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Start Date 1/1/15


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I plan on starting with the new year.  I'm a horrible junk food junky and constantly find myself craving sugars and carbs.  I've been searching for a way to eliminate or conquer those cravings and found the Whole30.  I'm committing to 30 days and hoping this is what I need to reboot my body and hopefully in turn help battle my PCOS and inability to get pregnant.  The hardest part is going to be battling those cravings that I usually succumb to.

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Good Morning! Welcome to the forum and congratulations on finding your way to Whole30.  Conquering sugar and junky foods is one of the most popular goals of the Whole30 and while it's not a walk in the park every day, it is totally achievable! 


There is a large group starting on January 1st as well, you are welcome to join in with them if you like for encouragement and support and chatter!  http://forum.whole9life.com/topic/23414-anyone-planning-to-jump-in-on-january-1st-join-me/


One tip for knocking down the sugar cravings is to not shore them up to begin with (I'm looking at you, fruit and nut butters!).  Honestly, if you are craving sugar and sweets, subbing in fruit is putting just enough kindling on that fire to keep the dragon alive.  If you absolutely have to have something, make it a mini-meal containing at least protein and fat, some veggies too if you want.  If you're going to eat fruit we recommend only eating it with a regular meal and never as a stand alone item.

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