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Start date: February 26th


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Hi everyone,


I too have been thinking about this for a while but haven't felt mentally ready to be able to cut out certain things, until now. I decided to bite the bullet and start tomorrow. I've done something very similar a few years ago while trying to cure my symptoms of IBS/food sensitivities and I survived just fine. I live with my boyfriend and my 11-month old son, and I'm already feeding my son according to these principles, but my own diet has slipped majorly since getting pregnant and giving birth, so it's a good "system reboot" for me. 


Are there any other vegetarians out there trying this? I saw the original Whole30 shopping list, and then the one for vegetarians seemed to contradict it (by including beans?) so I'm a bit confused. However, I do eat eggs and fish, so I think that will be fine if I supplement with tofu and small amounts of tempeh. 


I suppose everyone's diet and journey is slightly different! I'm very excited about this. I'm studying to be a nutritionist and so I'd like to try this so I have a basis of personal experience from which to speak to my future clients, so I'll be blogging about my daily meals and my experience on my website. I'm excited to embark on this journey with all of you! 



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Hi Laura, congrats on arriving here at Whole30.  You are correct, the vegetarian shopping list is a contradiction to the regular one because of the nature of being a vegetarian.  We still don't believe that eating legumes and soy products make you healthier but it's a revision that had to be made in order to help folks do the Whole30 if they do not abide by eating animal based protein.


If you eat fish and eggs we would recommend that you do the original Whole30 as written.  Combining the vegetarian program with the regular one is not recommended.  There was a lady recently who completed the original Whole30 using only eggs as her protein as she chose not to consume meat but she did desire to discover how legumes, lentils, soy etc affected her body.  The only way to do this is to completely eliminate them for 30 days.


Whole30 with just seafood and eggs is completely doable!

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