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My 2nd Whole 30


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I completed the program last fall and felt so great in so many ways...sleeping well .fewer aches and pains and clarity of thought.Most of those symptoms I had attributed to menopause as I was 55 at the time.I remember my last day and my husband had asked for a birthday cake .I made one from scratch and had the tiniest piece. In the morning my eyes flew open and my first thought was"there's cake downstairs"..freaking sugar is like heroin .I've been steadily sliding back into sugar and all the junk food.I find that dairy doesn't bother but wheat and sweets are awful for me ...so I restarted 2 days ago ..I'm battling tremendous cravings but will persevere.

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my husband had asked for a birthday cake .I made one from scratch and had the tiniest piece. In the morning my eyes flew open and my first thought was"there's cake downstairs"..freaking sugar is like heroin .

This is me, to a tee if there is sugar in the house!  Last thing I think about when I go to bed and first thing I remember in the morning.  

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.I find that dairy doesn't bother but wheat and sweets are awful for me ...so I restarted 2 days ago ..I'm battling tremendous cravings but will persevere.


Amazing to read all that you learned from your first Whole30 & your re-intro. Really educational for a first-timer like me. We've got a pretty chatty thread going over in the Started April 27 version started by Amz. Come on over for support & chatter!

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