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Starting May 1st!


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Hi everyone!


I found out about Whole 30 earlier this year and I have been interested in it ever since.  I decided that I would complete the Whole 30 after my first half marathon, which was yesterday!!  So, I've set the date (May 1st!)  I'm currently in the middle of reading the book and also bought the new 30 day Guide that just came out.  


I was looking through the website and saw an option that you could get a daily e-mail for the 30 days, and it cost 15 dollars.  Has anyone done this?  Is it worth it?


Thanks for your help and support!



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I was looking through the website and saw an option that you could get a daily e-mail for the 30 days, and it cost 15 dollars.  Has anyone done this?  Is it worth it?



Some testimonials:




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I love the emails! You pay for it once...and then you can re-use it everytime (anytime) you want to do a Whole30. I read it in the morning and it helps me keep a W30 mindset all day. I think something different resonates with me everytime I read them. Thats my 2 cents :-) I love it! ♥

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