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Snoodess' first Whole30 - Oct 1 start


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This will be my first Whole30. I just registered for the forums today but have been reading since I began. I've been gluten free for years and cook paleo meals often but I found sugar creeping into my diet too much and felt I relied too heavily on rice and corn. So far it's been pretty manageable. It's a lot more cooking than I'm used to. I like to cook and I'm fairly skilled but I work outside the home and usually only had time for a couple meals a week and relied on quick to cook things or take-out much too often.


I like the idea of journaling so I have a record. I'm eager to look back and see just how much I accomplished in 30 days!


So to begin, I take a variety of supplements that have been recommended by my practitioner. I've been taking them since early August and I saw no reason to stop. One of them has milk ingredients in the tablet glaze. I'm not sure if that's enough to trash the whole thing and it is noticeable when I don't take them.


Morning supplements are:

Vitamin Code Raw Multi for Women (2)

Vitamin Code Raw B Complex (2)

Nordic Naturals cod liver oil soft gels (2)

Health food store brand Amino Acid Complex (this is the one with milk in the glaze) (2) 

Natren Healthy Trinity Probiotic (1)


At night:

Natural Calm unsweetened/unflavored (2 tsp)


For exercise I mostly walk (daily) and do heated power yoga (once a week sometimes more). I try to incorporate as much activity as I can muster in day to day routine, parking far away, taking stairs, lifting things, but I'm hoping to work in more by the end of the program.


I didn't do measurements but I started the program at 148 and I'm 5'3".


Next few posts will be catching up my food log.

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Day 1:

B - coffee with coconut milk, Vietnamese eggs, pan fried grated root veggies (celeriac, parsnip, carrot)

L - chicken spinach/garlic sausages, sautéed broccolini, pear

D - kalua pig, roasted sweet and yellow potato, green beans


That Viet egg recipe is my favorite way to make scrambled eggs. I use red boat fish sauce.


For the kalua pig recipe I used prosciutto in place of the bacon, added smoked paprika, and had to use himalayan salt. It came out delicious and will be a staple recipe in our house. Next time I'll try it as the recipe describes (finally found hawaiian salt and sugar free bacon).

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Day 3:

B - coffee with coconut milk, 2 fried eggs, chopped tomato/avocado/scallion salsa

L - pad thai

D - chopped grilled chicken thighs (Well Fed style) over butter lettuce and grated carrots with Tessemae’s southwest ranch dressing, few small pieces of roasted celeriac/parsnip/plantain


My evening was interesting. I spent the first part of the night at a bar watching a friend's band, just had seltzer and lime, then went to another friend's hotel room where I ate my packed dinner, and then we all went to another concert at a club. Didn't even get anything to drink. It was a really fun night and I was very proud of myself! Unfortunately I didn't get home until after 2 AM. I fell asleep as soon as my head hit the pillow.

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Day 4:

B - coffee with coconut milk

L - 3 spicy salmon cakes, very small handful of nuts (cashew/almond/macadamia), raw red pepper strips, packet of walnut/cashew butter

D - pad thai


I obviously didn't eat enough this day. I woke up late because of staying up and then went on a hike and a picnic with kids and friends. Skipping breakfast was a bad move. I had a great day but was starving by the time I got home and just reheated a big bowl a pad thai and inhaled it.


The salmon cakes were a tweak to the Nom Nom Paleo spicy tuna cakes. I used canned salmon, added two small mashed roasted potatoes since I didn't have enough mashed sweet potato, and subbed italian parsley for the cilantro. They are the perfect take along snack.

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Day 5:

B - coffee with coconut milk, banana

L - 2 fried eggs, kalua pork, chopped tomato/avocado/scallion salsa

D - chocolate chili, garlic cauliflower mash, black olives, the rest of the salsa


I had to wake up super early to drive an hour away to do a 5 mile fundraiser walk for suicide prevention. I was running a little late so I didn't have time for breakfast. I drank coffee in the car and had a larabar as an emergency but wound up not eating it. I had a banana before I started from hospitality and when I got home I just made a nice size lunch. Not too much because I had power yoga in the afternoon. I came home from that exhausted and hungry and ate a bowl of the chili I made before my class. I went to bed very early. Hoping to get back to a more regular routine during the week.

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Day 6:

B - coffee with coconut milk, 2 fried eggs, kalua pork, sautéed spinach

L - chocolate chili, garlic cauliflower mash, black olives, avocado

D - bratwurst, sweet and sour cabbage with bacon, garlic cauliflower mash


The chili from lunch made me feel spiced out and I wasn't really looking forward to cooking after a long day at work. I decided to do something quick and easy. Just pan fried the brats and made up the cabbage recipe from a few others. I sauteed sugar free chopped bacon and took it out when crisp, sauteed a sliced onion in the fat with some leftover proscuitto that needed to be used up, added sliced cabbage, S/P, a 1/2 cup of water, and 2T balsamic. Covered for 15 or 20 minutes. Added two thinly sliced very ripe pears. Covered and cooked another 5 or 10. Added crisp bacon at the end. Delicious! It was a perfect easy dinner.


Phew! All caught up. Going to bed and feeling great!

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So to begin, I take a variety of supplements that have been recommended by my practitioner. I've been taking them since early August and I saw no reason to stop. One of them has milk ingredients in the tablet glaze. I'm not sure if that's enough to trash the whole thing and it is noticeable when I don't take them.


Morning supplements are:

Vitamin Code Raw Multi for Women (2)

Vitamin Code Raw B Complex (2)

Nordic Naturals cod liver oil soft gels (2)

Health food store brand Amino Acid Complex (this is the one with milk in the glaze) (2) 

Natren Healthy Trinity Probiotic (1)


At night:

Natural Calm unsweetened/unflavored (2 tsp)


I'm not sure if the milk ingredients in the tablet glaze is enough to spoil the Whole30 as a test of elimination of dairy or not either. What that means is that you are spending 30 days and at the end of it, you will not have tested in an unambiguous way whether you are sensitive to milk proteins. Don't take the risk. An amino acid supplement is not necessary when you are eating Whole30-style with animal or fish protein at every meal and there is a pretty good chance there is another brand available that does not compromise dairy elimination if you want to keep taking them. 

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Thanks for the tips, they make sense. I skipped them this morning and will discontinue through the rest of my 30 days. I appreciate your insight.


I'm a week in and I feel pretty good. Some tiredness, but overall my mood has been great and I'm really enjoying my meals. No hunger issues and I've been able to stick to it faithfully (except for the aforementioned supplement). Before I started I already had the Nom Nom Paleo and Well Fed cookbooks. I thought I would be doing more of my recipes from NNP but I've been getting a lot more mileage out of Well Fed. Every single recipe I've tried has been terrific. I'm going to pick up the second one soon.


Day 7:

B - coffee with coconut milk, last of the kalua pig and sweet and sour cabbage. I was going to cook an egg but skipped it.

L - 2 spicy salmon cakes, salad with butter lettuce with a shredded carrot, chopped roasted root veggies, Tessemae's southwest ranch

D - grilled chicken thigh, velvety butternut squash, green beans


Good grief, that squash recipe is good! The whole family ate what I ate and cleaned their plates, that made me smile  :)

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Last night I was hungry an hour or so after dinner. I only ate one chicken thigh so I had half of another one and a spoon of coconut manna. The manna was a compromise because all I could think about was the larabar I bought for my walk Sunday morning. I know those are bad news for me so I'm glad I didn't cave. I still thought I felt hungry but I think I was bored or trying to comfort eat so I just went to bed early.


This morning we were all running late and I didn't get a chance to make breakfast. I just decided to skip it and wait until lunch.


Day 8:

B - coffee with coconut milk

L - two grilled chicken thighs, velvety butternut squash, mixed greens salad from salad bar at work (lettuce/spinach/arugula/cukes/carrot/tomato) with my own dressing

D - Bacon apple smothered pork chops, sauteed broccolini, mashed potatoes (chicken stock, coconut milk, the rest of the leftover cauliflower mash)


I bought some compliant smoked wild salmon and I've been fantasizing how I'm going to eat it. I think I'm going to make egg salad with capers, celery, homemade mayo and stuff that into a romaine leaf and top with the salmon. Maybe some cucumber too. I need to work through the rest of my leftovers first.


No idea what I'm having tomorrow. I guess I should plan that tonight...

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Day 9:


B - coffee with coconut milk, 2 chicken spinach/garlic sausages, sweet and sour cabbage

L - pad thai + 2 T cashews, earl grey tea over ice

D - baked salmon cakes, awesome sauce (homemade mayo), silky gingered zucchini soup, salad (butter lettuce/carrots/southwest ranch dressing)


I was pretty tired today, hence the afternoon tea. I didn't really feel like cooking but I pulled it together. Three of the recipes were from Well Fed 2 and they were all excellent. My mayo came out perfect. My immersion blender is one of my very favorite kitchen tools.


I found ketchup that is sweetened with grape juice. Is that legal? No other sweeteners. It's locally made.

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Dangit. Time was not on my side again and I skipped breakfast to be on time to work. Must fix that. I ate an Epic beef bar that I had stashed for emergencies. This was not an emergency but I was so hungry. I'm disappointed with myself. Onward and upward...


Day 10:


B - coffee with coconut milk, Epic habanero beef bar  :unsure:

L - 5 slices Applegate roast beef with mayo, big bunch of sauteed broccolini, rest of velvety butternut squash and mashed potatoes/cauliflower with leftover gravy from pork chops.

D - West African chicken stew, coconut cauliflower rice, green beans

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Yesterday was a mess in terms of my eating. I stayed on plan but didn't eat enough. I am determined to have three meals by the template today.


Day 11:


B - coffee with coconut milk, baked salmon cake with a couple T of awesome sauce

L - earl grey tea. hot. I was out longer than I thought I would be and didn't bring anything. We went to a cafe but they only had pastries.

D - leftover West African chicken over cauli rice. A good two cups of sweet and sour cabbage.

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Best laid plans and all that...


Day 12:


B - coffee with coconut milk, two fried eggs + one white leftover from making mayo, heaping tablespoon of awesome sauce, last of sweet and sour cabbage (about 2 cups), medium Asian pear

L - 2 pieces applegate roast beef with a spoon of mayo, couple cups of zucchini soup

D - 2 grilled chicken thighs, 4 gyoza meatballs with mayo


Obviously my day was lacking in vegetables. I had a busy day out of the house from mid-morning until almost 7. When I got home I finally did a cook up. Almost 3 lbs of ground beef, 2 pounds of chicken thighs, 2 pounds worth of pork gyoza meatballs, riced a cauliflower bigger than my head, and I have other veggies prepped. I cleaned out the fridge of old leftovers and am ready for a new week. I have all three meals planned for tomorrow. Over the weekend I bought some excellent produce from the farmer's market. I'm looking forward to an easier week with food at the ready.


Also for my own reference, I did 60 minutes of hot yoga (great practice!), walked a few miles, and my cycle started today.

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Better day today


Day 13:


B - coffee with coconut milk,1 fried egg, small roasted sweet potato that I pan fried in ghee and sprinkled with cinnamon/salt, 2 cups chopped green beans (needed more protein but we only had one egg left and I was running late)

L - huge green salad (4 cups butter lettuce, cup of chopped sugar snapped peas, big grated carrot, handful grape tomatoes, third of a hothouse cuke) with 2 grilled chicken thighs, couple tablespoons of mayo mixed with tessemaes southwest ranch, whole small avocado, cup of hot earl gray

D - compliant chicken curry with lots of veg over heaping cup of coconut cauli rice with a handful of chopped cashews

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I've had a terrible headache all day. This morning it was really bad and it just won't go away. I finally reached for the ibuprofen and read the bottle and it had both corn and dairy in it. What the heck? I put it back on the shelf. I think it's from the weather more than anything else.


Maybe because of the headache or maybe because of my point on the timeline I also had a bad case of the eff-its. All my meals were compliant today but I wasn't feeling it the way I have been so far. Thank goodness I did all of that prep the other night. Dinner only took 15 minutes to get on the table and fortunately everyone liked it. I didn't even make an off plan alternative for them.


Day 14:


B - coffee with coconut milk, big bowl of zucchini soup with a big scoop of pre-cooked ground beef, whole Asian pear

L - leftover coconut cauli rice, two chopped grilled chicken thighs, big salad (4 cups butter lettuce, cup of chopped sugar snap peas, big grated carrot, handful grape tomatoes, third of a hothouse cuke), couple tablespoons of mayo mixed with tessemaes southwest ranch, whole small avocado

D - gyoza meatballs from Well Fed 2 (they tasted exactly like the inside of a dumpling), coconut cauli rice, half a bag of pre-cut Asian blend veggies (cabbage, carrots, celery) sauteed in CO with a big bunch of rainbow chard and some coconut aminos.


Overall a decent day food-wise, I just wish I felt better. Hoping that tiger blood kicks in soon...

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No headache but kind of a meh day...


Day 15:


B - coffee with coconut milk, two fried eggs, pan fried potatoes, peppers, summer squash, carrots, red onion, hot sauce

L - gyoza meatballs with cashew butter, coconut cauli rice, sauteed cabbage and chard (couldn't finish it all)

D - kalua pig, half a roasted acorn squash with Asian pear butter/ghee/pecans/pumpkin pie spice, broccoli

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Slept like a rock and feel really good today. I made a double batch of mayo the other night and it broke. Finally fixed it tonight with another yolk.


Over the halfway point!


Day 16:


B - coffee with coconut milk, two fried eggs plus two egg whites from making mayo, pan fried potatoes, peppers, summer squash, carrots, red onion, hot sauce

L - chopped grilled chicken breast over butter lettuce, cukes, tomatoes, chopped sugar snap peas with tessemae's chesapeake ranch mixed with a little mayo and half an acorn squash from last night

D - taco salad bowl: lettuce, ground beef with diced zucchini/spinach/spices, tomatoes, olives, half a mashed avocado with lime/salt , trader joes hatch chili salsa


Kids had nachos. Normally I'd be really jealous but I thought my dinner was great. Progress!

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Had my first meal out today. It was a relief not to cook but I was hungrier than usual by dinnertime.


Day 17:


B - coffee with coconut milk, two fried eggs, roasted sweet potato pan fried in CO with cinnamon and salt, half a large sliced tomato with salt, hot sauce

L - Met a friend at Chipotle, had a salad with carnitas, pico de gallo, medium salsa, and guacamole. No dressing. I guess I should have ordered double meat.

D - two grilled chicken thighs, two spaghetti squash fritters with awesome sauce from Well Fed 2, steamed green beans


I also had a small handful of macadamia nuts as I was making dinner. Not in the spirit of the program, I know, and I ate them almost mindlessly. Taking note and resolving to do better.


The rest of the family had take out Chinese which, for once, was not appealing at all.

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Thanks April! The tuna cakes are really good. I've made them both with salmon and tuna. I suggest cooking them a little longer than she says so the sides and bottoms get browned. It makes them easier to take them on the go.


No breakfast today. Weekends are hard because I'm either up and out of the house all day or I sleep in. Today was the latter. By the time I had my coffee and was ready to cook it was lunchtime. I'm going to really try to do a good breakfast tomorrow.


Day 18:


B - coffee with coconut milk

L - last of the gyoza meatballs, two spaghetti squash fritters with awesome sauce, pan fried roasted sweet potato

D - Chinese BBQ pork (char sui), creamy spice market kale, coconut cauli rice (all from Well Fed or WF2)


The whole family loved dinner and said I need to make it more often. They had white rice with it. I so badly wanted to taste the rice when I was scooping it into a serving bowl but I didn't. Rice is definitely something I miss but was eating way too much of pre-whole30. I know I'll try it again during reintro but it's one of those foods I should probably spend some time thinking about my relationship with. My very favorite type of meal is chicken and rice in all of it's infinite varieties from every cuisine. Especially when it's a one pot dish with meat and veg and rice all together like arroz con pollo or biryani. Comfort in a bowl. Sigh.


Otherwise, I felt great today!

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The best laid plans and all that. No breakfast today. Tomorrow's another day.


Day 19:


B - coffee with coconut milk (2 cups today)

L - heaping cup of spaghetti squash with two eggs and a diced grilled chicken thigh all mixed and panfried in CO. Also the rest of the creamy kale.

D - big bowl of clean out the fridge soup I made in the crockpot, few bites of kalua pig, small handful of macadamias


Today was use up leftovers day. I threw a pound or so of cooked ground beef (it had onions/garlic/s/p) into the crockpot with mushroom broth, some canned pumpkin, tiny diced butternut, big can of pureed tomatoes, couple teaspoons of garam masala, and when it was done I added a can of coconut milk. It's really tasty. The kids are taking it in their lunches tomorrow.


I felt really good today. Might even be that tiger blood I've heard about. Aside from the skipped meal, I can see this settling into the way I eat normally (although I'm looking forward to eating at a restaurant eventually!) Unfortunately, I had a rough evening with family stuff. I've dealt with it well, which says something, but it's definitely affected my mood. Heading to bed. I'll be out of the house from eight in the morning until after midnight tomorrow and I need to be prepared.

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Another good day, this time with breakfast! I'm going to a concert tonight so I need to eat dinner a little earlier.


Day 20:


B - Mod Tom's scalloped turnips with kalua pig instead of beef. I used Japanese turnips and ate half the pan. So good! I also had a side of sauerkraut.

L - Leftover char sui over coconut cauli rice, last two spaghetti squash fritters with last of the awesome sauce

D - Taco meat over a small roasted sweet potato, olives, hatch chile salsa


I brought an avocado that was rotten so I had to toss that. I also have two clementines for later if I need them and I have a small package of nuts


Felt kind of strange not to cook anything today, just reheated things. My mood is great and my pants are loose!

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Chugging along. Feel like I'm hitting my stride and all that.


Day 21:


B - coffee with coconut milk, the other half of the scalloped turnips with kalua pig, sauerkraut

L - big bowl of clean out the fridge soup, cup or so of roasted veg in basting oil from Wegman's hot bar (I just didn't feel like having a salad)

​D - bora bora fireballs with sunshine sauce, roasted cumin carrots and broccoli


The bora bora fireballs was the first recipe I wasn't thrilled with from Well Fed. They were good but not crazy tasty. Maybe they'll be better tomorrow. I was also a little annoyed that the recipe gave 10 minutes prep/30 minutes cook time but that didn't factor in the time it took to roll, dip, and coat 50 meatballs (another solid 20). Oh well. Everyone ate them and said nice things.


I don't have specific meals planned for the rest of the week. I should probably put some thought into that. Otherwise I'm feeling good, not really craving anything specific and I'm not constantly hungry. Even though I only got five hours of sleep I had a productive day and didn't feel like I was dragging. Early bed tonight though. Three weeks down!

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Dreary day here but doing well. I'm starting to think about reintroduction and what I'm going to test. I might try fermented soy first with no other legumes. I miss tamari and miso. Coconut aminos are good but pricey and not quite the same. I also plan to try dairy but I'm worried I'll react. I miss good cheese and butter. I'll test rice and corn separately. Then peanuts alone. Eventually other legumes. I don't plan on reintroducing gluten (already know I can't tolerate) or alcohol (maybe to cook with, but not as a beverage). I'm sure I'll loosen up on sweeteners a bit. I plan on buying good bacon and won't worry so much about otherwise compliant dressings and condiments. I have a lot of questions and worries about reintroduction. I love the way I've been eating and I don't really plan to change very much. 




Day 22:


B - loose interpretation of egg foo yung, rest of char sui diced, big handful of chopped sugar snap peas, two chopped scallions, two eggs, spices and seasonings. Really tasty and quick!

L - kalua pig, cumin roasted broccoli and carrots, couple T of mayo

D - bacon-wrapped smoky chicken thigh, yuca oven fries, big green salad with lots of veg and ginger dressing from Well Fed 2

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