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Wondering if my daughter has a sensitivity to something I'm eating. My reason for doing this

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I am a newbie to this and am exclusively nursing my six week old. I want to do the whole 30 for my daughter. For the last week she has been getting a slight rash on her face at nursing time. Wondering if she has a sensitivity to something I am eating. Anyone else here for a similar reason? Iwant yo start today but have a few questions. Is almond milk okay to drink? I have it on hand already. Are we able to season with herbs and spices correct? I didn't see this referenced in the book unless I missed it.

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Yes, you're free to use herbs and spices, though double check labels to make sure there aren't any noncompliant ingredients in things like mass produced seasoning blends. 


Same goes for almond milk: unless you've made it yourself, make sure to check the label for things like carageenan and other noncompliant ingredients. And remember to stick to the template. Drinking almond milk doesn't fit terribly well into the template unless you're drinking it with meals.


Best of luck and I hope your daughter's rash goes away!

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I just want to share my experience with you. I am doing my first whole30 and my son is 5 mos old EBF. I started 3/2/15. I thought he had dairy intolerance or something causing mild eczema. When I gave up the dairy I added in a LOT more coconut oil. His rash was similar! He would flush when nursing. It kept getting worse. The first few days I thought would be normal but it just kept getting worse to the point where he had infection behind his knees. I had to take him to the doctor and put him on an oral antibiotic. They also perscribed steroid cream but I did not use it. The infection cleared but the rash was getting worse. After almost two weeks I realized that my DRASTIC increase in coconut oil was causing the rash. I believe it has to do with the coconut oil's antifungal properties being transmitted through the breastmilk and causing a die off in him. I was also treating his dry skin with the oil. I stopped the coconut oil on Saturday. Today, Monday he is getting much better. His skin is flaking off where the redness and rash were. He has also started moving his stool much more easily, so I do think I was right on the dairy intolerance it can take up to a month to rid it from your system. I am just stating this because I don't want the same pain and heart ache for someone else trying to do the best for their baby. He is my third baby and first to be on antibiotics. Hopefully the whole30 protocol will help me improve his gut health after having to be on antibiotics and I do plan to slowly introduce him to coconut oil to be sure once he is completely cleared up.

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