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Business Reception


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I have my first Whole 30 obstacle tomorrow evening (my day three) and am looking for advice.  


I have a new boss and a "new leader assimilation" session tomorrow afternoon with my department, after which my department will be gathering at an Italian restaurant for a cocktail and hors d'oeuvre reception.  This is the appetizer menu (http://www.maggianos.com/en/pages/menu.aspx#) and looking over it I'm not sure there is anything I can eat here.  


Aside from asking the waiter for their recommendation regarding my dietary restrictions, is there anything else I can do?  As this is a new boss, how do I gracefully decline to participate?

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Here's my two cents...you don't decline to go. Eat heartily beforehand, get a glass of sparkling water (or whatever you like to drink that's compliant). Drink a TON. If it's weird that you don't have a plate with food, take a small plate, put one or two thing on it (don't eat it!), wander around and talk to people holding your non-edible snack. If people ask you about eating (which is SUCH a rude thing, but we all do it!!), say you have a big dinner later that night and you don't want to fill up at cocktail hour.

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