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Starting soon?


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Hi, my name is Shannon and I am addicted to sweets.  Seriously.  I'm also fat and tired and tired of it!

I'm planning to start my Whole30 soon, but I'm looking for advice.


First, what steps would you suggest for the days leading up to starting?

We already eat mostly organic and/or grass-fed.  I'm not in love with grains, but they do sneak into my diet here and there.  I like veggies and quality meats.  I also enjoy fruit.  I LOVE my dairy (ouch).  I drink plenty of water and rarely do soda.


Second, I'm trying to decide on a start date.  My hubby will be going out of town for a cople weeks and I'm torn about using that as a starting point.  On one hand it would give me more control over the food I fix and keep him from adding to any temptations.  On the other, it would mean I am dealing with the W30 side-effects plus the added stress of managing the kids and everything at home without him.


I am ready to do this.  I already find myself critiquing everything I eat and converting it to W30 in my head.

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I'm not sure which way would be best on the hubby vs no hubby timing but I can give you some tips on things that will make the transition easier.  


As a someone with a sugar issue your best bet would be to start cutting out any added sugar and reading labels so that you get an idea of just how much food sugar gets added to.  Another good way to help your body get over sugar and snack cravings is to practice eating three meals a day (starting with the first one within an hour of waking), large enough to get you 4-5 hours in between so that you do not have any need to snack.  


If you have a couple weeks before you are going to start you would also be well served by starting to eliminate dairy.  Drink your coffee black or with coconut milk, replace the cheese on your whatever with some diced avocado, replace yogurt with a proper protein serving for breakfast.


The more you can do now in small steps the less startling your transition may be.  

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The hubs has agreed to the terms and we've decided that I will start 4/1!  Now to get the pantry and fridge stocked.  The good news is that we have chickens, so I have my own supply of fresh eggs :)


Is there a good Costco list anywhere?

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Is there a good Costco list anywhere?


Yes, Costco options have been discussed on the forum.


Easiest way to search the forum is from Google. Type Whole30 Costco to get links to the past discussion threads on this topic.  (anything listed under forum.whole9life.com is on this forum)

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