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Day 3!


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Just started the Whole 30 on Sunday and am almost through Day 3!  I tried this once before but didn't make it past day 9.  I need some serious motivation -- and some egg-free breakfast recipes.  Breakfast kills me every time because I have been a bagel person for years!  And please don't tell me to eat leftover dinner for breakfast -- I can't wrap my brain around that AND that's usually my lunch.  :)


Anyway, I'm new to the group and any advice, suggestions, etc. are more than welcome!!  Also, anyone in the Boston area?


- Jennie

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Google Whole30 egg-free breakfast and you should get lots of ideas.


Soup is nice for breakfast. It's a gazillion degrees here now and I'm not really in a soup mood, but when it was cooler, I'd make a big pot of a creamy soup based very loosely on this recipe, and then top it with whatever meat I had, or serve it on the side with some meat. 


Sausage is a pretty traditional breakfast meat -- if you can't find compliant, you could make your own, there are lots of recipes out there. Many of them list honey or maple syrup as ingredients, but those are absolutely not necessary. If you make sausage, you can include it in a sweet potato hash. 


If you do a weekly cookup, you'll have plenty of different meats and veggies on hand. Pick whatever combo sounds good for breakfast.


I will say, without eggs as a breakfast option, and since you obviously can't have bagels, your breakfast choices are probably not going to look like traditional breakfast foods. It's something you really need to wrap your mind around. Many people find referring to their meals as Meal 1, Meal 2, and Meal 3 to be helpful in this regard -- it's a reminder that whatever food makes a healthy supper is also fine to eat as a healthy breakfast or lunch. There's no need for special foods for one particular meal. 


For vegetables, I'll make up a breakfast salad sort of like this one. This week, I included jicama, zucchini, yellow squash, snap peas, and carrots, and put the juice of one lemon over it, to help keep things from getting brown. It's probably enough to last me five or six days. Today I actually used it at lunch, threw it into a taco salad to up the veggies, but at breakfast, I'll have it on the side with my protein, and sometimes add chunks of avocado or a few nuts or maybe some toasted coconut flakes for the fat portion.  

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