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Starting February 5!


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You guys sound like me! I completed a Whole 30 last Jan and have been starting and stopping a new one since Jan 1st. Ive started FOR good Feb 5th! I know whats been missing is some community encouragement!

Im here if anyone needs to be talked off the ledge! And I would be so grateful to share my struggles with temptation with you all...in order to thwart actually jumping into that Sugar High!!!!

"Lets DO this!"

Bridget in Atlanta

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First day was challenging. My husband decided since I wasn't going to eat the stew he made the previous day with beans in it (there's only the 2 of us and he always makes enough for an army) we would go over to our best friend for potluck dinner. So I took a bottle of kombucha to sip on instead of the usual wine, brought my own bowl of soup, and my own dressing. My friend, Mary, made a great salad. Watching the others chow down on hard rolls with butter and with chocolates for dessert made me feel a little sorry for myself, but it's only 30 days! We can do it! How did your first days go?

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I started Wednesday 2/4... Wrote up this morning and was happy to click the "I made it through Day 3" link at the bottom of the daily emails! Just read the Day 4 email and sometimes just reading about cravings makes me have them! Lol. But I will fight through! How rewarding to click that "I made it through another day link" - it's the little things I guess!! My biggest struggles so far is my crazy work schedule: Sometimes leaving the house at 8am and not getting home until 3am (I work 2 jobs some days), the headaches from my diet coke addiction and not being able to chew gum is killing me!!! I have been tearing small pieces in half and limiting myself to 5-8 minutes to chew. I know this is not whole30 compliant, but honestly I used to chew probably 5-10 pieces a day... I was always popping gum as something to take care of the "constant hunger" or BC I feel like bad breath or BC I'm bored and put of snacks!! Yesterday was a long day and I believe I chewed 2 1/2 pieces.... That's huge for me!! I would normally have chewed half a pack!!! But working through this process feels so good so far!! I'm excited to be doing this, but I lack support in my home, so any forum support would be appreciated!! If anyone is looking for a whole30 buddy.. Please let me know!!

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I have been tearing small pieces in half and limiting myself to 5-8 minutes to chew. I know this is not whole30 compliant, but honestly I used to chew probably 5-10 pieces a day... I was always popping gum as something to take care of the "constant hunger" or BC I feel like bad breath or BC I'm bored and put of snacks!! Yesterday was a long day and I believe I chewed 2 1/2 pieces.... That's huge for me!! I would normally have chewed half a pack!!! But working through this process feels so good so far!! I'm excited to be doing this, but I lack support in my home, so any forum support would be appreciated!! If anyone is looking for a whole30 buddy.. Please let me know!!

Hi Lis,

Yep, that gum is not compliant and every day you chew it you are not actually doing a Whole30. Sorry! :(

I would suggest that you toss the gum out and if you need something for your breath, brush your teeth. You can also chew on a clove (pop the top off first) or fennel seeds.

Gum is actually a really difficult product for your body. The digestive process starts with the chewing action which causes your stomach to start producing digestive acids. When food doesn't come, that leads to excess acid and the possibility that when you actually do eat, those acids are less effective, leading to all sorts of digestive distress and possibly even nutrient malabsorption.

We know it's hard. The Dr Pepper, Diet Coke, gum chewing, cream in coffee, sugar in coffee, cigarette smoking, wine drinking crowds.....you have it hard. When you come to Whole30 with a daily involvement with one of these items that becomes more habitual than anything else, it's damn hard. And I can see that you have cut back somewhat....but the real prize is to chuck it out and form new neural pathways.

I recommend eating meals large enough to keep you satisfied for 4-5 hours so that you don't feel snacky (check the template I've linked below). Keep some hard boiled eggs or some other protein/fat option in the fridge at home and work just in case you are legitimately hungry.


Let me know if you need any other assistance!

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Good for you, Newbie. Taking on a project like this with your work hours-got to be very stressful! I'm so glad the message today said I'd be tired and crabby. Didn't sleep well at all last night. At least, I'm retired and can take a nap if I need too. Hope you have the day off today!

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IKR?! I like to bring Ginger Tea or Tart Dried Cherries for my sweet. Do you have any of the Paleo Cookbooks? Library has them too! There are some awesome easy sweet treats to make...cocoa, coconut, almond butter cookies...good stuff!!!

These sorts of baked goods are not appropriate for a Whole30. Please see our rules. http://whole30.com/downloads/official-whole30-program-rules.pdf

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My family and I started Feb. 5 and it's been great until yesterday. I hit a wall! Drowzy and headaches all day! I expected it on day 1 &/or 2 (it didn't happen) but not on day 7 & 8! I did good despite these withdrawls, didn't give in to my Starbucks Flat White even though it was calling my name. Put my withdrawls into thinking about what to do for breakfast tomorrow. Maybe a fritatta with leftover shredded kona pork, white sweet potatoes and some fresh spinach to up the veggie count. Lunch will be leftovers or a chicken or tuna salad and dinner will be spaghetti squash with meat sauce.

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I stated my third whole 30 on February 3rd. Being super strict this round in an attempt to really beat down that sugar dragon. Feeling good so far. I only miss chocolate. Oh and fruit because I am excluding that too.

Hannlib I started on February 3rd as well and I am also not eating fruit - in my case because of the Sugar Dragon.  I miss wine most of all but overall I am not finding Whole30 as difficult as I expected.  I have not seen the positive results many people experience, but my headaches have lessened, so that's a win right there.  How are you doing on the program?

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Hannlib I started on February 3rd as well and I am also not eating fruit - in my case because of the Sugar Dragon.  I miss wine most of all but overall I am not finding Whole30 as difficult as I expected.  I have not seen the positive results many people experience, but my headaches have lessened, so that's a win right there.  How are you doing on the program?

Hi Kirbygirl!

Yes I'm excluding fruit for my sugar dragon too. I'm going okay too ... What are we on, day 19ish? This is my third and I like cooking and eating this way so I don't find it hard from that point of view. I'm trying and enjoying some new recipes. I still miss chocolate. I do wonder if I'll ever not want chocolate. And I'm still craving nuts, sultanas, fruit, coconut etc. My sugar dragon is a sly beast.

So yes am fine but truly no progress on my sugar cravings. I still want to eat all evening. I don't, but I want to. I've I feeling this will take longer than 30 days to crack.

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Hannlib, I like how you wrote "what day are we on" as even though I signed up for the daily Whole30 emails, I realize I am not really aware what day I am on.  I think that's a very good thing because mentally I am planning to adopt many of the Whole30 rules as part of my lifestyle moving forward.  I know some people are talking about extending to 40, 60, or 90 days but I don't think that's where my head is at right now.  My plan after the 30 days is that if a situation comes up where I choose to not eat Whole30, I do it.  And I am going to drink wine again, and eat chocolate (I miss it too).  It's just that those things will be the exception and not the rule. And maybe it will make me feel sick to eat some of my old foods again, if that's the case I will not be able to go back to them.  I'm trying new recipes too.  If you haven't bought Well Fed I highly recommend it.  A slightly modified version of Giada Delaurentis' Roman Chicken has become one of my favs, as has lemon pepper chicken wings, chocolate chilli, cinnamon beef stew with orange gremolata and whole crockpot chicken.  I have also learned I dislike beets, turnips, and green beans, and detest zucchini.  Eating a lot of cabbage, cauliflower, and broccoli.  What are some of your fav recipes?

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Is this your first round? I did my first last May and it has totally changed the way I eat. I've been gluten free on and off for about 18m anyway but learnt I can't tolerate rice either (hence why I didn't feel great gf!!). I've cooked mostly compliant meals since last may but relaxed on some aspects, mainly added sugar and preservatives. But I love sweet stuff and baking and make a lot of swypo type paleo treats. They make up for not being able to eat the wheaty stuff. So that's what I'm mainly eliminating this round and what I need to get a handle on going forwards. So yes you can definitely see and sustain huge changes without doing an extended strict programme.

I have both the well fed books and love them! In fact this week I treated myself to the paper version of well fed 2 (I have them both on kindle which is a bit of a pita). Favourites ... The pad Thai. African chicken stew, shrimp scampi, fiesta pork chops, pan fried sardines, silky zuccini soup, gyoza meatballs, citrus carnitas .. So many recipes!!! I also love the nom nom paleo book, do you have that? Slow cooker chicken, green chicken, Kahlua pig, I could go on! I also love making spice blends and sauces. I get bored of food easily!

I really struggle with the starchy carbs. I LOVE white potatoes - no brakes - so they are out for me. Sweet potatoes, turnip, parsnips, celeriac, not so much. I eat them, but it takes effort. Have you tried zucchini noodles? I don't like just cooked sliced courgette (zucchini, I'm British!) but as noodles or soup they are good.

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This is my first Whole30 but I started eating clean last year and kept at it for several months - right up until American Thanksgiving when the slide began.  I was shocked at how easy it was to give up bread and it's what I thought would be the most difficult aspect.  When reintroduction begins I suspect I will find I cannot tolerate rice either - no loss because I do not really care for it.  I really love the sweet stuff too but am finding it is not necessary to feeling satiated like I thought it was (ending any meal on a sweet note).  I LOVE white potatoes too and they do not seem to negatively affect me.  Strangely I am eating smaller portions of them than I would have pre-W30.  I've only had roasted parsnips previously and just saw them as an ingredient in a recipe so will be trying them in another form.  


The only recipe so far that was an epic fail for me was one for mini breakfast meatloaves.  It called for 4 shredded courgettes mixed in with the ground beef.  I only used 2 as I wasn't sure if I would like them and they overwhelmed the beef and made the whole thing taste disgusting (to me - reviews online are all positive).  It sucks because I could not even choke them down - what a waste of organic grass fed ground beef.  Which is my long way of saying it will be a long time before I attempt to try corgette noodles.


I have visited the nom nom paleo site and made a couple of recipes but had not yet purchased the book - thanks for the recommendation.  Thanks also for mentioning your fav recipes - I bought some pork chops at the farmer's market this morning so will be looking up the fiesta pork chops recipe.  I love that I already have most of the ingredients on hand for the recipes - mostly because of the fortune I have paid for spices the first two weeks.


I get bored easily with my food too but I latch on to things and that's all I want to eat for a while.  Currently, and this is going to sound disgusting I'm sure, I take organic spring mix greens and put them in a Ziploc bag, then add salt, pepper, garlic powder, onion powder, lemon juice, and some olive oil, shake it up in the bag and that's my salad.   

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So yes am fine but truly no progress on my sugar cravings. I still want to eat all evening. I don't, but I want to. I've I feeling this will take longer than 30 days to crack.

What is your starchy veggie intake like? Some folks find it very helpful in sugar-dragon-slaying to increase your starchy veggies to at least once a day, if not more. (I am one of those people that really dulled my dragon by avoiding all fruit and nuts and eating japanese sweet potatoes with at least one meal a day)

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The fiesta pork chops are really good! And yes all store cupboard ingredients, a good spice collection helps a lot. In fact I just bought a new spice rack this week to house them all and save me time searching through my cupboard!

I don't like to eat the same thing a few days running but am trying to with breakfast for ease. So this week I'll make a batch of sunrise spice seasoned pork mince mixed with baked butternut squash. Add veggies and eggs every day for breakfast.

What is your starchy veggie intake like? Some folks find it very helpful in sugar-dragon-slaying to increase your starchy veggies to at least once a day, if not more. (I am one of those people that really dulled my dragon by avoiding all fruit and nuts and eating japanese sweet potatoes with at least one meal a day)

It could be better but I'm paying attention and making an effort. I certainly eat one serving a day. I think eating with dinner helps but I can't always face it. I don't know what Japanese sweet potato is. I'm in the UK and we can only get one type of sweet potato, the orange kind which I don't love particularly. I just bought a spiralizer and I like them spiralized (less mushy textured) so had some for breakfast. Other root veg - celeriac, carrots, parsnips, beetroot, swede etc are readily available here so am making an effort with them. I try to have some raw carrot salad with lunch every day. I guess I'm trying for starchy veg at most meals. Too much?
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