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Whole 30 #2: Really appreciate any feedback


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Afternoon Everyone,


My first Whole30 was in June this year, and I completed the whole 30 days without too much drama. Here's what I got out of it:

  1. Lost 16lb - physically looked like I'd lost more.
  2. Slept through the night 8-9 hours - no more 2am, 4am, 5am, 6am wake ups.
  3. Skin cleared up and started 'glowing' - genuine comment from a check-out worker.
  4. Felt more positive throughout the day - didn't wake up dreading work.
  5. Not one stomach/digestive issue - I've suffered since January with IBS symptoms.

In the last week of my Whole30 I had a personal drama, and in the past couple of weeks have dealt with moving home, eating a lot of rubbish, not going to the gym, an operation and gaining 7lb back. So today I woke up and decided I'm starting a second Whole30 tomorrow.


The main lesson I learnt from my first Whole30 is prepare. Seriously, plan, plan, plan.


So, I've been to the farm shop and supermarket this morning and spent this afternoon planning what meals I'm having for the week. I've also made:


  • Ghee: absolutely love this stuff for cooking, especially if it's something delicate that coconut oil will overpower
  • Breakfast: I really struggled to eat breakfast on my first Whole30 because, don't kill me for this, I don't like eggs. So I've fried up some chicken, ginger and chilli in coconut oil which is now portioned out ready for each morning to have with some carrot sticks (already chopped) and almond butter (homemade)
  • Lunch: Grilled yellow and red pepper, spinach, avocado and tuna. Enough for Monday and Tuesday.

For my dinners I'm going to have either meat or fish (cooked in ghee), with sweet potato, kale and a rocket salad.


Any suggestions on if these are balanced enough meals? Should I be adding anything extra?


Take care,





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Day 1:




Chicken fried in coconut oil, chili and ginger, carrot sticks, almond butter.




Tuna, spinach, peppers, avocado.




Salmon, sweet potato, kale, broccoli, olive oil and lemon dressing.


Feeling - tired :(

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You do have a copy of the meal template hanging in your kitchen, right?  ;)




You will feel better if you have protein, fat, and vegetables at each meal.  Days 3 & 4 breakfasts do not fit this description.  Nut butter does not count as protein on a Whole 30 -- it is not a complete protein, meaning it does not contain all of the essential amino acids.  For a Whole 30, nut butter is considered fat.


Fruit is okay, but should be in addition to your veggies -- not in place of them.  I personally do not recommend having fruit for breakfast at all -- getting a blood sugar/insulin spike first thing in the morning is not ideal, for weight loss in particular.  But that is your own individual decision, of course.


Otherwise -- looks good!  I hope you can get back to feeling as great as you did for your first Whole 30.  :)

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Hey, thanks for the feedback.

Yeah I have the meal plan.

On one day I forgot to make some veggie sticks, so grabbed a banana.

Yesterday I made some boiled eggs the night before and forgot to take them to work!

I really do struggle to prep for this, saying that I have nothing prepared for tomorrow. I guess it's baby steps sometimes eh?

I don't know if anyone else has experience this on Whole30 but I sometimes feel repulsed by foods I normally like. For example, eggs. Can't stand the thought of eating them one day, love them the next.

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