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I know!  The sickness thing is ridiculous!  It's all I've been writing about since the beginning of October.  However, in the grand scheme, it's just a small bit of time.  Of course, I say this, and my son came home early from school today.  He threw up which is really unlike him, has no energy, no fever, but is so lethargic.  I suspect he's got a bugger infection in his lungs and I know he'll be home tomorrow.  All our relatives have left as of today and I admit that I am looking forward to sitting on the sofa and watching movies on the computer with my kids!  My own sore throat and head fog isn't so bad - it's lurking in the background, but not getting worse so hopefully I'll kick it.  I'm taking Elderberry syrup and Vitamin D and eating decently.  I found myself questing for food today around the house, but we really don't have anything - not true - we DO have a bag of M&M's I was going to use for a bake sale, but I didn't dip into them.  I thought about it, but realized they wouldn't actually taste as good as I wanted them to taste and so I ate an apple instead or maybe some pecans.


I went out this morning in blustery weather and cut down a small Christmas tree.  It's now up and decorated and our house is starting to feel a bit special, which I really love.  I don't have a big work load this month, though I do have a lot of volunteering, but mainly I have a lot of personal projects I'd like to do like READING, or sewing an animal for one of my kids, or writing, or practicing the violin....Tomorrow I pay bills and will hopefully map out some goals or plans for the month (including getting meditating back in!!!!)

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We went out to dinner tonight and I had that darn Reuben.  It was okay.  I didn't have a beer.  Now the question is if I will be able to get back on track at home.  I have kale and eggs in the fridge for breakfast and some bison that is ready to be cooked up for lunch with mushrooms and other vegetables.   I don't have coconut milk, nor anything prepped for the kids for breakfast.  Life is so much easier when I have breakfast custards ready to eat in the fridge.


Today I ate:

Coconut pancakes for breakfast (tasty, fluffy, but didn't rock my world in any way, but the kids requested them)

Turkey with roasted beets, brussels, and cauliflower for lunch

Almonds and raisins for a snack

Reuben with fries and a glass of water for dinner


My head and throat are much better than yesterday.  My energy isn't awesome, but nor is it horrible. I did just have ten days of relatives in the house so a bit of down time isn't so abnormal.  IF only I could get my act in gear and get some renewed resolve to make goals and stick to them.  :)


I'm glad it's still only the second day of December.  This month sometimes goes a little too fast for me.

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I hope you're on the way to recovery.  I think eating the same thing almost every singe day for breakfast and lunch helps me get back on track after indulging.  It keeps me from thinking about what I might want.  I just eat and go on with my day. 

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Yeah, I agree on the same meals.  I started off this morning with the kale and eggs and that was good, but then I was running errands at lunch and things came up and all of a sudden it was two and I was starving and hadn't eaten and was picturing deli food from the supermarket (and not just deli food like a roasted chicken breast, but things like burgers and pizza sticks and fake foods galore).  I ran home and grabbed a LARGE handful of almonds and raisins and continued on with my day.  When I got home at 4:30 I know I looked around for food and wished for junk, but thankfully there really wasn't any and I didn't really want to eat the graham crackers slated for the school snack....so I ate some more almonds and made it till dinner.  I still feel hungry, but now it's bedtime.  Overall, I'd have to call it a successful day since I had so many off track thoughts!


I also got quite a bit done.  I have a lot I want to get done tomorrow as well and if I do, maybe then, I'll feel ready to start tackling the idea of goals, but not just yet.


My dog woke me up at 2:30 last night to go outside.  Argh!  However, even though I wanted to stay awake and read the phone, I didn't.  I fell right back asleep.  This summer when I was eating junky, that wouldn't happen at all.  I'd wake up for some reason and then stay wide awake for an hour or two.  This is so much better.


And that's about that.

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  • 5 months later...

I just finished a Whole30 plus a few more days and it went great.  Last night I had dinner with friends and that went great till I ate some coconut cream pie.  I was up much of the night with a very upset stomach that woke me up.  I did have sugars with my meal, but I'm pretty certain it was the milk in the pie that was the biggest aggravator.  Probably the sugars didn't help the situation, but I'd be surprised if they were the main culprit.  


So, today, I am sitting on the sofa waiting for things to clear through. I didn't sleep much and my big plans for an energetic day have been pushed back.  A mellow day isn't the worst of things!


Later this week, I'm going out to lunch with a friend.  I will avoid dairy.  I don't even need to test it out because I know it doesn't sit well with me.  Good job, my body, pointing this out so clearly once again!


If I was on top of things, I'd share my goals for PostWhole30 such as daily exercise, meditation, and eating clean, but for today, I'm taking a break.  :)  It really was an unpleasant night.

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I ate the coconut cream pie on Sunday night.  I STILL have stomach cramps, though not near as bad as yesterday.  I'm also still pretty bloated and my stomach hurts if I push on it.  It is a bit mind boggling to me just how much I reacted to the food.  I will be glad to have my stomach back to normal - a normal that no longer includes bloating.  


I also still have a cough and was up in the middle of the night with a sick dog so I was short sleep.  All of this let me flake off on the exercise goal.  I have such good reasons, but part of it is just not making it happen which I did when I was on Whole30.  I haven't meditated yet either.


However, I've eaten decently.  Last night we had Bird's Nest for dinner from the Paleo Effect cookbook.  It's sweet potato hash with seasoned ground pork on top and then topped off with an easy over or poached egg.  There's chorizo seasoning in the sweet potatoes and a bunch of other seasonings in the pork - it's good and the kids love it.  I made a double batch that barely made it till today's lunch. 


For dinner, I put a leg of lamb in the crock pot.  I had plans to cook up a spaghetti squash and roast some vegetables to go with it, but I got home late and had to get to an appointment so I ended up eating a hunk of meat for dinner with nothing else.  Funny that I didn't even notice that I didn't eat anything else till now.


Tomorrow morning I plan to have a good old broccoli and egg scramble.  That should get me back on track.  I'm planning on taking some cough syrup tonight to get some needed sleep and have plans for a big day tomorrow.

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It is crazy that the cramps lasted so long.  I think things are finally getting back to normal, but boy - I sure wish I hadn't had it and I sure do appreciate how good I'd been feeling before that pie!


I still have the nighttime cough and sleep was lame last night because I kept waking up.  Seems like so many of my posts are about this stupid cough.  I sound so unhealthy - grin - guess that's why I'm trying this Whole30 stuff!  There are, however, a bunch of people in town who have fevers and ugly coughs.  Granted, they are mainly children, but it makes me feel like I'm not the only one.  


So far today, all I've done is run the dog, eat breakfast and sit on the computer.  So, not good.  :)  I have a big list of things to get done and am heading off to start doing them.  

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Ha!  I am not doing my best!  I can feel myself pondering graham crackers.  You know why?!  Cuz I'm hungry!  I'm not hungry in my stomach, but I'm hungry in my brain.  I had a shoddy breakfast this morning and no lunch.  I'm setting myself up for not-my-best-choices if I don't figure something out.  


We travel tomorrow so I'm trying to get things done and get the house ready for the person staying here.  We've been eating all our food and there really doesn't seem like much in the fridge or cabinets, but I'm pretty sure there's a few cans of tuna.  It would mean making some dishes dirty, but I did promise my kids paleo cupcakes so I'm gonna have dirty dishes anyway.


I'm glad I had a good Whole30 and glad I'm watching myself flail a bit as I lose focus on what I was doing.  During the trip, I'll try to stick to cleaner foods, but I won't stress over it.  I do plan to hop back onto Whole30 upon my return.  I like the daily focus on goals for eating, meditating, and exercising.

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  • 10 months later...

:) One year later and I'm finally back.  I'm on the other forum doing a Whole30 and am on Day 6.  I'm trying to do things right proper because I sure do need it.  I don't know what happened the last year.  Maybe life got easy since the kids got older and I lost my focus.  The last year really has been pretty good, but not for my body, nor for my mind.  As my eating got more and more unstable, my body certainly reacted (by gaining gobs of weight) which just seemed to trigger more eating and my self-esteem and confidence and all that mental stuff went downhill.  Food really is like a drug.  I can drink a couple beers at night and just be done with beer part way through and pour it down the drain, but I can't do that with the sugary foods (though beer is like sugar so I don't quite get the difference).  I was really rather out of control, eating in secret, and running to the store just to pick up something junky to eat - and gobs of it.  I can't even begin to really understand why I was in the cycle, but once in, I was trapped.


And now I'm not.  This has been The Easiest Whole30 Ever (so far).  I really think my body and mind are so stinkin' relieved that they are working hard to keep all things positive.  I hope this stays.  I'd like to get back to a healthier me and now I have a long road ahead again to get there.


I saw folks I recognized from before on this forum and smiled.  I'm glad you all are still here and doing well!!!

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