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Sorry if this is posted in the wrong place. I am learning the forum.

Today is Day #2 for me. It is going fine. I spent the weekend researching what this Whole 30 thing was, and I ended up ordering the Barefoot Emergency Pack and a case of Rx Bars before I realized that we are not supposed to snack. So.....what is the deal with snacks? 

Please help clarify those who are more experienced!

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Snacking isn't outlawed, it's.....er.....regulated.  In a way.  ;)


We recommend that you build your meals according to our template (linked below) so that it will keep you going for 4-5 hours.  In the beginning there may be a learning curve there and there is absolutely nothing wrong with eating if you are hungry between meals.  However instead of a typical snacky type item (like fruit by itself or a handful of nuts), we suggest you eat a mini meal of at least protein and fat but ideally also veggies.  


If you are trying to do damage to a sugar dragon or eliminate cravings, fruits and nuts (alone or together) will set you up for consistent blood sugar and craving issues.


The primal packs and RX bars that you bought would be more for emergencies when you're out and can't get to compliant food, if you're stuck in traffic for hours or had to work late, if you're travelling etc.  They aren't really meant to be worked into your regular menu as a food option.  (Hence the word "emergency" in the name of the first one).  Here's a good article from Whole30 introducing the RXBar as Whole30 approved and how/why you might use it: http://whole30.com/2013/09/whole30-approved-rxbar/

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