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Starting 4-10-15


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I started today and have not completely prepared my kitchen.  I am making mayo (lemon and egg getting to room temp) and have a sweet potato, soup chicken and some grapes to get me through this evening.  I get starving just thinking about making it through the days

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The good news is, you definitely should not ever be starving on a Whole30. The meal template allows for plenty of food at each meal, and extra meals if you work out.


You will find this process much, much easier if you make sure you have plenty of Whole30 compliant food ready to go, though. If you're not used to cooking all your meals, you may find it helpful to read this article about doing a weekly cookup, and maybe checking out some Whole30 weekly meal plans.

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Hi! My start date is the same as yours :) this is my whole30 number 3 and Shannon is right you definitely shouldn't be hungry. In fact your results will suffer if you don't eat enough. I am trying to be more organised this time and have more quick options on hand.

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I started on April 10, also. Ill mornings and Kage, I hope your first day went well. It's great to have this forum to check in and see all the others going through similar experiences. This is my first time and I've read all of the information on the Whole30 website and about half of the ok, It Starts With Food. I've been shifting my diet to this approach over the last few years, but inconsistently. Now is the time for the next 30 days to do this for real. My daughter's wedding is on May 9, so I have a really good reason and motivation to do this now. But, the site cautioned not to try it with lots of social challenges and boy does that describe the next month. Tomorrow I fly to AZ for a two day conference, them home for two days and flying again to TX to board a cruise ship until April 26. I actually think cruise ships are easy places to eat right because of the buffets. I've done that before and focus on vegetables and protein and hitting the gym every morning. So, I'm wishing you all great success and me, too. My greatest challenge is giving up wine!

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