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I need support for my support...

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So, my boyfriend and I are on day 8 and I'm feeling really good about doing my second Whole30. I feel much more equiped and prepared, and I have a much bigger kitchen than I did last go around so meal prep has been much simpler.


The boyfriend, on the other hand, is having a rough time. It was really his idea to do this, and I was more than willing to jump in with him. The problem is that he's relying too much on me to plan meals and make sure he has food to eat; I'm okay with this to a point, because I'm cooking and planning for myself so it's not that hard to double up on things. However, when he starts lamenting over crackers for tuna salad and exclaims "You can't just completely cut grains out of your diet, that's crazy!" during our grocery shopping trips, I have a really hard time staying supportive.


I've gently reminded him that this is always his choice, and I'm not forcing him to do it. If he wants crackers, then have some crackers. BUT I also try to remind him of the health benefits, I explain over and over why grains are bad for you, etc. I also try to emphasize that he should eat protein or fat when he's hungry, but he's constantly turning to fruit like apples and oranges when he's hungry between meals. Oh, and larabars. Lots of larabars. Ugh. I don't expect him to be perfect by any means, but since he was the one to suggest doing this, I expected him to put forth a little more effort maybe in reading about the program and the ins and outs of it (which I made a point to tell him when he made the initial suggestion). When I try to explain things to him, it just gets exasperating because he always comes back with conventional wisdom rhetoric, which I long ago dismissed as being relevant to health and fitness.


I'm really hoping he starts to feel more energized, etc, and realizes its because of the food he's eating. Until that switch hits, though, I really just need to vent to someone who understands what it's like trying to get an uncooperative partner to see the light. May the energy kick in soon!

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What's that old saying about horses and water?  In all seriousness, it is deeply frustrating to have our significant others either not on the program, not on it 100% or relying on us to spoon feed them every Whole30 bite.  They are adults.  ADULTS. You are right that it is always his choice and good for you for saying it.  Now just let it go.  Don't worry about his fruit consumption or his larabar consumption, just worry about your program.  Make the meals and then let go of the control.  If he plows into crackers face first, while it might hurt your feelings or disappoint you, it's got nothing to do with you and everything to do with him.


Stay strong on your program and know that you are so totally not the only one dealing with a snickety spouse!  :)

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Ladyshanny, THANK YOU. Really, I "knew" all of that, I just really needed to hear it from someone else. You made me laugh, giggle, and feel better all in one post! Just what I needed. Could you hear that sigh of relief?  ;)


I do have to share that he brought home a bag of potato chips today, and when I laughed, sighed, and said "Babe this is not whole30" he actually asked why it wasn't healthy, saying these are the "good" aka healthy kind. Babe, if I gotta explain why potato chips are bad for you....then I'm done explaining things.


At least I'm not even tempted. I feel waaay too good right now to let a potato chip break me. :P

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