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Day 19 and anxious about not losing weight :(

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Quark - yes I know what that is. I've tried it once or twice a lot of years back, but dairy sadly isn't my friend and causes me constant nasal congestion - it feels good to be able to breathe freely! I miss greek yoghurt, but I've gotten over the loss of cheese & milk quicker than I expected. Maybe my sub-conscious is helping me because it likes to breathe freely too LOL

I used to love the smell of freshly baked bread too back in my early paleo days, but I soon associated it with dough, which when I thought about it sitting heavy in my stomach as fresh bread can do the craving soon wore off!

My slow cooker is 3.5L and I can fit a fairly large whole chicken in there snugly but with no room for veg. A friend of mine has a 5L one which is big enough to cook for her, her husband & her three boys - all of whom have huge appetites. The slow cooked shin I did a few days ago over potatoes, carrots etc turned out really good & the veg really took on the flavour of the meat & spices so it would be good to be able to cook larger cuts of meat like that so I may invest in a 5L one myself soon.

If you find a butcher in the city, but not in a supermarket, they should be able to tell you where their meat comes from & if there is anything added to their bacon etc. I'm not a fan of supermarket meat in the polystyrene packages with that little piece of plastic/gel that the meat sits on to suck up the blood - there has to be chemicals of some kind in that...!!

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