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How do you decide what is ok?


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I'm supposed to have lunch with a friend tomorrow, and I'm not sure where were going yet. One of our options is a little salad/sandwich place that we both love. I can eat there and stay compliant, BUT it will only be by having a salad. Which is fine. BUT, when you're out, how do you determine whether or not the protein is compliant? For example, this place has a fabulous chef salad (which I would nix the bacon automatically along with the ham), but what about the turkey? Do I have to grill them on ingredients or ask to see a package? Do you eat it and hope for the best? Avoid and have a protein when I get back to work?? I'm completely stressed out over this.....

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You do the best you can. Call the place before hand if you want and just make sure that everything you're eating is gluten/dairy/soy free. Those are the biggies.

If you feel comfortable grilling them, grill them...but I would try to figure out as much as I can with as few complications as possible. Don't stress out about it!

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