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Extreme fatigue and an endless period


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I'm on day 24 of my Whole 30 and on the home stretch! I've been doing fine through pretty much the whole thing, cooking awesome meals and not really having too much trouble with temptations, but my body wasn't really following the "timeline." I did have headaches the first week from sugar withdrawals, but that's about it.


The first week of my Whole 30, I had my period, which was scheduled due to my birth control. However, I had about a 5-6 day break, and then my period started up again and has not stopped since. I am typically super regular and have very light, moderate, short periods (sorry, don't hate me). But the second period was crazy, where I was bleeding through tampons in an hour. And now it's just very light and won't go away. It's been going for almost two weeks.


And on top of that, in the last three days, I've had extreme fatigue to the point where I cannot even make it to 7 p.m., and today I was about done around 4. 


The fatigue is making me almost want to quit because I'm worried for my body. I have no children, and my husband is gone for work for a week, so I do eat a lot differently when he is gone (lots of small meals, kitchen-scrounging for nuts and fruits, etc), but is there anything I can do to help this, food wise? Coffee isn't even helping. 

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Eat more than you think you should especially protein and especially starchy veggies.  Include one with every meal if you think you need to.




The reason why i am telling this is because you probably need it.  I know prior to my period + a few days in my appetite is like a bear.  My portion sizes will nearly double in size.  That is because my body is telling me - no yelling at me, that my body needs nourishment.  Right. Now. Because it's about to go through transformation.


With you having an extended period (which is not abnormal btw) you need to feed yourself more.  This is what the extreme fatigue is telling you.

So eat more in general but especially starchy veggies.

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I had this issue a number of years ago, I had an extremely heavy period that lasted six weeks.  Like you, I was going through tampons in an hour or less, and I was exhausted and pale from the blood loss.  And I remember craving red meat like crazy, which is not normal for me. I don't use birth control pills, but my doctor put me on them to stop the bleeding and it didn't help.  In fact, it just stopped on its own, as mysteriously as it started.  I hope you don't have the same experience - two weeks is bad enough.  Have you been to your doctor? 

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