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Day 17 - Feeling Drained

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Hey champs,


I'm 17 days into my first Whole 30 and hate to admit that I feel worse than when I started. I wake up tired every morning, and I'm sapped of energy throughout the day. Normally I'm a very energetic person! (Thus, the selection of my username.) I enjoy running at the gym, but haven't felt motivated for the last 2 weeks because of the energy slump.


I've been reading the daily emails and these forums, and I wake up every morning with the hope that this is the day I'll feel something good! After 17 days of no such luck, I'm posting as a cry for help/insight.


Background: I started Day 1 at a healthy weight, but still heavier than I'm used to after putting on 10-12 lbs from a new job over the course of the last 9 months. I lift weights at the gym 3-4 times per week for about a half-hour, and was running 3-4 miles 3 times per week up until 2 weeks ago. My primary goals for Whole 30 are increased energy and focus, and my secondary goal is to lose weight.


In general, I've been eating the following:

Breakfast - 2 hard boiled eggs, 1 large apple

Lunch - 4 oz shredded chicken mixed with 1/2 avocado and halved grapes

Snack - (bad, I know!) 1 large banana, grapes, Kombucha

Dinner - Large sweet potato roasted with olive oil, ground salt, and chili powder

If I run, Pre-workout - 1 oz cashews or Larabar

Water - Plenty throughout the day!


Is the best still yet to come? All I need is hope!


Thank you!

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Ok, in short, eat more.  :)


Have you seen a copy of the recommended meal template? For best results, have every meal follow this template of 1-2 palms of protein (a palm is the length, width and thickness of the palm of your hand), 1-3 cups of vegetables and a compliant fat.   Don't let fruit push vegetables off your plate.


When eggs are your protein, the serving size is the number of eggs you can hold in one hand. For most folks, that's at least 3-4 eggs.

Pre workout recommendation is protein and fat.  No fruit. Nuts are a fat source on a Whole30. 

And drop the Lara Bars: those are emergency food only on a Whole30.


If you are genuinely hungry between meals (litmus test: you could eat something bland like steamed fish and broccoli), the recommendation is to have a mini-meal of protein, veg and fat. Save fruit to have with or immediately after your main meals only.


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Okay, eat more! That's good news. Thank you both very much!


Follow up: Have I impeded any success I'll have from Whole 30 so far by not eating enough? If I start following the meal template now, can I still be on track to meet my goals for Whole 30 (increased energy and focus)? Is my body still healing, even though I haven't been feeding it enough? In other words... Do I need to start over?

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Okay, eat more! That's good news. Thank you both very much!


Follow up: Have I impeded any success I'll have from Whole 30 so far by not eating enough? If I start following the meal template now, can I still be on track to meet my goals for Whole 30 (increased energy and focus)? Is my body still healing, even though I haven't been feeding it enough? In other words... Do I need to start over?

I wouldn't make that decision yet.  You've technically been doing a Whole30, just underfeeding yourself up until now.

I would see how you're doing on your original Day 31 and then decide, at that point, whether to continue.

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