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Call me Duncan (I'm a Yo-Yo)


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Well, my name isn't really Duncan, it's Robin.  I'm in my 50's, overweight and out of shape.


I had a pretty terrific Whole30 in February of this year.  I lost 9 pounds and felt reasonably good.  That said, it was a labor intensive and somewhat lonely effort as I was isolated in my eating.   Eating is a social activity, and my family didn't give up grains or any of the other things I did.  At the end of the 30 days, there was still the lure of alcohol, sweets, and chips and how to manage them.  Eventually, I went back to the eating patterns I had before.  Here I am about 6 months later.  The weight is all back.  I'm unhappy, as inactive as a human can be, out of control, stressed, unhealthy and know that I'm not acting in my own best interests.


I am struggling with how to make better health a more permanent thing rather than 30 days.  I'm going to eat Paleo today, and get my house in order.  I may kick off a 30 day (or 60 or 90) effort.  Encouragement and advice and strategies for how to be successful this time around would be appreciated.

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When you finished your first Whole30 did you do the reintroduction protocol? Aside from weight loss did you write down the other health benefits you noticed? For me to make this a lifestyle change 2 things were important. First I went into it knowing that my eating would never be the same as it was before. Second I did my post W30 research and noted where I had issues and how I felt physically and psychologically when eating certain foods. Everything past that has been a journey of choices. 


I would recommend doing another Whole30 with the mindset of permanent change of some sort and plan for reintroductions. At the end of your 30 day period make a list of the benefits and use those as you go through reintro. And then use the guide to nutritional offroading to make decisions going forward.

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Hi Bethany, I didn't do the reintroduction protocol properly. Furthermore, I didn't focus on health benefits other than the weight loss.  I am positively blessed to be a really healthy person.  I come from very sturdy stock.  Other than clothes not fitting, appearance, and massive irritation at my lack of discipline, I've not suffered any immediate, serious consequences from the poor food intake.  My hobbies of reading and snacking, my profession of IT, high stress, burnout, and strange hours due to work emergencies reinforce the food intake patterns.


As I start a new Whole30, I'm going to try to focus on the Benefits link you gave me and try to map my eating to the non-weight / appearance benefits.  I'm also going to try to find a new positive hobby that does not involve, reading, eating, or being on the Internet.  


The last item - permanent changes - I'm struggling here.  I'll be thinking more about what those changes could be.

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Hi- I have had the same issue over and over when I complete my Whole 30s.  I think I've done at least 4 of them.  I never have had any trouble at all sticking to the program, even when I did a Whole 45.  It's as if having "rules" makes it almost easy. 


But then...... as soon as that pre-set end date hits, all rules are off.  I'm ok for the first couple of weeks... keeping my off-roading in check.  But somehow I *always* end up so far off track that I just mentally throw in the towel until "next time."  Well, it's been 8 months since the last time.


I pretty much already know that I need to stay away from dairy and most grains.  I started the re-introduction protocol last time, but didn't see it through. 


I feel like what I have to do this time is to pre-determine a set of rules before my Whole "XX" ends.  (I think I'm starting a 60 day one this time.)  But of course then we'll be just before Thanksgiving and then Christmas, which sounds like the perfect storm for LOSING IT.  :) 


So, this is the thing I'm planning to research and plan for this time.  How do I end up with a reasonable way to eat healthy, without having to have all of the RULES for the rest of my life.  (In my past, I've responded poorly to eating rules- ie: diets.  For example, responding to too much restriction with bingeing.) The great thing about whole 30, is that despite the "rules" it doesn't restrict amounts, so I tend to not have that problem. 


It's almost as if the "having of choices," which is how it feels when a Whole 30 ends, is overwhelming to my ability to regulate myself.  But I know it can't go on, at 100%, forever, in our culture.  I mean, I know that I'm going to want a glass of wine at some point, or a piece of chocolate (good, dark chocolate).  I just have a challenge drawing the line.....


Sigh.  I'll just keep on trying!!!  :)


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