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Starting Monday, March 16th :)


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I've created a small network of friends, family and co-workers who are willing to start this journey with me. I know it won't be easy, but it'll be a lot easier having a circle of people to turn to!

Excited, yet nervous, to begin on Monday. Can't wait to see what's in store!

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Hi. Starting Monday 16th too,my daughter in law just text me to say she's going to join me. Finished my first 1 on Tuesday but think a couple of things I ate may have been non compliant by mistake but still felt fab (after first week which was yucky!) Lost 11lb and 7 1/2 inches. Gonna pay more attention to labels this time checking ingredients. Must remember glasses when shopping! Look forward to reading how you are getting on.

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I started last Monday and I've been pleasantly surprised how easy it has been! Once I started to focus on what I could eat instead of what I couldn't I actually started to ENJOY cooking and prepping my meals (and this is coming from someone who hates cooking.) I unfortunately don't have anyone doing the challenge with me (this time!) but after explaining it to my friends and coworkers they are more than happy to help me along the way. Good luck!!

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Saturday Sunshine that is one of the most important things to do in order to stave off those hunger pangs and temptations that come along with that. I have found drinking a tablespoon of coconut oil in warm water amazing for staving off hunger. After drinking it if someone offered me a chocolate I think I would run as I feel so full. That satiating effect for me lasts such a good long while too.

Best of luck to everyone. There is a whole load of support here from very experienced and knowledgeable members.

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Saturday Sunshine that is one of the most important things to do in order to stave off those hunger pangs and temptations that come along with that. I have found drinking a tablespoon of coconut oil in warm water amazing for staving off hunger. After drinking it if someone offered me a chocolate I think I would run as I feel so full. That satiating effect for me lasts such a good long while too.

Best of luck to everyone. There is a whole load of support here from very experienced and knowledgeable members.

If you're trying to stave off hunger, it's probable that your meals could use some tweaking, no? :)

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Awesome! I am starting today (Wednesday, March 18th) and am super excited about it. I am a nutritionist but have never subscribed to the whole "Paleo" line of thinking before. After enough clients asked me about it, I read "It Starts with Food" and was intrigued. I figured I might as well try it out... especially with the new updated nutrition guidelines (which are way more relaxed towards saturated fats and cholesterol).


So here goes nothing! Best of luck to you all and and thank you in advance for the support! :-)

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I started on the 16th as well! So far its going well. I made a breakfast casserole with four eggs, a can of pumpkin and half a can of coconut milk. Baked it for 45 minutes and topped with pecans. Pretty good. I'll add more cinnamon next time.

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