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I started  Whole30 on March 10th and while I've been on here looking around and reading, writing is going to help tremendously!  I started Whole30 for a number of reasons which include possible food allergies, weight, control issues with food, and unhealthy eating.  The last two are similar, but sometimes I almost couldn't control how much I was eating because I felt so hungry.  Unhealthy wise, I wouldn't eat a serving a vegetables some days and downed sugary treats like they were going out of style.  In 2010 through 2011 I lost 90 lbs by cutting sodium down and I ate vegetables, protein, and different things, but I couldn't keep sodium out forever because that would mean I could only eat two pieces of pizza a day.  Needless to say I gained like 20-30 lbs back.  Where am I going with all this?  I need to eat healthier and my body needs it's fuel basically.  I'm doing this with my dad and we're trying to support eat other as we go along.  I'm excited to finally write on here!

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Hi there! I too started on March 10th -- we are on day 7! Yay us!


Your story was great to read... thank you for sharing.


I'm doing this Whole30 to see what my food sensitivities are, to lose some weight (or at least body fat, if not a number on the scale) and to stop binge eating. And, trying to tame that sugar dragon.


So cool your dad is joining you -- how are you two doing?


Here's to a good week 2!

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Yay for us both starting on the same day!


Binge eating can be a difficult problem to break from my experience.  Sometimes (like last night after dinner) I became very hungry and went through my cupboards to try to find something filling.  I had a salad which seemed to work because in the past I would have eaten SO much more.  How have you been handling binge eating since starting Whole30?


Besides the above I've been doing pretty well, but my dad had some bacon and eggs at a restaurant and lunch meat on another day (all non-compliant).  He wanted to do this to encourage me and to help himself so that's what's keeping him going.  Right now he is on a Whole35 :)  Thanks for the post btw!  The welcome post was encouraging in itself!

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Binge eating can be a difficult problem to break from my experience.  Sometimes (like last night after dinner) I became very hungry and went through my cupboards to try to find something filling. 

If you are legitimately hungry after dinner (as in, could eat something super bland like steamed fish & brocoli), we would encourage you to eat a mini meal containing at least protein and fat but ideally also veggies.


A lot of times if you eat enough at your meals (probably more than you are used to thinking you need), you can really dull down those urges to binge or graze or snack.  And then, of course, there is the emotional/mental aspect in that....you can't use food to numb your feelings anymore and that can be downright uncomfortable....but it won't kill you and it doesn't last forever.  Try just sitting with those feelings before you start trying to find something to numb them with?

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Hello again!


For binge eating, I have been doing well with truly asking myself, "Am I hungry for steamed fish and broccoli"? If the answer is yes, I eat a mini-meal as ladyshanny suggested. If the answer is no, I know I'm just looking for something to ease any number of things (boredom, discomfort, emotions, etc). So I often try and sit with it for a bit, and take some deep breaths to try and slow down and assess what is going on with me. Sometimes I'm able to identify a feeling or emotion and take a different action, sometimes not. But giving myself that pause helps me not go to auto-binge-mode. There's a quote I love:


"Between stimulus and response there is a space. In that space is our power to choose our response. In our response lies our growth and our freedom."

-- Viktor E Frankl


Also, I find that having herbal tea or non-flavored/non-sweetened sparkling water helps if I just can't seem to shake the urge.


Make sure any mini-meals aren't fruit or veggies alone -- it leads me to just want MORE, so as ladyshanny also said, making sure any mini-meals include protein, fat and maybe veggies.


Lastly, when I was binge eating I would never be hungry for "real meals". And I was always bummed when mealtime came around and I just didn't want any of the good, real food I had around. I'm still not very hungry very often (my body is still adjusting to this new system), but I eat 3 meals/day based on the template, even if I'm not hungry. And when I have a binge-craving, I remind myself about how *excited* I am for the good food I get to eat at my next meal, and how if I binge, I won't want that yummy, good-for-me food when mealtime comes. Because I really DO want that yummy, good-for-me food! :-)


Day 8 -- yay us!

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Thanks to the both of you! I've been making mini meals with protein, veggies, and sometimes olives. When I cook vegetables it seems like I add too much or too little oil. I know the oils I use are the good ones, but I'm still trying to get used to the idea of eating so much oil in my meal. Of course one to two thumbs of oil is on the template so I'm trying to keep it within that.

That quote makes a lot of sense when it comes to food and more! I find that ginger tea (or ginger boiled in water) works well for controlling my appetite during those times.

Eight days in and I feel pretty good! That and my pants fit better!

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