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May 4th Start

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Hello my Whole30 friends!


I am starting this journey on May 4th. Was going to try to start May 1st but realized i need a little more time for prep and shopping! Feel free to comment and share your struggles and strides! I will be doing both as well! 

Good luck to all!!


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Hi Jessica!


I was also planning a May 1 start, but thought I should give myself a weekend to food/kitchen/life prep. I'm getting really excited, and, truthfully, a little nervous. Good luck to you and everyone else starting tomorrow!

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I am starting today too... I did my first adventure into the whole 30 last summer but had support of others around me taking part.  I loved how I felt and have slipped back into my old habits.  Now I am flying solo with this one so thought I would try to be accountable here... I just hope to stay on track for the next few days (which are the hardest!)  

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Starting today because family came to visit this past weekend and I really wanted one last bad-food-weekend. I spent the past few days planning meals for this week, grocery shopping, and cooking ahead as much as I could. I guess I'm as ready as I'll ever be!

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I'm starting today also! I'm meal planned for the week and trying to set myself up for success as much as possible. This week is going to be tough with cravings and temptations though - it is Teacher Appreciation Week (I'm a teacher), and parents are bringing in goodies all week long! {Must. Stay. Strong!}  :)



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I'm also starting today! I have constant temptation at work with treats, cookie dough in the freezer at all times, or like today - people bringing in bagels. I might've indulged if it wasn't for Whole30, but I am making a commitment to myself so I can improve my relationship with food.


I've planned food for the first half of the week, went shopping (ouch, that added up $$$) and prepped food for lunches, and part of dinner tonight.


Let's do this! May the fourth be with us  :P

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I'm starting my second whole "20" tomorrow. I was going to start today, but after a crazy busy/exhausting weekend, no time for grocery shopping or meal prepping, and birthday treats at work today...it was a no go. I did a whole 30 for the first time in march and have never in my life felt so good. April I somehow just fell apart. I had planned on sticking to paleo/whole 9, but life happened and I went with the flow instead of sticking to my gut. I'm doing another whole 30 in October with the same group I was with in March, so I thought a 15 day "reset" could help me get back on track without burning out on it (eating ice cream and cake on day 31). Sugar is my absolute weakness and it always comes back to haunt me when I finish any challenge like this. I'm hoping that this month will help me get a better handle on my sugar addiction. Any advice/suggestions would be more than welcome! I'm ready to feel that tiger blood again :)

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I'm starting today!  This is my second go around.  My first whole30 ended up lasting 75 days.  My goal this time is to be really strict with my fruit servings.  (two per day max)  3-4 dates in the morning before my run and maybe and apple or banana later in the day if need be.  Not sure if my body ever completely switched into fat burning mode last time.   Still searching for the Tiger Blood.

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I'm starting today!  This is my second go around.  My first whole30 ended up lasting 75 days.  My goal this time is to be really strict with my fruit servings.  (two per day max)  3-4 dates in the morning before my run and maybe and apple or banana later in the day if need be.  Not sure if my body ever completely switched into fat burning mode last time.   Still searching for the Tiger Blood.

You might consider leaving off the dried fruits and using protein and fat for your pre-run and protein and starchy veggie for post run.  Tiger Blood is elusive for some and it can be easily scared off by the volatile energy that eating fruits on their own can bring.  ;)

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You might consider leaving off the dried fruits and using protein and fat for your pre-run and protein and starchy veggie for post run.  Tiger Blood is elusive for some and it can be easily scared off by the volatile energy that eating fruits on their own can bring.   ;)

Yeah, I will give it a shot.  So....like a couple eggs cooked in coconut oil for breakfast pre-run and eggs/sweet potato after?  Should I avoid fruits completely for 30 days?  I'm stubborn as a mule so I can do it.. :lol:

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Hi everyone, 

I started today too. This is my second Whole 30, I'm dealing with some serious inflammation in my foot from unknown causes so I'm hoping cleaning up my eating and giving up things like dairy and legumes will help it calm down. I'm tired of being in a walking cast and I am ready to get back to life. 

I found this time around I needed less planning and shopping, some of the good habits stuck so I had lots of protein on hand. The biggest issue is getting rid of those not so good foods that somehow managed to sneak back into my cupboard! 

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Started my first time today. I was gonna start last week but then I put it off for a birthday party Sunday. And then I was gonna put it off until after finals but decided not to because there is always "I will start tomorrow." Honestly, I can't name a single symptom from "It Starts with Food" that I don't have, other than diabiates or hypertension.  So I finished the book, debated the craziness of it and committed to 30 days. TI am already craving sugar/carbs and its only been 5 hours since my last meal. Time to suck it up, drink some water and go to bed.

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Hello all.. today I started Whole 30.. did really well except for 2 pieces of Trident gum at work . Working in a call center day shift that is high stress I kinda feel like this will be the one thing that keeps me sane and not snacking inbetween meals. I know its not whole 30 compliant but I don't think gum got me at 225 lbs for a 5"7 woman!! ;)

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Hello all.. today I started Whole 30.. did really well except for 2 pieces of Trident gum at work . Working in a call center day shift that is high stress I kinda feel like this will be the one thing that keeps me sane and not snacking inbetween meals. I know its not whole 30 compliant but I don't think gum got me at 225 lbs for a 5"7 woman!! ;)

A bit of tough love: if you're chewing gum, you're not doing a Whole30. Realize this is about changing your relationship with food. Reconsider whether you can do without gum, and fully commit 100% to the program for 30 consecutive days.

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Gum is not a food. I don't ingest the gum. I guess I'm just confused to how this will effect my relationship with food besides for the better?

Gum has sugar or sweeteners, neither of which are allowed on a Whole30. Gum's ingredients enter your body through the saliva that you swallow while chewing. Chewing gum also fakes out your digestive system.

You said you were chewing gum to deal with stress and not snack. A Whole30 is a perfect opportunity to find non-food ways to respond to stress, and build nutrient-dense meals that put you into proper hormonal balance to reduce/eliminate snacking.

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Yeah, I will give it a shot.  So....like a couple eggs cooked in coconut oil for breakfast pre-run and eggs/sweet potato after?  Should I avoid fruits completely for 30 days?  I'm stubborn as a mule so I can do it.. :lol:

Your pre workout would be fine but the fat in an egg yolk inhibits the nutrients that your body needs to absorb post workout. Chicken breast and sweet potato or canned tuna or even just the egg whites with the sweet potato would work. Feel free to check out the Athletes section of the forum for further ideas.

About the fruit. My personal experience with a high octane sugar dragon was that I eliminated fruit, bumped my starchy veggie to every day (and more during period pre week and period week) and the dragon mostly died. If you do wish to have fruit, include it in a main meal, never alone,. Whole30 recommendation is 1-2 pieces per day but those are completely optional. You can decide how fruit fits or doesn't fit your context. ;)

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I think I am starting to feel FULL at breakfast. Did two egg omelet with spinach and mushroom (my favorite minus the cheese) and tried a new veggie this morning with tomatoes but couldn't stand the idea of putting it in with my perfect omelet so used my left over spinach and made a tiny salad with diced tomatoes, spinach, a little bit of lemon juice, italain seasoning and just a dash of EVOO since I used my fat portion to coat the pan for the eggs. I don't feel guilty about it cause I liked it, its not quite the salsa taste I am used to but I am sure I can find a compliant salsa recipe for next week. And I couldn't finish it so I am leaving that little peice omelet and two bites of salad for post-wo snack. Atleast I hope what I am feeling is full.

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I also started on May 4th and day 1 wasn't too bad as I am primarily Paleo.  Hubby doesn't know I've started as his last response to me was to let him know when I plan to start as he is going to ask his boss to send him to a remote site for a week or so.......seems he doesn't think I can quit coffee or alcohol.  Coffee I like with milk, maybe I'll try some black or maybe I'll just stick with tea.  Since I have a autoimmune disease I've decided that anything that can help keep it under control is good.....especially since the doctor told me that diabetes is likely considering the rest of the problems......and no I don't know what it is, probably something genetic he thinks :P 


Anyway good luck all May 4th ers



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I started Day 1 yesterday too. I mainly eat Paleo but threw it out the window the past month with traveling and being lazy. :)  Back at it!  

I have started and quit before but I am committed to following it through!   Refocused, have announced it and am supported with the hubs joining in.  woohoo!

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I think I am starting to feel FULL at breakfast. Did two egg omelet with spinach and mushroom (my favorite minus the cheese) and tried a new veggie this morning with tomatoes but couldn't stand the idea of putting it in with my perfect omelet so used my left over spinach and made a tiny salad with diced tomatoes, spinach, a little bit of lemon juice, italain seasoning and just a dash of EVOO since I used my fat portion to coat the pan for the eggs. I don't feel guilty about it cause I liked it, its not quite the salsa taste I am used to but I am sure I can find a compliant salsa recipe for next week. And I couldn't finish it so I am leaving that little peice omelet and two bites of salad for post-wo snack. Atleast I hope what I am feeling is full.

Hi Miss Heather, your breakfast sounds yum!  It is probably on the small side with regard to the number of eggs though, especially since you didn't finish it. A full serving of protein when you are using just eggs is as many as you can hold in your hand without dropping, for most women that's at least 3-4.  The "full" feeling you are having is no doubt authentic as your body gets used to eating protein and veggies for breakfast, but as you go on try to increase your breakfast until you are eating a full template meal within an hour of waking.  (Note, the fat that is used for cooking is rarely counted as your fat serving unless you are scraping it out onto your food.  Usually most of the cooking fat is left behind so feel free to add a bit more)

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I did not know that about the fat. These are some big eggs and I have small hands lol I have always had problems finishing my whole breakfast on other plans when it includes egg even if its just the whites. But I love eggs so easy to do just got get to where I am hungry in the morning. 

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