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Amy B's Whole30 Log - Begin 01/01/15


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I'm committing myself to my first Whole30 challenge.  I've been pretty successful the last 3 months since switching to the paleo lifestyle, but there are a few foods that I've relied on that are not Whole30 that I will need to cut out.  Since going paleo, I've already started feeling healthier and just generally better.  I want to take that a step further and see how I feel after the Whole30.

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I've been eating coconut flour/tapioca flour pancakes, which will be a no-no. Also have made meals using honey and maple syrup. It's satisfied my sweet tooth. What I'm anxious to discover or eliminate is that sweet tooth. I've also been drinking this b12 mix called zip fizz. I'll need to cut that out.

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Day 1:  Started good.  Got up - ate a hard boiled (free-range) egg.  Went to cross-fit class.  But now I'm busy at work.  I wanted to eat more for breakfast, but got busy.  So, just ate my lunch of 3 paleo herbed meatballs and roasted cauliflower.  OK.  back to work...

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Day 1 continued: ok, ate my breakfast at lunch time instead. 2 eggs, 4 slices wellshire, no sugar bacon. Meal #3: 2 skinless, boneless chicken thighs. 1 cup steamed broccoli and most of 1 med/large sweet potato (w/cinnamon & 1/2 tbl ghee).

I'm full now, but I'm used to eating a snack around 8, so I'll have to work through that habit. I'm not sure I ate enough today, but didn't want to stuff myself at dinner. I think my lunch and breakfast need to be bigger. But this is just day #1 and am happy to make it through the day.

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Amy, sounds like you had a good first day! I, too, eat mostly paleo and have the coconut flour pancakes, maple syrup and honey foods! So, trying to figure out breakfasts is my challenge. Good luck with the rest of your 30. I also started on Jan 1. Let me know if I can support you in any way. Best, Mary

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Day 2: pre-wo: hard boiled egg. Workout - crossfit. M1 - paleo herb meatballs, lettuce. M2 - chicken thighs, broccoli, 1/2 sweet potatoe. M3 - roast beef, brussel sprouts, 1/2 sweet potatoe, green beans, unsweetened organic apple sauce.

Good day, mood great, spent quality time with family. Stayed up late, but can sleep in tomorrow.

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Day 3: M1 - 2 eggs, 4 strips approved bacon, organic unsweetened applesauce. Workout - crossfit. M2 - 4 meatballs, steamed brussel sprouts & cauliflower. Snack - rxbar. M3 - baked chicken, roasted brussel sprouts.

Mood - good day. Relaxing day. Meal planned for week. Will shop tomorrow.

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Day 4:  M1 - 2 eggs, 3 strips approved bacon, organic unsweetened applesauce.  

Workout:  Rest day :-)

M2 - baked chicken, roasted brussel sprouts.

snack - rx bar & green banana/spinach smoothie.

M3 - Italian crockpot pork shoulder (YUM), 1/2 large sweet potato, asparagus


Still feeling good.  Energy Good.  Mood good.  I was eating pretty strict paleo for the last 3 months (except for 1 week around xmas) - so really only cut out paleo "treats", which I was eating daily.

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Wow Day 5 already.  Still feeling good.  The only thing I truly miss is my Zipfizz in my drink each morning.  I'm getting alittle bored with water, soda water, tea.  BUT it's only 30 days.


Pre-WO:  1 hard boiled egg.

Workout:  crossfit (sweaty one today).

Post-WO:  RxBar


M1:  2 eggs overeasy, 3 approved bacon strips.

M2:  leftover Italian crockpot pork shoulder (Still YUM), 1/2 large sweet potato (leftover).

M3:  Paleo no-bean chilli.  Not sure what extra veggie I will add in there.  I may make a spinach smoothie (banana, spinach, blueberries) to drink with it.


The hard part in my house, is that I am the only one eating paleo/Whole30.  My husband is "cutting" back, but as he is Italian, he will never give up bread and pasta completely.  And really the main issue is, he will never give up beer completely.  That surprisingly wasn't too difficult for me.  Also in my house are my 3 sons (twins are 17 and other is 11).  fortunately they are eating my Whole30 dinners without much complaint.  So, they are benefiting from a healthier dinner.  but since I'm feeding all of us, I do have to plan meals and not just throw something together.  I can do that once in a while and then they just order pizza :-(.


Anyway - so far so good!

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Day 5 continued: I read another post that celebrated a win each day. I liked that idea. So my win for today was simple sticking to plan and not snacking after dinner. I am all set for another good day tomorrow and that makes me feel good too. Good night :-)

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Day 6: let's start with the win for the day. I guess I consider it a win by still feeling good. Not tired, no headache, lots of energy.

I'm a few days late, but I got my official start weight today:

Weight - 122.8

Body fat % - 22.1%

My muscle mass went up 1.1lb from last month. I guess the crossfit I started last month is working :-). So that's another win for today.

Ok so my log.

Pre-wo: hard boiled egg

workout: crossfit

post-wo: RxBar

M1: 2 eggs, 3 strips approved bacon

M2: leftover no bean chilli, roasted jicama.

M3: salmon, tomatoes, spinach smoothie.

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I think I've been not eating correctly the past 3 mornings.  I'm going to stop eating the RxBar as my post-wo meal - as it's not a protein/carb.  Which I believe is what is recommended for post-wo.  I'll still have my pre-wo hard boiled egg though.  I'm also going to stop with my evening spinach smoothie.  It was my way of getting in more veggies, but I can see myself having one of these every night and it becoming a habit that I don't want/need.  I won't beat myself up about it - as it's all still Whole30 compliant, but will just try to do better the rest of today and going forward.

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Day 7 - win for today is figuring out what I should be eating post workout. So starting tomorrow I will be eating a proper post workout meal.


pre-workout - hard boiled egg

workout - crossfit

Post-wo - RxBar (which is not a good post workout meal)

M1 - 2 eggs, 3 strips approved bacon.

M2 - italian pork shoulder roast, roasted parsnip.

M3 - 3 coconut chicken patties, 1/2 large sweet potato.

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Day 8. And I truly am sick. 102 fever. I'm so bummed and not sure what I can take. I've taken some anacin to help with aches.

Pre-wo - hard boiled egg

workout - crossfit

Didn't feel well so came home and ate M1 - 4 coconut crusted chicken patties, half sweet potato.

M2 - leftover no bean chilli, spinach smoothie

this is when I went downhill and lost appetite. My husband made me some spaghetti squash for meal 3. I was able to eat half the bowl but that's it. I know I need to eat more but nothing is appealing. I may have my husband make me a spinach, banana, blueberry smoothie.

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Day 9 - not perfect but still complaint. Still sick but fever is down. Appetite is still not completely back.

M1 - 3 scrambled eggs, half sweet potato.

M2 - 2 coconut chicken patties, half sweet potato

snack - spinach, banana, blueberry smoothie

M3 - no bean chilli, spaghetti squash

snack - Rx Bar

The 2 snacks were because I didn't eat all my real meals.

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