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Not too bad.  I am also on day 3.  I was very, very tired yesterday but whether that is to do with my early shifts this week or the whole30 is anyone's guess.  I feel pretty good today after an extra long sleep (went to bed at 7pm!!!!)  and chicken and veg for breakfast :)


Tonight I plan to go to the gym and might have another early night.  Hopefully I will make it past 7pm tho.


Even though I feel pretty good my skin has broken out.  Got some lovely teenage looking spots on my face.  I would hazard a guess that that is more to do with last week's eating than this week's.

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Day 4 and I'm now feeling discouraged. I know I won't cheat but I'm still bummed about not being able to have a cookie or cake or something :(

Hey SaturdaySunshine!  Don't be discouraged!  Don't forget that this is only for 30 days, not the rest of your life!


Is this your first Whole30? Are you fitting each meal to our template? How is your starchy veggie intake? Water intake? 


Eating too little and being hungry between meals (or snacking on fruit and nuts) and reduced carb intake can lead to low feelings as well as desire for sugary sweet treats.


If you want to post a bit about your last few days as it relates to food (including portion sizes), fluids, sleep, stress etc, we can see if there is anything that stands out that you can tweak and start feeling better quicker.


Also check out out Timeline (linked in my signature below).  You are right on track for the Hangover Stage (Days 2-3) and Kill All The Things (Day 4).  :)

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I'm on Day 2 of my 3rd Whole30 and I am looking forward to the increased energy and clarity that comes from eating well. These first few days, particularly Days 4 and 5, are rough on me and I do my best to plan for that. The best advice I can give is to preplan for tomorrow. Make it easier on yourself so you don't have to build a meal from scratch right at meal time. Of course, remind yourself that YOU are your best investment. 


Congrats to SaturdaySunshine and DigitalDebbo on their Day 4. You CAN do this!

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Overall - good. I'm on Day 8, I feel good and am not having any sugar cravings. I need some ideas on breakfast meals besides eggs. I gagged one down this am, but I'm really over eating them. I have a vitamix so I was thinking of making a smoothie with almond butter and some veggies/fruit. Is this going to be okay?

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Overall - good. I'm on Day 8, I feel good and am not having any sugar cravings. I need some ideas on breakfast meals besides eggs. I gagged one down this am, but I'm really over eating them. I have a vitamix so I was thinking of making a smoothie with almond butter and some veggies/fruit. Is this going to be okay?

From the Can I Have Guide:


Smoothies: We’d rather you didn’t 

This is a very popular question, with a very unpopular answer. Smoothies (generally made using lots of fruit) are technically compliant on your Whole30, but we strongly recommend against it. Food that you drink sends different satiety signals to your brain than food that you chew. So when you drink your meal, your brain isn’t getting the feedback it needs to tell your body that it’s had enough of what it needs. Plus, smoothies are generally really fruit-heavy, and starting your day off with a liquid sugar-bomb sets you up for cravings, hunger, and volatile energy levels throughout the day. In summary, we’d rather you just eat the food, and skip the smoothie.

Breakfast does not have to be eggs, it can be anything you would eat at any other time. Leftovers are a popular choice, hashes made with veggies and cooked meat are good, soups, stews, chicken or tuna salad in lettuce boats.  

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Overall - good. I'm on Day 8, I feel good and am not having any sugar cravings. I need some ideas on breakfast meals besides eggs. I gagged one down this am, but I'm really over eating them. I have a vitamix so I was thinking of making a smoothie with almond butter and some veggies/fruit. Is this going to be okay?


My new favourite breakfast is liver pate with carrot, celery, cucumber and apple.  I warm the pate through a bit so its soft enough to scoop with the veggies. 

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Day 4 and I'm now feeling discouraged. I know I won't cheat but I'm still bummed about not being able to have a cookie or cake or something :(

Just saw this.  How goes day 5?


I have been doing great despite the best efforts of my partner (who fed me parma ham with sugar in it owing to not reading label...I shoulda double checked) and the pharmaceutical industry (had to take one ibuprofen at work and you know it is gonna be full of crap, not even read the label...needs must)


Other than those 2 blips, I am well on track and feeling pretty good.  


I hope day 5 finds you feeling more encouraged :)

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Day 6 - yesterday I felt hungry all day long, nothing passed my lips that was out of bounds.  Today so far, I feel much more satisfied.  Looking forward to that burst of energy that is coming, not sure if the lag is from the weather or the meals, but I will say that I slept well last night.

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Day 6 - yesterday I felt hungry all day long, nothing passed my lips that was out of bounds.  Today so far, I feel much more satisfied.  Looking forward to that burst of energy that is coming, not sure if the lag is from the weather or the meals, but I will say that I slept well last night.

Hey Rett, if you are legitimately hungry (litmus test: you would happily eat steamed fish & broccoli or something equally as bland) you are free to eat!  Protein and fat but ideally also veggies.  A "mini-meal" if you will.  Whole30 wants you to get to the point that your meals keep you satisfied for 4-5 hours but while you are tweaking and figuring that out, if you are hungry, please eat.

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