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First time, Started March 1st and doing 30 day Yoga Challenge too!


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Hi gang!


Thanks for joining me on this journey and being welcoming - it's my first time, and I am doing the Whole 30 for the month of March!! I am thrilled and nervous and glad to be a part of this. I am doing this program in solidarity with my Father, for his medical problems, and my mother who is supporting my dad. The wonderful thing is, I get to reap the benefits as well!!


Along with this W30, I am doing a 30-day yoga challenge and doing a yoga class every day for this month (or about every day...) Anyone else out there also doing this combo?


Hopefully this will make me be nice to my body and start listening to what I need - mostly I will be glad to not have alcohol for this month to give my body a much needed reset and detox.


Things I will miss: CHEESE, sugar in my coffee, pasta with pesto, and black beans. Of course it will probably be the hardest to not give in  and go out for drinks with friends - I'll join, just can't drink with them. Gotta stay strong!!


Thank everyone!! Best of luck to us all, Kira

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Hey Kira, I did my first whole30 in January and also followed 30 days of yoga with Yoga with Adriene on youtube. I loved the combination of the two and it helped me so much to be focused on seeing all the goodness I was doing for myself and also for my hubby. I think it was a huge help to restructure thoughts this way instead of what I was "missing" or "giving up". Plus it felt like such a luxury to get on the mat every day.

I'm about to start a second whole30, since we have some family members who want to give it a go, and I'll definitely be doing yoga or meditation again each day. Best of luck on your journey, I'll come and visit along the way :)

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  • 3 weeks later...

Thank you so much, SunsoakedDreamer!! Glad to know how much you got out of it too -- I am feeling GREAT and I am loving the fun and calm ofyoga, as well as the detoxing of sweating it all out! I am noticing being toned and happy -- SO good and such a change from how I felt in February.


Thanks for the encouragement -- how is your second time around coming? I love that we can do this alongside our family to encourage community and lifelong health and knowledge. you are a blessing to those around you!!

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