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May 10 - Starting with wife and kids


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My wife came to me on the 28th of last month and said, "I have a friend doing this Whole30 thing and would like to do this with you as well. We start May 1st.”

So I instantly start to dive into research starting with Whole30.com and read the plan. I immediately realize that if this isn’t prepared for and planned out, we will be facing some tall odds against success.  I informed my wife that there is no way that we could start this two days from now, we need more prep time (mostly for shopping wholesome, and cleaning the junk out of the house).  We picked May 10th as our go date.


Last night we decided our meal plan for week 1 and went and shopped for all of the things we didn’t have (Coconut Aminos last week was a, “what the heck is that?”), and to stock up on more meats and veggies.

I think we feel pretty good about it, but my six year old daughter is a little skeptical – especially as we try to explain why these (insert processed food here) are not going to be in the house anymore.

The 7 mo. old is already a fan, as there will be more fresh squash and sweet potatoes in the house – and those are her absolute favorites.


So anyway, this is us committing and putting it out there to the world – hear us roar (and wish us luck, we are crap food addicts of the worst degree).

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Ted - it looks like all of your ducks are in a row and you're on the right track.  Here's some additional advice from Melissa and Dallas.


For someone who is completely new to the Whole30, what advice can you give them? What do you think is most important for them to focus on?


"There’s a saying attributed to Abraham Lincoln: “Give me six hours to chop down a tree, and I will spend the first four sharpening the axe.” When it comes to the Whole30, planning and preparation are key. It’s why we focused half the content in our new book to helping people physically, mentally and emotionally prepare for the program. Spend the extra time reading our advice and getting your house in order, and take advantage of the dozens of free Whole30 resources we have on Whole30.com and your Whole30 will be 72 percent easier and more fun. (It’s science.)"

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And I'll hook up to this train to add: Pre cook!!


I'm on my first W30, today is my Day 11. If there's one thing I've learned, it's to batch cook early and often. It makes creating lunches and dinners much more easy. If you have a crockpot or have the oven going, put in some meat and veg, WAY more than you think you might want. Whew! You will be happy for it later!


Today I've got a big crockpot full of stew beef cooking, and later I'll roast a huge tray of yams and onions. I've found I just can't keep enough meat and starchy veg around. The greens are easier! :-)


Yay for you three and your upcoming W30 - you've already got the first piece of great advice down: Plan!


All the best!


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We are definitely fans of pre-cooking a few meals on Sunday. We just don’t get time on some weeknights to cook wholesome, and if we don’t plan ahead, it ends up being chicken nuggets or fast food – and we have long since lost any love of fast food.
On nights we can cook, we often cook enough for lunch left overs; although I’m a bigger fan of the leftovers than the ladies in the house.

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We are definitely fans of pre-cooking a few meals on Sunday. We just don’t get time on some weeknights to cook wholesome, and if we don’t plan ahead, it ends up being chicken nuggets or fast food – and we have long since lost any love of fast food.

On nights we can cook, we often cook enough for lunch left overs; although I’m a bigger fan of the leftovers than the ladies in the house.


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