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smooth move


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A quick look at the product on amazon and I'm giving a "most likely" as an answer.  You'll want to double-check for yourself by reading the ingredients of the particular box you're buying.  As long as there are no noncompliant ingredients (teas often have soy and/or sugar, stevia, or other sweeteners), you're good to go. 


If you're looking for products that assist in smooth digestion, you might also check out the unflavored variety of Natural Calm.  Many here swear by it.  It's a magnesium supplement, so different from an herbal tea, but often has the same effect as you'd probably get from Smooth Move.


Also, if you would like dietary tips for digestion, feel free to post some information about your meals, exercise, sleep, etc. here and get some ideas for ways to help.

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I'll second what Amy said. If the tea doesn't have anything non-compliant in it, you can have it. THAT SAID, there are better choices out there to aid digestion. Before resorting to a stimulant like Senna (which can be habit forming), it might be worth trying magnesium supplementation, drinking more water, digestive enzymes with meals, more starchy carbs, etc.

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