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Started today, now what? (August 17 start)

Mac family

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Wow, I spent the good part of the day cooking, prepping food, and cleaning the kitchen! I'm hoping I can get my act together enough to not have to spend SO much time in the kitchen in the future, but boy did it pay off. We had 3 delicious Whole 30 meals, and I think I've convinced my husband that it really is possible to live without popcorn and Auntie Anne's pretzels.

Looking forward to the rest of this journey! Anyone have some quick and easy breakfast meals to share? Also, what to expect over the next few days? I was a carb/sugar addict, and I already had a slight headache this evening.

Anyone else starting on Aug 17?

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Have you seen the timeline? It gives you a pretty good idea of what your next month is going to be like :)http://whole30.com/2013/08/revised-timeline/


Remember, you don't have to cook a recipe for every meal - this morning for breakfast I had some sauteed lamb mince on a portobello mushroom with some mixed lettuce on top. Quick and easy.

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Day 2. Last night I went to sleep with a lump in my throat. It's still there today. I feel almost overly full from yesterday, and I wasn't hungry for breakfast this morning. Yesterday I had eggs, sautéed potatoes, sausage, broccoli and a small bowl of watermelon and blueberries for breakfast. Chicken and a big salad with guac for lunch with celery dipped in almond butter on the side, handful of cherries. A couple nuts and seeds and half a cup of fruit for a snack. Roast beef with carrots, onions and mashed potatoes for dinner. I feel like my body is not used to so much meat at once. I'm definitely going to take it easier today. I'm super active chasing around a 1 year old and exercising 4x a week.

3 eggs with veggies and a monkey salad for breakfast this morning. Planning a light lunch, maybe no chicken for lunch today.

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Thanks! I did not feel as full yesterday, In fact I went to bed hungry. I had leftover roast beef, mashed potatoes, green beans and watermelon for lunch and turkey meatballs with tomato sauce and cauliflower for dinner. Rooibos tea and some applesauce with cinnamon after dinner because I still felt hungry.

I felt so down last night. I was tired, cranky, and almost felt depressed. I'm sure it's all part of the "hangover." I felt great when I woke up this morning on day 3, but it's 10:30am and my stomach is already rumbling. At 8:30 I had 3 eggs with onions, broccoli, and cauliflower sautéed in olive oil and a bowl of banana and nuts for breakfast, followed by coffee with coconut milk.

Still not sleeping great. I haven't slept well since moving into our new place. Although this morning I woke up at 6:15 and felt like I could get up, but I stayed in bed until the baby got up at 7:45. Went to bed too late last night at 11:15.

I haven't worked out yet since beginning. I've been keeping busy running errands and we took a couple walks. I was going to try a workout today and see how it goes. I'm a little nervous how a run will feel.

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Again, ditch the fruit. I find that fruit makes me hungrier (I'm sure there's a scientific explanation for it...). And how many nuts did you have? A serving is a closed handful.


If you're hungry, eat a small meal of protein, vege and fat (eg. a tin of tuna in oil and some cucumber sticks). You don't want to be hungry and miserable!

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Yesterday was much better. I felt pretty good all day. Also got a visit from Aunt Flo. Now I don't know what symptoms were related to that and which were related to the diet. I had the same breakfast, sweet potato and roast beef for lunch, and a baked potato with chicken and asparagus for dinner. I had a handful of cherries and a small handful of nuts and raisins as a snack. I slept great last night and woke up at 7am with no alarm clock. I'm loving my Rooibos tea. I had the strawberry lemonade tea with frozen strawberries. Hoping for a great day 4!

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Day 5 and I'm feeling great! It's very exciting to feel this good already. Energy is up, digestion is regulated, bloating is down, sleeping great. This is how I'd summarize my first 5 days:

Day 1- Stuffed/ Over full

Day 2- Hungry and depressed

Day 3- Tired and cramps (Aunt Flo)

Day 4- OK I can do this, energy up (3 mi run)

Day 5- This is easy!! But I just want a latte!

I went to the drug store last night to pick up some medicine for my husband. Normally I would stop by the Tasty Treat for an ice cream on my way home, but I breezed by without even thinking of it. I did have a pang today for a Starbucks latte. And my son needed a snack around 4, which was 4 hours after my 2nd meal and I was getting hungry. I normally would have finished off his Ritz crackers and cup of yogurt, but instead had a monkey salad and kept busy putzing around the house so I wouldn't think about it. I have no doubt that I'll make it to the end now!

Today I had sweet potato hash with 2 fried eggs and a half a cup of a compliant green smoothie, roast beef + 2 turkey meatballs, more potato hash, spinach and a handful of cherries for lunch, monkey salad at 4pm, and Cracklin' chicken with roasted potatoes, carrots, and a salad for dinner. Perfect meals today. I didn't get too hungry between meals and I didn't feel over full. Although I feel like I had too many potatoes for not getting a workout in. I just got too busy and didn't make it to the gym. I'll make up for it tomorrow with a tough workout.

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Going to bed hungry tonight. Day 7 is in the bag though, and I haven't taken a bite off plan all week! Woohoo!

Day started out great- 2 fried eggs with potatoes and monkey salad for breakfast, steak and veggie stir fry with coconut aminos (yum!) at lunch, plus a clementine and some watermelon. It's summer and I just love the fresh seasonal fruit right now.

Then we took the baby to the zoo, where I resisted all kinds of delicious fried foods and ice cream. Husband and I were both hungry when we left. I had a handful of nuts and seeds in the car. We should have gone home to make dinner but we were enjoying the weather and the baby was sleeping in the car, so we went down to Patriot Place stadium and walked around. Then we were starving, so we went to a random restaurant we hadn't heard of, but it seemed nice enough to be able to cater to my restrictions. I was so paranoid about going off track that I just got a salad with avocado, radishes, and cucumber with olive oil and balsamic vinegar. (jumbo shrimp at $3 apiece?? No thanks). I also had a couple of my son's boiled potatoes. No protein. I was worried any of the meat would be non-W30. Husband ate surf and turf with French fries. He's now on the "half-30" as he calls it. At least he didn't have gluten, dairy, legumes or sugar. There goes my supportive husband! ! So while it was a fun day, I'm now starving and don't want to cook anything. So I'm just going to go to bed and restart tomorrow.

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