic who waits for DUI's and car wrecks before they are forced to face the issue = serious denial.

The food addict who waits for the widow maker before you change the way you think, feel and behave = more denial.

Food Addiction is chronically rewarding yourself with food rewards.  It's multi-layered and complex.

Learning how to become Food Sober is your best chance at recovery. There's no such thing as the Finish Line with Food Addiction Recovery. 

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On the first part of the journey I was being advised by a struggling food addict who could not get free either. That ended up in a mess.

We advise others through and from our bias. If you're still in the throes of full blown addiction - that addiction introduces you before you start speaking.

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I got my hands UP
I need an alibi
Find me a witness who can testify
You made a mistake
You got the wrong guy
Blame my reason on my name
Blame my name on my reason
Blame my lack of knowing better on public education
Blame smoke on the fire
Blame fire on the smoke
No it ain't my fault
You have to take full responsibility for it anyway. Food Addiction sux. Food Recovery is my friend.
“Eating crappy food isn't a reward -- it's a punishment.” 
Drew Carey
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Behold the Elephant

Scientific and medical research has found that Great Famines are responsible for centuries of eating disorders and medical disorders.

Malnutrition and starvation causes epigenetic changes.

You're not going to like this but it causes mental disorders, too.

We no longer have mental asylums so these people end up on the street living in a cardboard box in an underpass. Sleeping and living on the streets.

Even the elderly and disabled peoples were considered a liability and they were put there, too. Some were put there as young disabled children.

Ignorance is not bliss. 

Got a history of famine and  starvation in your family?  I do.

We are a product of our raising and genetics. I don't like it. It gives me a really big pinch.

These things come with a mighty high price, passed on down to the second and third generations.  Lack of nutrition caused damage to the babies. Gene defects.

I have a heart for all of the disabled, disordered and those suffering with addiction. Malnutrition. Kids not having any food at home.  No suppers or anything for the weekends.  

We have them right here in the land of the plenty. I wish it wasn't so.  It causes a predisposition to anxiety, depression and food disorders. 


Even in healthy individuals without eating disorders, states of semi-starvation have been shown to trigger obsessive behavior around food, depression, anxiety and neuroticism that promote a continued cycle of starvation.  Additionally, brain imaging studies have shown that people with eating disorders may have altered brain circuitry that contributes to eating disorders.  Differences in the anterior insula, striatal regions, and anterior ventral striatal pathway have been discovered.  Problems with the serotonin pathway have also been discovered. These differences may help to explain why people who develop anorexia nervosa are able to inhibit their appetite, why people who develop binge eating disorder are vulnerable to overeating when they are hungry, and why people who develop bulimia nervosa have less ability to control impulses to purge.



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Dieting is the most common precipitating factor in the development of an eating disorder. In the U.S., more than $60 billion is spent every year on diets and weight-loss products. Despite dieting’s 95-98% failure rate, people continue to buy dangerous products and take extreme measures to lose weight.

Restrictive dieting is not effective for weight loss and is an unhealthy behavior for anyone, especially children and adolescents.  For individuals who are genetically predisposed to eating disorders, dieting can be the catalyst for heightened obsessions about weight and food.

Dieting also intensifies feelings of guilt and shame around food which may ultimately contribute to a cycle of restricting, purging, bingeing or excessive exercise. 9.5 out of 10 people who lose weight through dieting gain back all of their weight within 1-5 years; half of them gain back to a weight that’s above their starting weight.

More worrisome though is that dieting is associated with higher rates of depression and eating disorders and increased health problems related to weight cycling. Intuitive eating and the health-at-every size paradigms are recommended as alternatives to diets for people looking to improve their health and overall well-being. 

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It gives me a big pinch but I'm not throwing in the towel and giving up.

I take full responsibility for everything including those periods of famine and starvation. When I was a small girl I performed a pompom routine with this song. I always wanted to be a long cool woman in a black dress.


Much Love. Tanto Amore.


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Creativity needs flow and freedom. If you try to plan your flow it takes the life and energy out. You have to let it live and flow and go from day to day. 

Food Addiction Recovery = Consistency

Food Addicts can't fly by the seat of their pants without constant turbulence and Relapse and Rebound.



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No laughter, no nitwittery, no fun.

I'm not going out like that.  Laughter is the sunbeam of the soul. Don't deny laughter when it comes. If you keep doing that repeatedly you'll end up dry as a bone. Let laughter mill around, shoot the breeze and stay as long as it wants.

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You can never have too many cold cranking amps.

That is your engine's ability to start in cold temperatures. When you're out there on the road by yourself, you're going to need every cold cranking amp you can get your hands on.  Never be stranded alongside the road without them. Your life depends on them.



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Turn around. Go Back.

Return to the place of your greatest encounters. Walk in that experience.

If you feel yourself slipping and wanting to throw the towel in....remember.

Remember the enemy of your soul and weapons that were used to steal your joy.  For me, it's Food Addiction.

That sneaky snake knows every area of your greatest weaknesses.  Yellow bellied lily livered sapsucker.

He tries to ensnare and trap you once again. Taking all of your hard-fought freedom away. Limiting your choices and abilities. 

PULL.   Fight for your right to be free of food addiction = No longer eating from the Prison Food Menu of multi-crap. Guard your freedom and take refuge in it.

Recovery is my friend and my hope is in TNT Dunamis Power.



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Universe, if you're listening. Please. Let's not. 

Old Faithful won't be faithful anymore. The intricate and elaborate geyser system, nature's big thunder mug, the moral high ground on which you stand or sit... will be gone.  Nature does nothing in vain. Let's leave her alone.

Let cooler heads prevail. Gather your thoughts but forget about this one. Forever.


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