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Seasoned runner training for Mini 500, should I start April 1 or wait until after the race?


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Hey everyone, my name is Micki


I really want to start April 1st, but I am not sure if I should.... I am a seasoned runner, and have ran for 15+ years and was active duty Army for 10 of them.  I have started competeing in local races in Indianapolis and did the Mini 500 last year and I am training for it again this year, it's on May 2nd.... should I start this before or after the race?  Any ideas or suggestions would be amazing!! 


Thank you!

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Most people take about two weeks or so to get fat adapted on W30, and in those two or so weeks it's not uncommon for workouts to suffer. But once folks are fat adapted, their workouts get way stronger than before starting W30.


Of course, some people take longer than two weeks, and there's no guarantees about timing. But it's likely that with a month of W30 under your belt, you'll do great in your race. 

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Thank you for your response.... I think I am going to start tomorrow.... I do the Mini for fun and not for compatition so after reading and reading and downloading the "It Starts with Food", I think starting now is better for me overall than waiting another month to start.

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